Findings about Windows 10 Releases

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by nexus76, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. sevenacids

    sevenacids MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2012
    OEM/System Builder licenses are always full versions. I think there will be no upgrade pricing since it's free - everybody with devices that don't qualify to upgrade would need to buy a retail version from which we still don't know pricing/availability.
  2. mike20599

    mike20599 MDL Novice

    Dec 28, 2010
    If you install the Windows 10 Insider Preview, will they give you a genuine Windows 10 when it's out? Or would you still be in the same boat as the Win 7/8 pirates?
  3. AtomR

    AtomR MDL Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    For non-genuine users, there'll be a watermark "Your Windows is not Genuine" on lower-right corner. And a pop-up may appear to activate your Windows genuinely. You'll have to then wait for new KMS activators, if they change the KMS mechanism.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. bkul

    bkul MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2015
    #1188 bkul, Jun 4, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
    With a small effort in JS, following history of a Windows Builds can be received from the Registry:
    2015.03.24 22:10:19 - 2015.03.31 15:45:14 Windows 8.1 Pro 9600
    2015.03.31 16:26:15 - 2015.04.23 02:56:17 Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 10049
    2015.04.23 03:44:13 - 2015.04.29 06:36:13 Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 10061
    2015.04.29 07:25:43 - 2015.05.21 11:32:07 Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10074
    2015.05.21 14:21:40 - 2015.05.28 21:13:37 Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10122
    2015.05.28 22:04:16 - 2015.05.30 19:11:22 Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10125
    2015.05.30 20:16:43 - Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10130

    or more detailed with durations of Installations:
    Updated by 10049 at Tue Mar 31 14:44:13 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 9600.17668.amd64fre.winblue_r8.150127-1500
    Installation continued 41 minutes

    Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 10049 was installed at Tue Mar 31 15:25:14 UTC+0300 2015
    Updated by 10061 at Thu Apr 23 01:55:16 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 10049.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150325-1700
    Installation continued 48 minutes

    Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 10061 was installed at Thu Apr 23 02:43:12 UTC+0300 2015
    Updated by 10074 at Wed Apr 29 05:35:12 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 10061.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150410-2039
    Installation continued 50 minutes

    Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10074 was installed at Wed Apr 29 06:24:42 UTC+0300 2015
    Updated by 10122 at Thu May 21 10:31:06 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 10074.1.amd64fre.fbl_impressive_cxe.150425-1755
    Installation continued 3 hours 50 minutes

    Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10122 was installed at Thu May 21 13:20:39 UTC+0300 2015
    Updated by 10125 at Thu May 28 20:12:36 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 10122.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150513-1845
    Installation continued 51 minutes

    Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10125 was installed at Thu May 28 21:03:15 UTC+0300 2015
    Updated by 10130 at Sat May 30 18:10:21 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 10125.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150516-2126
    Installation continued 1 hours 5 minutes

    Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10130 was installed at Sat May 30 19:15:42 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 10130.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150522-2224

    As I can not include link to code, I place it here.
    // Project: BuildsHistory
    // Version: 1.0
    // FileId: f:\Delme\CleanBCD\BuildsHistory
    // When: 29 May 2015, Friday, 07:14, Windows build 10125
    // Who: Oleg Kulikov, aka SYSPRG somewhere in Universe
    // What for: just for fun: this code is Stand-alone and thus use
    // it's own class to work with Registry.

    // Set of the project independent methods used by the project code
    String.prototype.strip = function()
    return this.replace( /^(\s*)/, "" ).replace( /(\s*)$/, "" );

    if ( typeof( repeat ) == "undefined" )
    String.prototype.repeat = function( n )
    var tmp = "";
    for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ) tmp += this;
    return tmp;

    String.prototype.left = function( n, char )
    if ( typeof( char ) == "undefined" ) char = " ";
    if ( this.length >= n ) return this.substr( 0, n );
    return this + char.repeat( n - this.length );

    String.prototype.right = function( n, char )
    if ( typeof( char ) == "undefined" ) char = " ";
    if ( this.length > n ) return this.substr( this.length - n );
    return char.repeat( n - this.length ) + this;

