Exchange Server 2010 after 119 days evaluation period Can anybody already confirm what will happen exactly after the 119 days evaluation period? I just run ES2007 @home to play with and like to move to WS2008R2 and ES2010. If no loss of functionality and only getting the end of evaluation message when opening the exchange console, it is no problem for me. But will the security and spam updates still work? This might be hard to test at this moment! Thanks.
According to the developers there's no loss in functionality after these days. BUT, you can use the keys zwtiso released yesterdays - dunno if I can post them here..
could u include me in pm of keys realy wanna play with exchange server as i ve been messing about with server 2008 r2 on my spare pc
the links are not working again.... can anyone please send me new ones? Can I also have the key please? Thanks
if you want a key pm the person that said they are giving them out. Do not post in this thread. I don't want to close it, but if it is going to be nothing but "Can I have a key?" Posts I will have to
There is enough info in this thread to find the two keys on the internet somewhere. So there is no reason to post them here.
Is there anyone to have some Exchange 2010 tutorial? It's mean howto configure workflow and environment? I have tried but it won't work Please, can someone help me?
Hi kingwilliam, thx for the keys, but I have a question. If you posted those keys in here, we may have the risk that microsoft will blacklist them