I've spotted a bug on Windows 8. The printscreen manager doesn't capture images correctly. Will be fixed in the next release.
Update v1.1.5 released, download it here. - Superseded. This release fixes an issue where a printscreen of the app could be captured incorrectly with DPI scaling over 100%. Changes: Version 1.1.5 1. Fixed prinscreen bounds issue with scaling over 100% 2. Spelling and grammar corrections For information, please see the original post.
Let's hype/celebrate DEV a little bit, I mean JESUS ... look at the update count already, that massive support! Wish MDL had a donate button, I would give you minimum a coffee or so .... Keep up your good work buddy, hope if you see my post, that you're a bit motivated now.
bjorn - If you want to translate I can pass you the English strings. ItielMaN - Thanks for testing. I did work hard on it before release. Also been on top of the bugs everyone has encountered quickly. Xiret - (X) Experience, (i) Index, (ret) Returns. Just a simple naming scheme.
Read troubleshooting in the OP. Also you can send me your WinSAT log: %windar%/Performance/WinSAT/winsat.log so I can see if it's your PC or my application. Sometimes WinSAT exits for no reason.
Information: Application submitted to Softpedia and another version is on the way, this will bring UI changes for the screenshot manager among other things.
Looking at your log it seems WinSAT unexpectedly exited as there is no exit code. Recommended action is:- 1. Exit Xiret 2. Make SURE you have downloaded the latest version of Xiret - Current version is 1.2.6 3. Delete all XML files from "C:/Windows/Performance/WinSAT/Datastore" (these are your scores) 4. Open Xiret and run an assessment
Problem found...... is from intel hd graphics driver... Faulting application name: winsat.exe, version: 10.0.14279.1000, time stamp: 0x56d50f2a Faulting module name: igdumd64.dll_unloaded, version:, time stamp: 0x55653fb3 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0000000000001930 Faulting process id: 0x6b0 Faulting application start time: 0x01d19670844a4d61 Faulting application path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\winsat.exe Faulting module path: igdumd64.dll Report Id: c060cb15-bd62-43c4-9135-c4d6b5246dc6 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:
Thanks for your info. I knew WinSAT was randomly crashing. I'll work up a fix for everyone upon spontaneous exit. Just a note to everyone, I'm now off on holiday until Monday, take care.