    Date.prototype.DateToYYYYMMDD = function()
    var YYYY = this.getFullYear();
    var MM = ( this.getMonth() + 1 ).toString().right( 2, "0" );
    var DD = this.getDate().toString().right( 2, "0" );

    var hh = ( this.getHours() + 1 ).toString().right( 2, "0" );
    var mm = ( this.getMinutes() + 1 ).toString().right( 2, "0" );
    var ss = ( this.getSeconds() + 1 ).toString().right( 2, "0" );

    return YYYY + "." + MM + "." + DD + " " +
    hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss;
    // end-of-methods Set

    // Start of the project code. Small class myStdReg() follows
    // Old-style objectes creation function. Contains some methods
    // used to enumerate and read data from the Windows Registry.
    // All the methods used in this class are derived from the
    // correspondent methods of WMI-class root\default\StdRegProv
    function myStdReg()
    function StdRegFailed( method, objInParam, objOutParam )
    var prefix = null;
    var valuename = null;
    var msg = "";

    var GetMethod = ( method.indexOf( "Get" ) > - 1 );

    if ( GetMethod )
    if ( method.indexOf( "StringValue" ) > - 1 ) prefix = "s";
    else prefix = "u";

    valuename = objInParam.sValueName;

    if ( typeof( valuename ) == "undefined" )
    msg = "*** INTERNAL ERROR: Property sValuName" +
    " is not set in input parameters for the method " + method;
    WScript.Echo( msg );

    var root = objInParam.hDefKey;
    var regPath = objInParam.sSubKeyName;

    var msg = "StdRegProv method " + method +
    " ReturnValue = " + objOutParam.ReturnValue +
    " for the path " + regPath;

    if ( GetMethod )
    var value = objOutParam[ prefix + "Value" ];
    msg += ", value name = " + valuename +
    " IS_NULL = " + ( value == null );

    WScript.Echo( msg );

    var HKCR = 0x80000000;// HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
    var HKCU = 0x80000001;// HKEY_CURRENT_USER
    var HKLM = 0x80000002;// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    var HKU = 0x80000003;// HKEY_USERS
    var HKCC = 0x80000005;// HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG

    var objLocator = new ActiveXObject( "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" );
    var objService = objLocator.ConnectServer( ".", "root\\default" );
    var objReg = objService.Get( "StdRegProv" );

    var objMethod = null;
    var objInParam = null;
    var objOutParam = null;
    var res = null;

    var root = HKLM;

    this.RegReadStringValue = function ( root, regPath, valueName )
    var res = null, rc;
    objMethod = objReg.Methods_.Item( "GetStringValue" );
    objInParam = objMethod.InParameters.SpawnInstance_();
    objInParam.hDefKey = root;
    objInParam.sSubKeyName = regPath;
    objInParam.sValueName = valueName;

    var res = null;
    objOutParam = objReg.ExecMethod_(, objInParam );
    if( objOutParam.ReturnValue == 0 && objOutParam.sValue != null )
    res = objOutParam.sValue;
    else// ( method, objInParam, objOutParam )
    rc = StdRegFailed( "GetStringValue", objInParam, objOutParam );
    return res;
    }// End-of-RegReadStringValue

    this.RegReadMultiStringValue = function( root, regPath, valueName )
    var res = null;
    objMethod = objReg.Methods_.Item( "GetMultiStringValue" );
    objInParam = objMethod.InParameters.SpawnInstance_();
    objInParam.hDefKey = root;
    objInParam.sSubKeyName = regPath;
    objInParam.sValueName = valueName;

    objOutParam = objReg.ExecMethod_(, objInParam );

    if ( objOutParam.ReturnValue == 0 && objOutParam.sValue != null )
    res = objOutParam.sValue.toArray().join( "," );
    rc = StdRegFailed( "RegReadMultiStringValue", objInParam, objOutParam );
    return res;
    }// End-of-RegReadMultiStringValue

    this.RegReadDWORDValue = function ( root, regPath, valueName )
    var res = null;
    objMethod = objReg.Methods_.Item( "GetDWORDValue" );
    objInParam = objMethod.InParameters.SpawnInstance_();
    objInParam.hDefKey = root;
    objInParam.sSubKeyName = regPath;
    objInParam.sValueName = valueName;

    objOutParam = objReg.ExecMethod_(, objInParam );

    if( objOutParam.ReturnValue == 0 && objOutParam.uValue != null )
    res = objOutParam.uValue;
    rc = StdRegFailed( "RegReadDWORDValue", objInParam, objOutParam );
    return res;
    }// End-of-RegReadDWORDValue

