Findings about Windows 10 Releases

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by nexus76, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. dippyweb

    dippyweb MDL Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    I've just Leaved insider program, and deleted Feedback app ;) that's all :) I don't wanna MS read my etc. :mad:
  2. KNARZ

    KNARZ MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2012
    #442 KNARZ, Oct 6, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
    Ah okay... you start setup with unattend parameter... this works in a small envirionment. But what I want is something for enterprise also as for consumers.
    BTW. you can use x86 boot.wim to deploy amd64 images. you just need to fill up the x86 WinPE Stage in the amd64 unattend. You can delete the amd64 wim and setup.exe.
    Yes thoose variables thing really sucks in WPE. MSFT really should fix that. Not really possible to declare systemvariables and unattend xmls are kind of statitc. All we do is creating workarounds for that.

    You have a script that changes paths on the fly or you still need one?
    There are some workarounds but I don't like them. - Like generation the XML on the fly with batch.
    Replacing some placeholders on the fly is okay... but tools like sed.exe or something need a bunch of other files (doesn't look good). Batch-replace-scripts don't work flawlessly.
  3. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I couldn't have said it better. That's what people agree to in the Microsoft term before doing the setup of Windows 10 Technical Preview.
  4. W2K8

    W2K8 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    MS want to store all scans, photos, mails and so on in onedrive. this is hard coded in the OS!!!!

    That has nothing to do with debugging. this is hard core SPY. f**k the NSA...

    HALIKUS MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2009
  6. KNARZ

    KNARZ MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2012
    Hm... never thought about switching setup.exe while boot. :thinking:
    I understand your're way.... of course customized startnet / winpesh and so on... same business here.
    Afaik the only by default working variable in unattend files is configsetroot

    The GUI is an absolutly No-Go, but this is my problem...
    I would like to take a look in the script...
    May I could use some parts of it... I would than make more some kind of pre-configured partial txt file with one Project-MasterXML file. Not as much flexible as the GUI but this is not required.

    I always have problems with VMware and EFI (my deployment envirionment is a physical disk) is amd64 boot-envirionment really necessary for EFI as there is bootia32.efi since win8? just asking, never tested.
  7. Goldenheaven

    Goldenheaven MDL Novice

    Oct 2, 2014
    Im sorry to report that you sir have lost all your credibility, further more we (imaginary representatives of Microsoft) are going to send a black van to kidnap you take all your Money (as compensation for possible pirated material found at your harddrive) and leave you on the street peniless all because you failed to cease your possible ilegal activities during said time the preview was installed on your computer and forgot to wear that pretty tin foil hat of yours before spreading false propaganda. Signed we the imaginary MS Police :busted_cop:

    HALIKUS MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2009
    #448 HALIKUS, Oct 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  9. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada MDL Junior Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    It's hard-coded into the OS? Will you show me the proof you clearly have of this? You referring to when it asks you if you'd like to use OneDrive for cloud storage during the final stages of setup? The same thing it's been asking you since Windows 8? There's the option to not use it RIGHT THERE where it asks you.

    You're just another paranoid who thinks he's soo special that Microsoft and the NSA (the NSA has nothing to freaking do with Windows 10 BTW) wants to watch you and collect all your garbage. YOU MEAN ZERO TO THEM. They really don't freaking care what you're doing. Download a bunch of movies from The Pirate Bay? Did they play in Windows Media Player without any special codec packs? They would actually see that as a good thing. Their media player is working great. They wouldn't care what you watched with it..

    Go download a bunch of Microsoft stuff and use cracks on everything using the Windows 10 preview. Watch how fast NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU for doing it. I bet anything you're still using it lol

    dingleberries....dingleberries everywhere
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  10. omgbbqit

    omgbbqit MDL Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    #450 omgbbqit, Oct 7, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    Actually, there is some small suggestion to be found that it IS more hard coded than previously. As best as I can tell as of W10TP, it is now completely impossible to remove the Store, Onedrive, and a few other things which you could get rid of previously - all of which had no consequence. Now even with the right permissions and tricks Powershell will error on these stating they are "a core part of the OS" or something to that effect. ...Slightly ironically however, the Microsoft Feedback program is fine with being forcibly fully removed. Protecting your privacy is not paranoia - it's something you want to do if you're a private person. Doesn't mean there's anything to hide. Learn what can be worked out from mere `metadata`. There's been a good few video interviews with Snowden where they explain *exactly* what can be done with it. Try finding the NBC one. I wouldn't let you poke around inside my home. Why should I let anyone poke around inside my files?
  11. Espionage724

    Espionage724 MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2009
    #451 Espionage724, Oct 7, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    Just don't sign in with a Microsoft account, and disable UAC. OneDrive doesn't work without credentials (obviously), and Store won't open without UAC (and won't have personal information without a Microsoft account).

    As for how to do the above; install Windows without an internet connection (disconnect Ethernet; don't connect to Wifi when/if prompted (scroll down to Skip for now)); so when the initial personalization wizard appears, it will automatically allow you to make a Local account at the last step.

    Immediately after that (while still disconnected from the internet for best results), run regedit, find EnableLua, set it from 1 to 0, and reboot. That's that.

    You lose access to use other Modern UI apps (except Immersive Control Panel), including the Feedback app, so the next step after that is to simply remove them all since they're useless anyway.

