Back in the day, this was truer then, then it is now. Folks have gotten smarter over time. Especially the growing gap in the generations when the tech was a new toy -vs- an integrated way of life, as it is today. People know better today, as they are a lot smarter today than I think you give them credit for.
Very well said. I'll always take security over eye candy. If one fails, there is always someone else willing to take their place.
overall you are right, they get smarter, mostly because they get more informed via googling; but still, many, even if you give them a valid explanation, will don't change their mind. they will just kill the messenger ^^ in most case, yes but for me no other addons is as good that the original Speed Dial, i tried others, can't find a suitable replacement in term of design or functionality.
my Tor browser with the Speed Dial and theme i used, can't get this look anymore with latest FF builds...
Of my ten add.ons only two are still usable and of the other eight only one has a legacy replacement. You will find that there are only 72 add.ons at all available. AND THERE IS NO WARNING THAT THIS WILL HAPPEN ! THEY WILL ALL SIMPLY BE GONE! I tried system restore to get back to my old set-up, but the registry has been irreversibly changed, so it is no longer available. So, say good by to your legacy add ons. Luckily I had the old profile installed on another computer, and so I could simply replace the "new" one (thanks to Mozilla) with the old profile. So my blood pressure is back to normal.... Let me repeat: I am NOT saying, you should not use 57, but you should be aware of the consequences....
I know. I know. -- But it is the misinformation troll which prays on the gullible and misinformed, where I end up feeling sorry for his/her victims.