    this.RegEnumSubKeys = function( root, strRegPath )
    var res = null;
    objMethod = objReg.Methods_.Item( "EnumKey" );
    objInParam = objMethod.InParameters.SpawnInstance_();
    objInParam.hDefKey = root;
    objInParam.sSubKeyName = strRegPath;

    objOutParam = objReg.ExecMethod_(, objInParam );

    if ( objOutParam.ReturnValue == 0 )
    res = objOutParam.sNames == null ? null : objOutParam.sNames.toArray();
    rc = StdRegFailed( "RegEnumSubKeys", objInParam, objOutParam );
    return res;
    }// End-of-this.RegEnumSubKeys

    // this method converts registry REG_DWORD date to
    // standard JS Date object and returns it.
    this.RegDateToDate = function( regDate )
    var jsDate = new Date( 1000 * regDate );
    return jsDate;
    // End-of-myStdReg()-Class-code

    // Function counts duration of Windows installation
    // on base of two Date objects. Is called from
    // main object presentation function Show for
    // each Build object collected.
    function CountDuration( WhenFinished, WhenStarted )
    var Seconds = ( WhenFinished.getTime() / 1000 ).toFixed() -
    ( WhenStarted.getTime() / 1000 ).toFixed();

    var Minutes = ( Seconds / 60 ).toFixed();
    if ( Minutes < 60 )
    return Minutes.toString() + " minutes";
    var Hours = ( Minutes / 60 ).toFixed();
    Minutes = Minutes % 60;
    return Hours.toString() + " hours " + Minutes.toString() + " minutes";

    // Objectes collection presentation function.
    // Is called from the project test code only.
    // Presents detailed information about each of
    // the Build objects. The only one presentaion
    // function which shows Installation duration.
    // Example output for one of the objects is
    // given below.
    Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 10049 was installed at Tue Mar 31 15:25:14 UTC+0300 2015
    Updated by 10061 at Thu Apr 23 01:55:16 UTC+0300 2015
    Setup media ID 10049.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150325-1700
    Installation continued 48 minutes
    function Show( arr )
    var bObj, msg = "\n", duration;
    var maxL = "Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview".length;

    for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
    bObj = arr[ i ];

    msg += bObj.ProductName + " " + bObj.BuildNumber +
    " was installed at " + bObj.Install.toString() + "\n";

    if( bObj.IsNext )
    msg += "Updated by " + arr[ i + 1 ].BuildNumber.right( 5 ) +
    " at " + ( arr[ i ].Uninstalled ).toString() + "\n";

    msg += "Setup media ID " + bObj.BuildLabEx + "\n";

    if ( bObj.IsNext && i < arr.length - 1 )
    duration = CountDuration( arr[ i + 1 ].Install, bObj.Uninstalled );
    msg += "Installation continued " + duration + "\n";
    msg += "\n";


    WScript.Echo( msg );
    return false;

    // Objectes collection presentation function.
    // Is called from the project test code only.
    // Presents each object in one line. Example
    // output is given below.
    2015.03.24 22:10:19 - 2015.03.31 15:45:14 Windows 8.1 Pro 9600
    2015.03.31 16:26:15 - 2015.04.23 02:56:17 Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 10049
    2015.04.23 03:44:13 - 2015.04.29 06:36:13 Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview 10061
    2015.04.29 07:25:43 - 2015.05.21 11:32:07 Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10074
    2015.05.21 14:21:40 - 2015.05.28 21:13:37 Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10122
    2015.05.28 22:04:16 - 2015.05.30 19:11:22 Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10125
    2015.05.30 20:16:43 - Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 10130
    function BriefShow( arr )
    var bObj, msg = "";
    var maxL = "Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview".length;
    var timestampL = "2015.05.28 21:13:37".length;
    WScript.Echo( "\n" );

    for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
    bObj = arr[ i ];
    msg += bObj.ShortInstall + " - ";
    msg += ( bObj.IsNext ? bObj.ShortUninstalled :
    " ".left( timestampL ) ) + " ";
    msg += bObj.ProductName.left( maxL ) + " ";
    msg += bObj.BuildNumber.right( 5 ) + "\n";

    WScript.Echo( msg + "\n" );
    return false;

