lol ... waiting for a background scanner which restores all fiddled files into normal just to make sure everything is intact. SFC /Scannow only can repair a small portion of defective stuff but hopefully, future iterations of windows can replace missing/defective/corrupted system files or such from the Internet just to make sure a 100% os is available on the machine
I've always been curious about every little thing about MS OSes, Ever since I first used MS Dos 3 when I was a kid. I was as entertained by learning little things about the OS as much as I was by playing video games. I guess I qualified my statement because I've always made such "I don't care about the start menu/screen" comments. Guess it's just something that people who rail against hypocrites do. I don't do it much on MDL because everyone here is pretty awesome, but on youtube or other social interactions, OMG such frustration...
I haven't installed Win10 TP yet. Can you guys tell me if font management is somehow improved? I mean, the font viewer in Win7 and Win8.1 is just a simple window with no real options. Has this changed in Win10 TP?
Today I noticed the hidden folder: c:\recoveryimage. It's huge, as it contains install.wim and a variety of drivers. What's MS's intent here? I notice that it exists on a system upgraded from Win8 (it wasn't there before), but isn't there in a clean install in a VM.
This is just an image of your Win8 installation. If doing upgrade from Win8 to 10 something went wrong, then your PC would be restored to Win8 from this image. You can remove this folder with Disk Cleanup utility.
I don't think Win8 created this when upgrading Win7, so it seems to be something new, at least during the beta. Disk Cleanup (admin) does not list it, however. It does list the one pertaining to Windows.old.
I have performed an upgrade from within Windows 8.1 which took about one and a half hours. Windows 10 "Upgrade" process creates Windows.old and two recovery folders. I deleted all of them as well as the hidden temporary folder (where Windows extracts installation files), after taking ownership. My children are running all sort of applications on this installation (mostly games), and it seems all is running well.
You don't need to use GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} You can use TONSCHUH.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} or murphy78.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} for that matter. You can also put it on your desktop for easier access.
Guys someone has found a way for remove metro shortcut from the start menu? I mean in the "All Apps" section (Alarms, Calculator and so on) but without uninstall it from the system. Thanks
Can't you get pretty much the same thing by typing the single letter "c" (without the quotes) in the Control Panel search box, without having to go through the God Mode Ram-a-Lam ? .
only if you like open the CP all the time. Can place the TONSCHUH mode in any folder, in any place. Handy for quicker access