In 10 it is possible to do things with DISM that in earlier windows versions had to be done by imagex, but the question whas, does GimageX work with 10 and it does.
Both uses same wimgapi to handle wims, so no performance differences It's deprecated, but not entierly replaced dism cann't set the Edition flag for wim index dism cann't change image name/description without re-exporting dism cann't append mounted image to new wim index instead of commiting the current index dism cann't export all indexes in one command line and imagex is easier to use without so much parameters switches like dism i.e. Code: imagex /mountrw install.wim 1 C:\Mount Code: DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:\Mount
Sooner or later I would know who is the idiot who decided thwe dism syntax. Isn't that matter of much parameters, ist that the syntax made with somthing:C:\something breaks the shell auto completion. Some bash training should be a mandatory requirement for MS coders.
Yes, it will do the stuff it's supposed to do, but many of the editions and such are for older versions of windows. The only thing it does that other tools don't seem to is set both the name/desc and display name/desc. At least, I haven't seen any other tools do that. I haven't exactly looked hard.
Dear god, some just don't accept they were wrong (as usual) he mentioned gimagex and anybody know that tool will know what it's used for he even said "capture and export images"
Sorry, I'm just an imperfect human, as everybody else, include YOU. If you think otherwise, please let me know! Thanks.
I think that sometimes writing something like " I didn't read correctly the OP message", would be (by far) the best thing to do"
I have been used v2.17.0 Korean modified for Win 10 RTM 10240, so far no problem in yet. Which v2.1.1 and v2.17 K has a same and only modified to Korean language interface.