Anyone tried formatting a drive to the new ReFS format? You can use the Format command in CMD. Just saying...
Fix your Apps then, blaming UAC for bad code... awwww yes. If they are not your own Apps look at the manifest of each which is very likely configured wrongly and easily fixable.
In Win10 b10041, If you open the Task Scheduler and navigate to: Microsoft->Windows->SettingSync There's a task called "BackgroundUploadTask" which cannot be disabled....hmmm.
Yes, hmmm. possibly related to the p2p "feature" in Windows Update? Talking through my backside there! Probably this
Build 10041 contains more of the Game DVR feature. Could get the screenshot functionality to work but not recording. The game bar appears when pressing Win+G but does not seem to be enabled yet. Buttons from left to right are: Open Xbox app "Record that" - save last 30 seconds as video (background recording has to be enabled first) Make screenshot (saves as rather low quality JPEG in Pictures/Screenshots) Start recording Settings (opens Xbox app with Game DVR settings but they do not seem present yet in the app) handle to move the game bar
This registry tweak brings back Jump Lists. Notice small black arrow in the top right corner of the File Explorer. Also it works with other apps, including Metro, which supports Jumps lists.
Does anyone know how to reduce start menu opening delay? Now it take 0.5 secs to open. I prefer it to be opened instantly.
Did you figure out how to disable debug mode, cause some apps don't even start? an app developer who's apps don't start now on 10041 told me to disable the startup debug settings. however bcdedit /debug OFF doesn't fix the issue. the startup settings appear to be locked:
Sorry if this has been discussed before. But here is my 2 cents, as you guys would say I was suffering system hard lock-ups and therefore, I had to hard reset to recover my PC. After reading here and there, this is what I've done ultimately. I've performed yet another clean install of build 10041. This time, however, I disabled WU driver download at the end of the installation. I've installed the drivers I needed from the hard disk and I'm using Catalyst 14.12 Omega for Windows 8.1; which means no WDDM 2.0 driver, but that's something I did want on purpose. So far, no hard lock-ups, but I'll keep on testing throughout the following days. PS: And yes, I used the same trick again to restore the functionality of SFC because, once again, it found corrupted system files after an utter clean install process. Regards!