    // Objectes collection presentation function.
    // Debug-time presentation. Each property of
    // each of the objects is printed in one line.
    // Example output for one of the objects is
    // given below.
    Uninstalled Thu Apr 23 01:55:16 UTC+0300 2015
    PreviousBuild 9600
    BuildLabEx 10049.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150325-1700
    BuildNumber 10049
    Install Tue Mar 31 15:25:14 UTC+0300 2015
    ProductName Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview
    ShortInstall 2015.03.31 16:26:15
    ShortUninstalled 2015.04.23 02:56:17
    IsNext true
    function DebugShow( arr )
    var bObj, msg = "\n";
    var maxPL = "ShortUninstalled".length;

    for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ )
    bObj = arr[ i ];
    for ( var p in bObj )
    msg += p.left( maxPL ) + " " + bObj[ p ] + "\n";
    msg += "-------------------\n";

    WScript.Echo( msg );
    WScript.Echo( "--------All done-------" )
    return false;

    function SetShortDates( bObj, ind )
    if ( typeof( bObj.Install ) == "object" )
    //bObj.ShortInstall = DateToYYYYMMDD( bObj.Install );
    bObj.ShortInstall = bObj.Install.DateToYYYYMMDD();
    else bObj.ShortInstall = " ";

    if ( typeof( bObj.Uninstalled ) == "object" )
    bObj.ShortUninstalled = bObj.Uninstalled.DateToYYYYMMDD();
    else bObj.ShortUninstalled = " ";

    return bObj;

    // Input:
    // regObj - myStdReg class object created by the caller
    // path - Registry path which contains necessary values
    // bObj - Build object created by the caller
    // Function gets necessary data from the Registry using
    // methods of the class myStdReg and set bObj properties.
    // Updated bObj is returned to the caller.
    // Function is called some times from the main function
    // BuildsHistory() and returns updated object.
    function SetBuildObjectProperties( regObj, path, bObj, pbObj )
    var HKLM = 0x80000002;// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    var res, sDate;

    bObj.PreviousBuild = " "; // on a case that unknown

    if ( typeof( pbObj ) != "undefined" )
    bObj.PreviousBuild = pbObj.BuildNumber;

    res = regObj.RegReadStringValue( HKLM, path, "BuildLabEx" );
    bObj.BuildLabEx = res;
    bObj.BuildNumber = res.split( "." )[ 0 ];

    res = regObj.RegReadDWORDValue( HKLM, path, "InstallDate" );
    bObj.Install = regObj.RegDateToDate( res ); // save Date object

    bObj.ProductName = regObj.RegReadStringValue( HKLM, path, "ProductName" );

    return bObj;

    Main project function: is called by the project test code to create Builds objects
    This function will create an object for each of the Builds detected in the Registry.
    Objects will be sorted by the build numbers. Each object has some primary properties
    and some secondary. Primary properties are those which values were set on base of the
    data read from the Registry. Secondary propierties are those which were derived from
    the primary properties.

    There are only 4 primary properties:

    ProductName - Windows product name
    Install - product installation date
    Uninstalled - date of the product update to the next build
    BuildLabEx - Setup media identification

    BuildNumber - is derived from BuildLabEx
    PreviousBuild - is derived from BuildLabEx
    ShortInstall - YYYYMMDD presentaion of Install date
    ShortUninstalled - YYYYMMDD presentaion of Install date
    IsNext - true if Build objec is not last in chainn
    and false for the current product.
    function BuildsHistory()
    var myRegObj = new myStdReg();// create service object to work with Registry

    var HKLM = 0x80000002;// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

    var bObj = {}, pbObj = {}, currObj = {}, prevObj = {}, builds = [], rc, res;

    // Step 1, we will set some of the current Build object properties. Besides we will
    // set some properties of the previous build object.
    // HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup, value with the name CloneTag contains date of uninstallation
    // of the previous build and build number of the previous build. Though it seems
    // that time stamp of the previous build uninstallation is also timestamp for the
    // current build installation, we will use another source to get precise value
    // of this date together with some more properties of the current build object.

