Flash BIOS commands?

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Chickenlittle, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. Chickenlittle

    Chickenlittle MDL Junior Member

    May 26, 2008
    I saw that there are many ways to flash a BIOS such as:

    PH161700 BIOS.ROM /O /Force /X /C /S

    PH161700.EXE /x R3041Q0.ROM

    phlash16 /x BIOS.wph

    PH161700 BIOS.ROM /O /Force /X /C /S

    phlash16 /x /s /mode=3 MAM_V120.WPH

    and many more....

    I just wonder why there so many ways to flash a BIOS even thought they are the same (Phoenix) and what /O /Force /X /C /S Mode 3 stand for. Could you guys please help me explain it.