Okay from now there will be no more preliminary changelogs. However, I've altered the shortcut keys so don't get used to them. I didn't like the way they were setup as 'Shift' is more a multiplier key. More updates to follow.
Well, what do you think? I already disabled avast!, shut down all its services, etc. It didn't make any difference. In the topic linked, users reported that only completely uninstalling avast! did restore the feature, something I won't do as it brings a lot of inconveniences getting it back to the desired state after reinstall. I think it's a kernel driver issue.
Indexing. Try this... 1. Show hidden files and folders 2. Go to 'Indexing Options' 3. Click Modify > Navigate C:\ProgramData\ and check 'Microsoft' under Indexed Locations then click OK 4. Click 'Advanced' then under troubleshooting click 'Rebuild' and wait for it to finish. 5. Restart W7 and try WinSAT again. I'm convinced its DeviceIoControl having an issue accessing filter drivers. I appreciate you fart arsing about dude, you really don't have to go through all the trouble.
Yes, forgot to mention that I did do that, before. Just repeated it, again, doesn't make any difference. Since only the diskformal fails, would it be possible to at least show the other tests' subscores (you can execute the tests separately and I have done that, the XML files are populated)?
One last thing to try would be... Open Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings Click the 'Advanced Tab' Click the 'Environment Variables' button at the bottom Replace TEMP and TMP %USERPROFILE% with a hard link, e.g. D:\User\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp
I guess it can be confirmed as 'random' then. It's a shame WinSAT is so quiet when it comes to certain errors. What's the point of logging if it contains no real error. Chocolate teapot, anyone?
OK, ladies and gents, results are in. - Winsat.exe diskformal works normally in Windows 7. - Installing avast! and rebooting causes it to fail consistently. - Uninstalling avast! and rebooting instantly restores operation. So, it is indeed avast! preventing proper operation.
Okay, now with this information I'll look into what Avast is doing to cause the issue. Thanks Carlos.
It installs lots of (filter) drivers, probably for its Rootkit monitoring. Maybe what WinSAT does conflicts with a situation avast! deems to be an attack vector. WinSAT failing is probably just collateral damage.
Can you add winsat.exe to Avasts' whitelist? Also, an option would be to send the exe to Avast and ask them why it fails. Of course, you could point them to the source code. Just some thoughts.
Nope, it's some low-level stuff. Even disabling avast completely and shutting down the service + all processes does not improve the situation. Actually, the WinSAT component/API fails, nothing to do with the caller (Xiret or WinSAT directly). Windows APIs are black boxes, nothing to see, here.
THS only has the x64 Hotfix, it seems, couldn't locate the x86 one. MS has discontinued Hotfixes and *chuckle* suggests to upgrade to Windows 10. MS, you hear me? Won't happen.