the win 10 is encrypted, this script for non-encrypted ESD use the script explaned here:
I've updated my own batch files to include pattern-matching in the wimfile name, such as grabbing only 64-bit copies from a WIM or ESD, for my experiments adding 8.1, 7, and Vista in one big ESD, but sized for <32GB flash drives. Here's wimtoesd.bat: Code: @echo off :: Safely extracts and converts a WIM to a ESD :: By Gen 11-2-2014 :: :: Usage 1: wimtoesd.bat "path/to/file/file.wim" :: Extracts all indexes from file.wim to install.esd. :: :: Usage 2: wimtoesd.bat "path/to/file/file.wim" "Pattern" :: Extracts all indexes from file.wim to install.esd, only including names :: matching Pattern (simple word). :: :: Usage 2: wimtoesd.bat "path/to/file/file.wim" Start Stop :: Extracts indexes numbering from Start to Stop from file.wim to install.esd. :: :: Usage 3: wimtoesd.bat "path/to/file/file.wim" Start Stop "Pattern" :: Extracts indexes numbering from Start to Stop from file.wim to install.esd, :: only including names matching Pattern (simple word). :: SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion set _tempdir=F:\TEMP set _mountdir=%_tempdir%\mount set _scratchdir=%_tempdir%\dism set _name= set _desc= set rnum=%RANDOM% set _start=1 set _stop=99 IF "%~1"=="" ( echo Usage: file [start-index] [stop-index] [pattern] GOTO :quit ) IF NOT EXIST "%~f1" ( echo ** ERROR: [%~f1] does not exist GOTO :quit ) echo Working from [%~f1]... :startloop IF NOT [%3]==[] ( set _start=%2 set _stop=%3 ) echo Saving log to [%_tempdir%\errors_!rnum!.txt] echo Starting at index [!_start!] and stopping at or before [!_stop!] IF NOT [!_pattern!]==[] echo Using pattern [!_pattern!] FOR /L %%I in (!_start!,1,!_stop!) DO ( echo ** Processing index [%%I]... call :getinfo "%~1" %%I IF [!_name!]==[] GOTO :done IF NOT "!_desc!"=="SKIPME_!rnum!" call :extracttoesd "%~1" %%I ) ) GOTO :done :errorlog echo ** %~1 echo %~1 >> "%_tempdir%\%~n0_errors.!rnum!.txt" GOTO :eof :getinfo set _name= set _desc= dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:"%~f1" /index:%2 > "%_tempdir%\%~n0_!rnum!.txt" FOR /f "tokens=2* delims=:" %%G in ('findstr /C:"Name" "%_tempdir%\%~n0_!rnum!.txt"') DO ( set _name=%%G ) IF NOT [!_name!]==[] ( set _name=!_name:~1! IF [!_name!]==[!_name:%_pattern%=!] set _desc=SKIPME_!rnum! ) ELSE ( call :errorlog "WARNING: Problem with getting name from index [%2] of [%~f1]" ) IF [!_desc!]==[] ( FOR /f "tokens=2* delims=:" %%G in ('findstr /C:"Description" "%_tempdir%\%~n0_!rnum!.txt"') DO ( set _desc=%%G ) IF NOT [!_desc!]==[] ( set _desc=!_desc:~1! ) ELSE ( call :errorlog "WARNING: Problem with getting description from index [%2] of [%~f1]" ) ) GOTO :eof :extracttoesd mkdir "%_mountdir%" echo ** Extracting index [%2] [!_name!] of [%~f1]... echo Y | del "%_tempdir%\temp_!rnum!.wim" >Nul 2>&1 dism /get-wiminfo /wimfile:"%~f1" /index:%2 >Nul && dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:"%~f1" /sourceindex:%2 /destinationimagefile:"%_tempdir%\temp_!rnum!.wim" /checkintegrity /compress:none IF EXIST "%_tempdir%\temp_!rnum!.wim" ( dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:"%_tempdir%\temp_!rnum!.wim" /sourceindex:1 /destinationimagefile:"%_tempdir%\install.esd" /checkintegrity /compress:recovery echo Y | del "%_tempdir%\temp_!rnum!.wim" >Nul ) ELSE ( call :errorlog "ERROR: [%_tempdir%\temp_!rnum!.wim] doesn't seem to exist, aborting" call :errorlog "ERROR: Aborted on index [%2] of [%~f1]" GOTO :cleanup ) GOTO :eof :done echo ** Task on [%~f1] complete. echo ** Log saved to [%_tempdir%\errors_!rnum!.txt]. :cleanup echo Y | del "%_tempdir%\%~n0_!rnum!.txt" >Nul 2>&1 echo Y | del "%_tempdir%\temp_!rnum!.wim" >Nul 2>&1 :quit I also have esdtowim.bat and wimtowim.bat, but looking at the code now I really need to merge them all by just looking at the source extension (.wim or .esd) and adding an optional additional argument of a path to destination file (a WIM or ESD). As always, my code is public domain.
when i run the esd decryptor it jitters and distorts the screen. This happens even with my antivirus off, all the files being unlocked and nothing else checked on in file attributes. It also displays a msg saying " 'choise' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or bath file. Any fixes to this?
Your system is Windows XP? choice.exe is not included with it download this, and put the file next to the script decrypt.cmd Code:
os: win7 ultimate sp1 should i have installed a runtime package of some sort?? doing stuff as told i promise. Edit: the same result in 4f.7 and in 3.7. however now when i add choice.exe the script is less distorted and it randomly shows another msg. and i quote CHOICE: invalid choice switch syntax syntax. Expected form: /C[:]choices
Well, in that case, something is not right in your system choice.exe is part of Win7 and i tested the package successfully on win7, both x86 & x64 anyway, which one of these options you want to use? Code: 1 - Create Full ISO with Standard install.wim 2 - Create Full ISO with Compressed install.esd i could make you a slimmed decrypt.cmd without choices
turns out system32 was not part of my path variable!!! *facepalming with two hands* This is what i get for using a borrowed laptop. Thanks for all the effort abbodi1406
With that error i would check my system files integrity first. In admin command prompt: Code: sfc /scannow (In case of errors are reported reboot the system, in order to repair them.) Scan/Restore Windows Component Store (In admin command prompt): Code: dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
I tried on my laptop now and everything was fine. I will check my desktop for those errors. Thanks for everything, Cheers
ESD <> WIM Conversion Script Added the wimlib-based version, and updated the dism-based Test note: ESD -> WIM: wimlib-imagex is slightly faster or similar to dism, install.wim size is also slightly smaller or similar WIM -> ESD: wimlib-imagex is alot faster than dism, but install.esd created by dism is smaller i.e. in my test the size difference is about 65 MB, but dism took almost double the time (90 minutes) comparing to wimlib (50 minutes)