The Winner/s @Don Pedro, @monstertruckpa you've less than 12 hours to enable your private messaging on to (receive and send message) failing to do so will void your win and I'll choose the new winner/s in order from the list.
The winners @Don Pedro, @monstertruckpa failed to enable their Private Messaging to receive/send messages in the specified time so the new winners are in order from the list: @lupuskj @GasM Both the new winners have 4 days to reply their winning message.
The new Winners list: The Winners those who have received their licenses are: Mr.X osmandemi donkeymand MMIKEE lupuskj Nepoleon Ashwin GasM The Winners those who has to receive their licenses are: @fortunes @usermydigitallyfe The above winner has less than 3 days to reply the winning message.
my unpunctuality made me lose due to be very busy, no problems giving the prize to another on the list, congratulations.
All the 10 Winners have received their Shadow Defender key. Thank you all for participating in this thread. Mr.X osmandemi donkeymand MMIKEE lupuskj Nepoleon Ashwin GasM fortunes usermydigitallyfe