made clean install preview 9860 pro ret.(murphy's torrent), add features : key WMC result: Win 8.1 Pro WMC evaluation copy build 9860 working so far
Don't expect wmc functionality to stick around. They don't make money on that because of the licensing fees. If they can secure a good deal we might see a wmc version, but don't expect it.
I have bug in 9860 : When I sign off or lock windows, it demand password, but when I only press on right arrow it backs to windows.
Those aren't the exact words, I'm paraphrasing, but i'm sure it means a system you use every day for non experimental use.
It's ok some 1 million people installed it and of those there has to be an idiot who has it installed as a live system or idiots.
That was weird Windows 9860 just restarted automatically because of KB3010668, what update is this? Update: Never mind, it's the power issue thing, what is weird is that I done all updates when 9860 was upgraded :|
There is new animation in Control Panel (When you choose category) By the way, my windows not load at startup and I got BSOD that showed line after line. and now my windows works fine.
I'm here to post about the same issue! everytime I "cold start" my Laptop, I have a BSOD, I restart and everything is fine! It did never start without a BSOD since I installed the new Build (9860) and it did never fail to start correctly after! the problem seems to be related to my AMD Graphic card drivers (AMD Radeon 8670M 2GO)!
Favorite section deleted when you press on Home in Navigation pane (It was in 9841). Can we get it back ?
Spoiler Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HomeFolder\NameSpace\DelegateFolders] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HomeFolder\NameSpace\DelegateFolders\{d34a6ca6-62c2-4c34-8a7c-14709c1ad938}] @="Favorites Folder"
This is the exact description of pre-mature. I have no idea why they even bothered typing out the guide in the first place. Congrats you wrote a guide about a product not even out yet...
Just thumbing through the scheduled tasks and there's a new one ( at least on my computer )under CEIP. HypervisorFlightingTask.
Did anybody noticed that they changed the line in the registry for check for new builds The old one was "ThresholdRiskLevel"="low" and the new one is "ThresholdOptedin"=dword:00000000 I guess you can delete the first one it might not be used anymore but for the safety backup the string before you do