The new firefox 13 update comes with SPYD an experimental google protocol enabled by default, that is where i run into problems. When i load my homepage and search something it infinetly loads and no results are shown. When i disable SPYD via about :config network.http.spdy.enabled=false in firefox the same load firefox go to homepage search will succesfully return search results as it should. I want to know if there is any fix to say just disable spyd on google or even why i have to disable it at all and if any1 esle has the same problem as me. EDIT: i found the solution i went into about:config and i had network.http.keepalive set to false when i enabled this i renabled spdy as well and i was good to go weird problem though but it's fixed
Thanks for your fix Steve. I've had to revert back to version 12, not knowing what the problem was. Using your fix, FF 13.0 now works fine. I too had the network.http.keep-alive option set false and it produced unworkable google search pages. What a relief!