I modded a F14 UEFI with Phoenix EFI SLIC Mod v2.14 to include the Gigabyte SLIC file 2.1 from OEM_CERT_AND_SLICS_2013_04_04, used Other as Manufacter, generated and used the RW file and also the Gigabyte certificate and the method was Module. But when I check the result with SLIC Toolkit v3.2 it founds no SLIC table and no OEM certificate. Am I missing something? Note: I was not able to download the "video tutorial" described before as it was deleted.
Thanks for the hint, Tito. Downloaded PT 2.08, did the tick advanced - untick - only alter RSDT and XSDT tables - only alter tables in main ACPI module But again, phoenix logs as successfully and SLIC Toolkit v3.2 founds no SLIC table and no OEM certificate after flashing the "SLIC" UEFI. I'll try with PT 2.02 like Blade2565 did with F15q...
conghoaxa1, follows below the links: Original F14 - Z77XUD5H.F14 sendspace.com/file/mlonsw Mod F14 - Z77XUD5H_MOD.F14 sendspace.com/file/2mb6cj Thanks for the support and the hint that Tito mentioned.
Tried to find PT v2.02, but did not find a good link to it. Do you have a working link do download it ?
Used PT2.02 (F14 bios) with the following setup: sendspace.com/file/qbv23c Failure again. But using the F14 modded bios by Blade2565 it worked. @Blade2565, would you please explain what was your PT202 setup to make the modded bios ? The fun here is to learn how to do it...
Maybe the problem is with the Slic string module already found and the module method. Should I use the dynamic one? EFI / Insyde BIOS Finished Extracting LZMA and Tiano module compression methods used Recovery filenames are: Z77XUD5H.F1412 APTC.CAP 'SLIC' string found in 9F3A0016-AE55-4288-829D-D22FD344C347_1_47.ROM at B3F5 'SLIC' string found in 9F3A0016-AE55-4288-829D-D22FD344C347_1_47.ROM at B4F5 Are you SURE you want to modify without a RW Everything report ** Control Options Group ** chkSelectFV - Allow FV selection for Module methods - False chkReplaceCompressed - Replace compressed modules - False chkInsertGap - Insert gap if module shrinks - False chkNoSLIC - No SLIC - False chkVerifyExtract - Extract modules when verifying - False chkProcessCompressed - Process all compressed modules - False chkAllowOther - Allow user to modify other modules - False chkAlwaysUser - Always alllow user modification of modules - False chkUser - Allow user modification of modules - False chkAsk - Ask prior to each modification - False ** Dynamic Module Size Options Group ** chkDynamicSSV2 - Preserve module size - False ** SSV2 Options Group ** chkAfterBIOSCOD - Place SLIC module after last BIOSCOD module - False chkManual - Manual location for SLIC insertion - False chkSelectAddress - Allow manual choice of SLIC location - False chkIgnoreRSDT - Only insert SLIC module - False chkRemoveDummySLIC - Replace existing SLIC table ID with - False chkReplaceStrings - Replace specific strings - False chkReplaceSLIC - Replace existing SLIC elements - False chkBlankOEMIDs - Blank other ACPI table OEM/Table IDs - False ** General Options Group ** chkASUSASUS - Replace '_ASUS__ASUS_' OEM ID - False chkForceMCFG - Force SLIC into MCFG location - False chkSLP10Module - Insert SLP10 module for SLP mods - False chkForceSLICinRSDT - Force SLIC in last location in RSDT - False chkAlaska - Replace 'ALASKA A M I' OEM ID - True chkOnlySLICID - Only copy SLIC header OEM/Table ID - False chkAllSLIC - Replace all 'SLIC' occurences - False chkRemoveLocks - Remove manufacturer specific locks - False chkLenovoID - Scan BIOSCOD modules for LENOVO IDs - False chkNothingMatch - Don't alter any ACPI tables or OEM/Table ID strings if SLIC IDs match - True chkRWTableID - Replace Table ID from RSDT/XSDT tables in the RW Everything report - False chkOnlyRX - Only replace OEM/Table IDs from RSDT/XSDT in the RW Everything report - False chkOnlyRW - Only replace SLIC elements that appear in the RW Everything report - False chkEmpty - Replace empty modules - True chkNoTables - Don't alter any ACPI tables - False chkOnlyMain - Only alter tables in main ACPI module - False chkSplitTableIDs - Replace split Table IDs - False chkSplitIDs - Replace split OEM/Table IDs - True chkACPIIDs - Scan ACPI modules for OEM/Table IDs - False chkOEMIDC3 - Only replace complete OEM/Table IDs preceded by C3h - False chkAdditionalID - Replace additional OEM/Table ID - False chkAllOEMID - Replace all OEM/Table ID occurences - True chkOnlySDT - Only alter RSDT and XSDT tables - False chkOEMIDOnly - Only replace OEM ID in additional tables - False
ga-z77x-ud5h For ga-z77x-ud5h (1.0) 1. Start Phoenix tool 2.14, then -> 2. Select your BiOS file to mod 3. Select manufacturer "other" 4. Select your desired SLIC 2.1 file 4b. Select the matching certificate file and press verify (this part is optional) 5. Select method "module" 6. Press "advanced" to modify settings 7. Untick "Only alter RSDT and XSDT tables" 8. Untick "Only alter tables in main ACPI module" 9. Press "Done" 10. Press "Go" Flash ur BiOS then use SLIC_ToolKit_V3.2.EXE to check it's injected properly.
Little caveat with that BIOS, the updated Intel SVGA BIOS (which was extracted from a Haswell board) renders the IGP in Ivy/Sandy unuseable...