I just thought about something. Why won't you add an "Open" button to the second image apologized attached? (see above my post) Would be nice to open it directly from the notification, without actually going to the file's location. Also, can you numerate the file names, instead of adding random chars? (weiscore.txt, weiscore_2.txt, weiscore_3.txt etc).
Yep, it's not voluntarily a non-DX9 system. There are simply no Vista+ drivers for the graphics card. I do not have a replacement as it's AGP. While the non-DX9 issue prevents WinSAT from running all video tests (and gives 1.0 as result), don't forget there are still the other components (CPU, MEM, DISK) being assessed. Just let run Xiret as normal, WinSAT will skip the tests unsupported.
Hello buddy, I've solved the issue. It was an XML parsing error which I caught in the debugger. My server firewall is blocking all connections right now, once this is fixed I'll upload a test version
I have sent you an updated version. Let me know how it goes. I can read your scores fine here Regards, QB.
Finally! Shows and runs assessment correctly. I'll keep an eye on its behavior when scores accumulate. For sh*ts and giggles, PNG attached. Btw., should the Growl-type notifications really skyrocket to the top of the screen or are they supposed to stop somewhere? They don't, for me. A small question: With multiple scores (current and from the past), wouldn't it even be possible to display older sets? So one could see if the disk score decreased since last assessment, indicating potential disk-related problems? Just a thought...
Thanks, must have escaped me. Think about it like this: If two have the same feature idea it might actually be a good one.
Lmao, in the midst of a bug fix for you, I'm making changes to the notification system and there are only test integers in there, so it will run away Don't worry about it. Glad it is working now and thannks for helping me solve it with your score files. Regarding the multiple score files being read I'll say one thing... Version 2 Regards, The Dev.
No dude, while it's still supported I've had no time for community projects. I'm currently looking for someone to take over, this is a major possibility. It's just finding someone trustworthy. Currently I'm only working on two projects, this application I lost track of somewhat and only caught up a few days ago.
At this time, it's just the Vista issue (doesn't work at all for me, on that OS) and the toast notification on steroids, lol. With those fixed, it will be usable until its further fate has been determined. Still using the beta version, which isn't public.
I'm finally caught up, thanks for adding this dude as that's the last thing, toast notifications running away I'll be using the JIT debugger to see what Vista is crying about over the weekend, I think it's an issue with the OS not releasing a cetain file. Keep an eye here, I'll also send out a test version to those who want, when ready. Also thanks to everyone over various communities for over 25000 downloads now.
Maybe a hint: Xiret didn't work on upgraded-from-Vista Win7 OS as well. I checked the WinSAT logs/XMLs and obviously Vista used a different format. Once I cleared that (Repair in Xiret and reboot) it started working on Win7! Maybe a possible little improvement: Request elevated rights only once needed. So you could quick-check the stats without having to confirm UAC first. Other than that, I didn't have any old system complaining anymore (except Vista, lol).