Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #2001 gorski, Apr 3, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2023
    Jeez, there aren't many who are blaming capitalism and I am one of those, so come again, 55%?!?

    Yours is the most unoriginal message there is: conservative "steady as she goes"... And people like me add *... straight over the cliff...*

    So, originality, eh? Capitalists = conservatives are bitching to the "demand-radical-change-Left" (which is by definition aiming at a historical Novum) to be *original*?!?:eek::confused::rolleyes::D:p:D

    What a laugh!!! Arse instead of head does the *thinking" ==> we're doomed!!!
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    P.S. I use to straighten those crooked vynil grooves, as I was a DJ from age 14, FFS... Yeah, like you're gonna teach anyone anything new... What a laugh, 55%!!!
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  3. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Some of us need to look up ........... working class struggle ............. and Animal farm ........... and 1984 .......... and dickens / Dickensian ...... and Robin hood ?
  4. Bat.1

    Bat.1 MDL Expert

    Oct 18, 2014
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  6. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    and you are volunteering to be the judge of that, pinky?:mocking:
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  7. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    At the moment society / inhumanity is stumbling over people that ' think ' and say ............... i dont understand , you cant explain it to me and that proves that science is wrong ...............
  8. 55Percent

    55Percent MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2023
    Okay, we will quit "stumbling" and use a government site for some information:

    What's the hottest Earth's ever been? | NOAA

    Why did Earth’s surface temperature stop rising in the past decade?

    And as I was asking about when we should stop doing adjustments to cool down I thought I should go find something about when Earth really was cool/cold:

    Study Explains How Primordial Life Survived on 'Snowball Earth'

    About midway in the article:

    So I obviously agree that we should cease stumbling around and start digging into what the professionals studying this have provided for us so we can start better understanding what's going on. Let's cut out all the negativity and starting getting at the truth of the situation.

    Oh yes, if any of these links have already been posted, my apologies. But going back and studying one hundred pages got very boring when I found that so many posts were simply negative style writings that really had nothing to do with the facts of the situation.

    By the way, do any of you know if the government in the PRC allow Online Community members to discuss global warming? I ask because I think that the People's Republic of China is about number one or two of all the nations in causing trouble about this with their emissions of bad stuff being very high. Maybe number three? Maybe I better go find out.
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  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #2009 case-sensitive, Apr 5, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2023
    my answer to your post ...... a link to read ---- >

    = If you have something to say say it ......... asertion / claim / evidence / proof ......... dont point me at articles and expect me to read them ......... and find what you want . I am not a sheep .

    @ twisted statements ---- > ' Let's cut out all the negativity and starting getting at the truth of the situation.

    how do we cut out the negativity of mass extinction ? A dieing biosphere ? human greed / ignorance / responsibility ?

    And its sneeky :) ........... you claim that whats been said ....... and science ........ is negative ......... and not true .......... and you know ' The truth ' ...........

    You post links .......... and then say ---- > ' Oh yes, if any of these links have already been posted, my apologies. But going back and studying one hundred pages got very boring when I found that so many posts were simply negative style writings that really had nothing to do with the facts of the situation. '

    WTF !?!? your time / life is worth more than others ? ....... and again .......... your right ........... and positive !?!? ....... and other people are wrong and negative . Who ? Where ? When ?

    >So I obviously agree that we should cease stumbling around and start digging into what the professionals studying this have provided for us so we can start better understanding what's going on.


    I got frightened a few weeks ago . I felt uncomfortable . I wondered why .......... and thought about it .

    It was because a bird was singing .

    Now i'm sitting here and cant hear any birds singing . I cant see any .

    Now of the few birds one sees most are pidgeons and seagulls .

    When i was a kid it was like an orchester ........... and i used to lie in bed in the morning and hear the dawn chorus .......... comming in waves as each type of bird woke up ............ and there were loads of birds flying ......... and flocks of sparrows ........... tits and finches ......... sky larks .

    A few days ago the world news ........ on all the majour english speaking channels .......... they announced that humanity wouldnt / couldnt reach the planned temperature limits .......... limits we need to survive ............ and that humanity is useing about 1.7 times more resources than the planet can supply / regenerate . ............ and then went back to buisness as usual .
  10. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    @ Morons

    Go to the beach ............ the river bank ........... the woods ......... and find MASSES of plastic .............. polution ( 30 thousand year polution ? ) that wasnt there when i was a kid .

    Look at the pond in the park .......... when i was a kid there was loads of frog spawn .......... and frogs kroaking .......... and coots and moorhens ........ and herons ......... and dragonflys ........... now its stagnant and stinks .

    Look at greenland ............ the ice melting ........... that took tens of thousands of years to form .......... and would take tens of thousands of years to reform .............

    and some poxy little morons that are to dumb to understand how dumb they are ........ and to egoistic and vain to admit how dumb they are anyway ......... and so naive that they belive things with no proof ........... and believe what proffesional parasites ( poly-trickers ) say are ' debating ' about the obvious !?!? ......... about the undebateable ............ about the undenyable

    Fairys to frightened / egoistic / vain / ignorant / trained like animals in a circus to be honest with themselves and admit that we have s**t the planet full ......... and its dieing around our ears ........... and we are ' drowning ' in our own s**t ............ and instead they want to go positively = blindly into an unreachable happy hippy ken and barby fantasy world .
  11. 55Percent

    55Percent MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2023
    case-sensitive, do you sort your PET plastic from all of your other garbage? Do you do this every day?

