Have a strange one. System is a Acer AX1470-EF30P With a AMD A8-3800 APU not the same as was in system. AMD Radeon HD 6410D + 6450 Dual Graphics 1Gig 4 Gig's DDR3 Windows 10 build 10041 shows 4 Gigs but only 1.5 Gigs usable Why Anyone else have this problem
Do you have AMD Turbo Core Control enabled in your bios? If so disable it. That fixed my issue of only having half my ram usable and the rest being hardware reserved.
Restart the computer, open BIOS (Acer mainly use F2 at boot for that), check Settings and disable AMD Turbo Core Control! That should do the work!
I am not too familiar with with Acer bios, but that is where it has to be changed. Sorry....might contact Acer or see if other versions of your bios are available.
Very interesting, ericgl, thanks a lot!!! Someone (not me this time ) has found out a way to prevent Windows Update from overriding device drivers without having to stop the whole Service. Have a look at this thread he created on the official Windows Insider's forum: Oh, dear, I forgot I can't post links or images until I have at least 20 messages. OK, if somebody wants the link, pm me Cheers!
Can anyone suggest how do i edit Adapter Settings in Build 10041 , it was discussed earlier but i am unable to locate the fix !!
Is anybody working on timebomb removal? I'm still using 9901. I guess I'll have to upgrade to 9926 in a few days. I doubt i will be updating to any newer builds of Windows 10. What's going to happen after it expires? Completely unusable or 2 hourly reboots?
Is that a flash drive? NTFS shouldn't be used on flash drives, there is absolutely no benefit in doing so. exFAT is the best option for removable drives (and essentially was created with them in mind by Microsoft), or if compatibility etc is a concern then FAT32. Good to see build 10049 available, much faster than previous build availabilities, which is good!
Build 10049 You can now jump over between HKLM and HKCU hives, if the selected key path can be found in both. *This needs to be expanded to allow jumping from HKCR to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes and HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes respectively and vice versa, also maybe crosslinking HKCU to HKU\<sid>