where? Hi guys.. I dont see 4.1 Update 3 for download, do you have a link? The VMWare site only shows up to 4.1 Update1.. View attachment 10797 Thanks! EDIT: Never mind, I see its a patch not an iso for that: h**p://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2000612 Release Date: July 28, 2011 Download Filename ESX410-201107001.zip Build 433742 Download Size: 307.3 MB
vSphere 5 Just a quick heads-up, v1.1.4 of tool doesn't work with vSphere 5 in remote mode. There's predictably a new bios in there with an MD5 of BECB9A85AFCE3ADD9729B1153B057015 The old method still works, they just no longer use folders named Hypervisor(x) to store the compressed images and they've renamed s.vgz to s.v00. If you're desperate to get modding before I release a new build you can perform the steps manually using SSH and then SCP the vmx file to be modded locally. I'll try to find time to knock up a new version soon. Shame v5 wasn't released before the weekend..
Thank you pix for your time and effort, its very much appreciated... I am still waiting to get my hands on the new version.. I was hoping they would release it this past 22nd... bummer!
any step by step how to do this manually? I know scp and I do know some retarring of files, just want to avoid screwing up my server
Me too!! impatiently waiting for the tool!! , I had the steps to do it manually but I cant find it any more.. EDIT: For those that want to try it manually for now I found the step-by-step on line if someone is interested, these steps are for "Esxi 4.1.0" but it should work just the same... I'll try it tonight, just remember as pix said the new file is s.v00; h**p://neowongch.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/esxi-4-1-0-slic-bios-modify/ On my test install I found 2 files with the same name: # find / -name s.v00 -print /tardisks/s.v00 /vmfs/volumes/7558987d-6817d853-9e84-985a3f5423ed/s.v00 so I am guessing the one that we use for this task would be the one executable and smaller size (?)... is it? # ls -al /tardisks/s.v00 -r--r--r-- 1 root root 368281354 Sep 6 14:29 /tardisks/s.v00 the other file: # ls -al /vmfs/volumes/7558987d-6817d853-9e84-985a3f5423ed/s.v00 -rwx------ 1 root root 123116751 Sep 5 23:25 /vmfs/volumes/7558987d-6817d853-9e84-985a3f5423ed/s.v00 cheers!
Hi all, Here is a modified s.v00 as well as a separate modified bios44.rom file for ESXi 5.0.0-469512. It is SLIC'd with HP PROLIANT SERVER 2.1 SLIC I have tested it and confirmed working with Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise running on ESXi 5.0.0-469512. You can replace the s.v00 file on your ESXi box with the one I have included. Note the s.v00 file you replace is not the one in the /tardisks folder. You can drop it in the "/bootbank" folder (which as kindly pointed out by alex and as I found out myself is just a symbolic link to the correct folder) OR You can use the ROM file by modifying your virtual machines .vmx file and add the "bios440.filename='your modified bios filename and path'" line to it. You can download the complete archive file below. h**p://rapidshare.com/files/2754461613/469512.7z archive pwd is 'helping-hand' Credits for the info link provided by alien2xx and the article below h**p://neowongch.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/esxi-4-1-0-slic-bios-modify/ and to pix for the original tool and further info in the thread and to alex sikorsky for showing that it was still possible to mod ESXi 5 All I have done is combine the info to make this. Hope this helps the community and thank you all for making this a cool place to be. Cheers!
Haven't used 'quotes' but tried to open with WinRar 3.8 which still says the password wrong. But Sebus can't be wrong. Downloaded the latest 7z and I grabbed the helping hand Thanks Sebus.
ESXi 5 please! Could someone please update this awesome wicked cool tool to at least extract bios440.rom from ESXi 5 GA/Final/FCS please? Thanks