    var regPath1 = "SYSTEM\\Setup";
    var regPath2 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion";

    res = myRegObj.RegReadStringValue( HKLM, regPath1, "UninstallSourceVersion" );

    pbObj.BuildNumber = res;

    res = myRegObj.RegReadMultiStringValue( HKLM, regPath1, "CloneTag" );
    res = new Date( res );

    pbObj.Uninstalled = res;

    bObj = SetBuildObjectProperties( myRegObj, regPath2, bObj, pbObj );

    prevObj = pbObj; //
    currObj = bObj; // do not place current into array: it should be the last one

    // Step 2, we will enumerate all builds present in HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup.
    // They are pesented by subkeys with a names like
    // "Source OS (Updated on 3/31/2015 14:44:13)". Thus we will enumerate
    // subkeys of HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup, then filer those subkeys which
    // corresponds to the builds and create objects for them.

    var key = regPath1, path, p, needKey = "Source OS (Updated on ";
    var needKeyL = needKey.length, tmp1, tmp2, rc;

    res = myRegObj.RegEnumSubKeys( HKLM, regPath1 );

    for ( var i = 0; i < res.length; i++ ) // In this loop we filter out
    { // unnecessary subkeys.
    p = res[ i ].indexOf( needKey ); // Try to detect if we need subkey
    if ( p > - 1 ) // Yes, subkey presents Build and
    { // we will create Build object
    bObj = new Object; // and set object properties
    pbObj = builds[ builds.length - 1 ]; // get previous Build object

    p += needKeyL;

    // get date field from subkey and save it in tmp1
    tmp1 = res[ i ].substr( p, res[ i ].indexOf( ")", p ) - 1 );
    tmp1 = tmp1.substr( 0, tmp1.length - 1 ).strip();
    bObj.Uninstalled = new Date( tmp1 );

    path = key + "\\" + res[ i ]; // prepare path for reading values
    bObj = SetBuildObjectProperties( myRegObj, path, bObj, pbObj );

    builds[ builds.length ] = bObj;
    // add Build object correspondent to
    builds[ builds.length ] = currObj; // the current Windows build as a last
    // object in the chain.

    for ( var i = 0; i < builds.length; i++ ) // In this loop we set secondary
    { // properties other then BuildNumber
    builds[ i ] = SetShortDates( builds[ i ], i );
    builds[ i ].PreviousBuild = ( i ) ? builds[ i - 1 ].BuildNumber : " ";
    builds[ i ].IsNext = ( i < ( builds.length - 1 ) );
    // all Builds presentaion objects were
    return builds; // created. Return to the caller an array
    } // of the objects created.

    //--------------------------- Project test code -----------------------
    var rc;
    var arr = BuildsHistory(); // create an array of Builds objects
    rc = BriefShow( arr ); // get brief presentation
    rc = Show( arr ); // get detailed presentation
    rc = DebugShow( arr ); // get debug, full presentation

  5. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    WMP and Video app cannot play 8K resolution in Windows 10. :(
  6. cuteee

    cuteee MDL Guru

    Oct 13, 2012
    You mean youtube videos ?
  7. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    No, I mean 8K Video file I have on my computer.
  8. cuteee

    cuteee MDL Guru

    Oct 13, 2012
    Do you have screen 8K resolution ?
  9. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    No! But, it plays with a 5kplayer on a 4k screen.
  10. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    #1194 Nucleus, Jun 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Yes, unlike WMP and Video app that close instantly the 5kplayer plays it slowly. I intend to get a 8k resolution screen in the future.
  12. Nucleus

    Nucleus MDL Guru

    Aug 4, 2009
    #1196 Nucleus, Jun 8, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2015
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  13. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Beside that, Microsoft promises to provide 8k-compatible OS in Windows 10.
  14. hb860

    hb860 MDL Expert

    May 7, 2010
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  15. WildByDesign

    WildByDesign MDL Addicted

    Sep 8, 2013
    #1199 WildByDesign, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Wow, Microsoft has added advertisements to latest version of Weather app (version No kidding.

    There's nice updates for Calculator and much more, I'll see if there are more advertisements.

    I feel regret now helping MS as an Insider.

    EDIT: You need to update your apps to latest with Store (Beta) which is wickedly slow for some reason.

    Advertisements all throughout News app. Ads in Sports app now as well. Ads in Money app.

    Video app is now Movies & TV app.
  16. gabrielmorrow

    gabrielmorrow MDL Member

    Jul 5, 2013

    thats how they will remake the money from giving away free upgrades ads not a suprise relly