    Do you sort plastics other than PET from the rest of your garbage? Every day?

    Do you sort cans and other metal products from your garbage every day?

    Do you sort burnable garbage every day?

    Do you sort batteries from your garbage?

    Do you sort clothing from your garbage?

    Cardboard products?

    Basic and easy 'Yes/No' questions to help us understand what actual actions you engage in to help with environmental issues. Just to help us get started on concrete matters related to these environmental problems and solving them.

    Yes/No questions. Please answer without all that smoke screen of words you used in your last two posts.

    That is, if you are serious about this issue and it is not just some 'get attention' issue for you.

    And I think we will trust that you will be honest with your answers.

    By the way, I am pleased to answer 'Yes' to all those questions above. Of course, it is the law here where I live. And the authorities that have oversight on these issues are very, very strict here. But that doesn't change the 'FACT' that my answers are all 'Yes' to all those questions. And there are other requirements mandated by law here to help solve these environmental problems. What exactly are you doing to help? For instance, do you really know what recycling means? Like reusing the friction tape they use at the hospital and not letting the staff just throw that friction tape in their garbage. Like using the blank side of a document for hard copy notes? And there are other examples I would be happy to read you do in the interest of recycling, instead of just blindly throwing things into the garbage, even if the garbage is sorted like I asked about above.
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  12. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  13. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    ...... and ive never voted in any election in my life :)
  14. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    and i've been ' unemployed ' all my life so i know what recycling is :)

    @ Case-Scheinheilig

    I'm lucky . Directly in frot of where i ' live ' theres a line of dustbins for nearly all sorts of materials .......... so if i see something i take it ......... and leave all my working things in front of it so that neighbours can use it .......... i scrape the labels off tin cans and from the top of jars :) But if i do or dont do anything / enoufgh ( Whos to decide how much is enough ) has nothing to do with polytrickers do sod all about a lot of the problems the planet / biosphere / life has .

    Polytrickers are our leaders ? .......... there to lead us ? ............ out of s**t and into good times ? = Its their duty to stear / lead / help us to save the biospeher / inhumanity .............. and polytrickers are leaders ......... and some people trust them !?!? ---- >

  15. 55Percent

    55Percent MDL Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2023
    Thank you for the response, case-sensitive.

    About that no elections activity at your end, I sometimes wonder what good that sort of political process actually does for some of the most basic problems in everyday lives around the planet. BUT I don't think we are allowed in this community to get into political type discourse, so I best halt at that observation.

    On the other hand, if I am wrong about my thoughts regarding political discussion in this community it sure would be kind of an admin or mod to set me straight. This business of tackling global ecological problems and politics can't really be separated, if one is to fully dig into the problems associated with problem solving of ecological related situations.

    For example, the Fukushima Daiichi ecological disaster has political ramifications riddling the whole debacle, but if we can't discuss politics here, we really can't fully appreciate what is happening with regard to that major ecological disaster. I've been up there to that facility and that is an ecological horror story that even the best mind that created fictional horror stories before that happened probably could not have come up with that one. A bunch of rich folks running a company deciding to ignore clear evidence of horrible decision making when that facility was in just the planning stage way back many decades ago. Are those executives in jail? I don't think so, as I am writing this right now. Why not?
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  16. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    One can pick and choose at will all kinds of *facts* these days, as there are all sorts of scientists about...

    But some of us remember the serious winters, hot summers, nothing in-between and considerably less polluted environment... And we DO know who's responsible...
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  17. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    What a fooked-up question which only speaks of the mind of the one who came up with it...

    Saw my signature? Kant on what Enlightenment is... Nope? Oh, well, it shows and it serves you right in your spiritual laziness, Noddy...

    You keep nodding to the fossil fuel industry, to your shame, and I shall continue to exercise my little grey cells, as everyone ought to...
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  18. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013

    Dubai air show orders for Airbus and Boeing

    The international air show in Dubai ended Thursday with a record volume of orders. Organizers said orders worth around $130 billion had been placed during the five-day show. Dubai-based Emirates airline alone had ordered 81 wide-body jets from Airbus with a catalog value of about $20 billion.

    Qatar Airways announced on the last day of the Dubai Airshow that it had ordered 60 Boeing 787-8 (Dreamliner) aircraft. The airline of the Gulf emirate Qatar said it had placed orders in Dubai worth a total of US$13 billion.

    Organizers said the air show, which is held in Dubai every two years, was attended this time by some 40,000 visitors.
  19. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013

    Cruise ships in Europe pumped out more toxic sulphuric gas last year than a billion cars, a new report has revealed.

    The cruise industry has repeatedly promised to mitigate its climate impacts.

    But pollution from these mega vessels is getting worse, research from Transport and Environment shows.

    Europe’s 218 cruise ships emitted 509 tonnes of sulphur oxides in 2022 - up from 465 tonnes in 2019.

    This eye watering total surpasses the quantity produced by a billion cars, or 4.4 times more than all the cars on the continent.
  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    The weather forecast today...

    vremenska prognoza danas.jpg
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