Here's the contents of winsat.log from one of the systems. Isn't that a wealth of information? Code: 2268765 (3504) - winsat\main.cpp:2295: --- START 2016\5\15 20:32:04 --- 2268843 (3504) - winsat\main.cpp:2567: > IsFormal=TRUE IsMoobe=FALSE. 2268890 (3504) - winsat\main.cpp:1974: > DWM Running. Running winsat.exe formal -v does work without issues.
I seem to have fixed the issue with a change in command lines given to WinSAT. New test version coming this weekend for testers.
Me and two others are working on something that will take around 12-14 months (expected), I'm also still waiting on Rising to stop being ass clowns and fix the false positive.
I seem to have fixed the WinSAT not running issue with more strict commands. I've applied these changes and I'm now finishing the update system, this will be completed tomorrow.
I've seen some debate between the removal of the system, but MDL is very fast now. I am a little disappointed though at the fact it feels like my reputation has been erased.
When it arrives, I'll feed it to the machines that failed previously and then report back. The rep./karma system that was in place before the Thanks system showed up, maybe it could be revived...
Sid, I tried to message you but PM is turned off. I have passed a new version to testers, if you would like to try it out please let me know how I can send the link and password. Thanks.
Everything seems to be working okay, no bugs found. Just a minor issue- in question #4 in the Troubleshooting Word Document, a question mark is missing at the end of the sentence. Also, capitalize the "troubleshooting" file name. Thanks!
Thanks for letting me know, that's good as two others with the 'WinSAT not running' issue have replied stating the issue is resolved. Don't worry about the troubleshooting guide, a new revision is included with v1.3.1 - I wrote some additional information in the prelim' changelog for you regarding how the issues were addressed. I'm just waiting for one more person to reply then I can release.
Still working on the updater, it's not playing ball. ItielMaN, if I send you a test version could you let me know what you think needs changing? I can enable the update system for you.
Okay, I've sent you a PM. I'm ready on my end to release the update if you find no issues. I worked to resolve the updater issues last night.