MJ, when i see countless topics turn into pointless argurment fests that detract from the original post, and the nay sayers who talk to you like you know diddly squat, see below
Having 30 tabs is like begging Firefox to crash when it doesn’t want to. My old Firefox on my XP used to crash regularly with only a handful of tabs, saying something like “This is embarrassing…” Moreover, tabs delay opening of the browser.
Thank You for starting this topic Katz now this topic is like swimming in sewage, its just going through the motions, im done here
And that was obviously caused by Firefox itself, and not by defective RAM or a misconfigured system. On the other hand, I successfully open 30 tabs everyday in Firefox because, you know, just because I'm lucky. In a nutshell, you said that Firefox offers a cool feature that, however, it can't deliver. By the way, my wife opens even more tabs than I do. I have chills every time I see her Firefox. And she does that every single day with only 8GB of RAM. Maybe we're both lucky?
@BrianCohen No, don’t leave, you’ve made some valuable contributions to this thread and you shouldn’t allow yourself to be chased away by anybody’s inappropriate posting. This is not one of the friendliest or most disciplined boards around, so just provide appropriate answers, trying to keep out of trouble with the mods, and then rest your case, as you (and I) have done.
RAM size is not an excuse. My wife's computer has only 8GB of RAM and she uses a small RAM disk just for the browser's cache. Cool! Do you work for the NSA?
In spite of not being affected by the issue because I haven't installed Firefox on my Windows 10 system since 2014, it is still one of the famous browsers out there people respect so much.
Correction! I didn’t say that, you did just now, for which I owe no explanation. But as you don’t seem to get the essence of the article and Firefox features, I spell it out. There is often a price to be paid for features, especially if used to excess. (Actually this applies to many technological features in general). More specifically, the article says that tabs or session recovery in browsers, and especially Firefox, might shorten the life of an SSD. As for how many tabs you open, I was merely offering bona fide though unsolicited advice, which I now regret, as you misinterpret it. It’s your tabs, your computer, your disc, use them to any excess you like.
Here: You're saying I have not understood the article when, in fact, I was the only one trying to propose a different solution. Isn't funny? That lovely Greek word, hýbris...
˄˄ As I only bother to explain plain statements to people up to a point, while you’re obviously another one of those who clumsily try to draw irrelevant conclusions, there’s no point in discussing further. Kindly leave me alone and I’ll do likewise with you. Hopefully you understand this.
The statement above is a pure ad hominem argument, and its value equals to zero. Do you at least know that you need some serious help? Anyone who thinks that his pattern of browsing (never 30 tabs!) must be an universal pattern, or that blames someone just because he's using a standard feature of a program (you're asking for trouble!), or that is worried about using an equipment "in excess" (and we're not talking about extreme overclock here, but only about a standard feature of a program...) needs serious help. There's something wrong with you and the whole computer thing is only a symptom. Now I will kindly leave you alone.
I think you are overreacting. In that case every human alive and dead/gone needs it. Come on I don't think this is serious. Do you really believe everybody has to be gentle and polite and have all virtues?
in the name of all that is holy, PLEASE LOCK/CLOSE THIS TOPIC. i waved this nonsensical arguing behing when i left school 33 years ago.