Well, Just noticed something: Was trying to export a single index install.wim to install.esd. It worked as always, but it shows incorrect file sizes? A bit funny though. Running on Windows 10 1903. Edit: After updating wimlib to the latest 1.13.1, it now shows the correct file size when exporting WIMs.
@abbodi1406 suddenly im getting this warning Code: [WARNING] Couldn't create parallel chunk compressor: Ran out of memory. Falling back to single-threaded compression. Although i still have 10g ram unused ? Any thoughts
@abbodi1406 you can update ESD2WIM 8 and UUP -CONVERTER 107 with the libwim-15.dll v1.14.4 , 32 and 64 bits from 24-02-24 instead of 19-04-21 for ESD2WIM and 28-04-23 for UUP -Converter 107 Edit: Attached Files: ESD2WIM-WIM2ESD-8-update (not for XP)