    Unrelated, but as for something I discovered a bit ago. you need App Notifications enabled now for desktop apps to show notifications. Back in 8/8.1, the setting only affected Modern UI apps afaik.
  12. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    #452 Hadron-Curious, Oct 7, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    People are complaining of possible security breach and other related issues. There is nobody whose information is not available on the internet who uses social media. The fact that many are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill is certain they don't have much notion of the agreement before installing Windows 10 Technical Preview. It is about collation of data to better serve the public as most have complained of Windows 8 poor performance and look in the past. For that to be possible, Microsoft have to collect records and find appropriate solutions for best functionality. This is a tech giant company that is competing with others in the operating system industry. It doesn't come to me as a surprise, if the need for information about my hardware is to better understand the kind of updates send to me to help me use my system for best possible ways while at the same time providing a new OS that best suits my routine, then I would give them the right to what it needs and fret not.

    I know what I am saying is going to fall on deaf ears but my little understanding is that we should know what we are getting into before even starting to criticize it in a bad way. If many of us have read the privacy policy we would find out it is clearly stated there Microsoft is going to gather information about our systems and our accounts if necessary but agrees not to send them to a third-party.

    The time we start trying to tweak things in a barely all rather less functioning operating system all in the name of preventing Microsoft from getting information we deemed secret we might end up having a malfunctioned Windows 10 Technical Preview that can be harmful to our systems in one way or the other. The rumour it will be cooperating with National Security Agency to use our data for espionage purposes is preposterous to say the least. For anybody who is not guilty of any crime cannot or will not be afraid over the collation of information concerning systems. At least, there is none that can be proved the tech giant has given personal information to NSA for all these past years. It is clear 90% of those information are useless to the security agency in the first place, when it is not involving government or terror-related issues.

    On the final note, I think we can all get the real truth of why the squabbles over spying on us has near-to-nothing importance to our security but to our systems for best functionality.
  13. muiz

    muiz MDL Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Windows update works again in sysprep.
    And new options in Windows ADK even for the new startmenu.
  14. omgbbqit

    omgbbqit MDL Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    #454 omgbbqit, Oct 7, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
    Yep well aware of signing in without Microsoft accounts. Even have them disabled in gpedit. The fact is I do not want or use any of the new programs - this is why I know to use setacl and removeappxpackage to physically get rid of *everything* of them in 8/8.1. I don't have the store or Spydrive or Spype*any* of them left on my drive at all. Which is why I can say that this has been changed - you can no longer remove these at all.

    And to the followup person - speaking as someone whose "personal info" is NOT available on self-important sites like Facebook... well, try that again. It isn't your call what is okay to other people. I think you can consider it if people are a) concerned and b) trying to do so, they understand perfectly well any `consequences` for the install. So stop treating them like paranoid conspiracy fantasists or idiots. I don't think anyone using this preview intended for the technically inclined WON'T understand that things could break.

    Here's another point for those going on about how essential this is for Microsoft - the data is skewed. Right from the moment it is installed, the data is skewed. Why? Because people aren't installing this (if they are wise) as a main OS or on "production" machines. They won't use it in the same way, they won't run the same things, they won't behave in the same way - particularly after this news. This isn't useful information for them as it does not reflect in most cases "normal usage". If someone is running it from a VHD physically booted, or a virtual machine in particular, the usage data is so skewed /to how people act with a preview/ that it just doesn't mean much. It isn't normal usage data they're getting back. It's "people running a testbed OS on - presumably - `non production` machines running a limited subset of their usual software or demands`. Because they're scared to break the damn thing and spend ten minutes reinstalling. Breaking it? Now THAT is handy feedback so they could learn to prevent it. But what do I know? I just test software for a living after all...
  15. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    It's about control I think.
    When you post to facebook, it's about controlling what you upload rather than uploading everything you've done on the internet.
    Can you imagine how many family members would disown most of the males on the internet if they knew how much we fap to porn sites?

    When you don't have any control over what gets automatically catalogued, it bothers people.
    I think of this feedback as a kneejerk reaction, and a necessary one; to remind MS that people need their privacy.
    I personally will not buy win10 if it has no way to be used without the cloud, and I don't think I'm alone.
  16. BAV0

    BAV0 MDL Expert

    Aug 25, 2011
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  17. omgbbqit

    omgbbqit MDL Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    That is precisely it. FINALLY someone gets it! ;)
    (Love your releases btw - thought I recognised the name!)
  18. shawnsdada

    shawnsdada MDL Junior Member

    Jun 24, 2013
    Nobody has proven yet how it's hard-coded into the OS to take all of your data and upload it to MS and the NSA. I have a feeling I'll be waiting a very long time for that.

    Here's an idea though. If you're that paranoid, don't use anything connected to the internet. Clearly you're guilty of something when you're that paranoid that you start complaining about the NSA when they have JACK to do with this. You're guilty or a little sheep that can't think for him/herself and just joins the "hate the NSA and MS" bandwagon because your equally clueless buddies also joined.

    How many of you whiners, sorry, complainers have downloaded Windows or Office from this very forum and used something like Microsoft Toolkit to "activate" it? Do you understand why I ask that? LMAO The amount of you "complaining" can be found in other threads talking about how you're using this and that and not in a legit manner, but want to bitch about privacy rights. Makes sense.

    Dingleberries...dingleberries as far as the eye can see. They are everywhere. Impossible to get away from.
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  19. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    @ shawnsdada

    After seeing your signature ... no further questions left (no whiner here, more a wiener) :cool2:.
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  20. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    I guess it is allright to ventilate your opinion if you don't like "whining" in the first place why do you visit forums people do that some time it comes natural :biggrin:
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