Global Warming strikes again........
Ummm, yeah. It still doesn't beat the 3 1/2 feet dumped in a half an hour on Christmas eve in 1978 near Corning, NY.
Global Warming has been over hyped for financial benefits by unscrupulous people like Gore. However increased snowfall doesn't prove or disprove it. I think commonsense is that increased heat will cause more evaporation and more moisture in the atmosphere, which increases precipitation.
What I don't understand is how the hell are these quacks still able to say that global warming exists when they have been proven wrong time after time after time? Here is a nice little story from 2014: Yet these morons can still take their private jets, and ride in fancy limos (2 modes of travel that are the biggest carbon to person ratio polluters) to their little meetings and discuss how they can fleece the people of the world by paying "carbon taxes".
What you say is true for the most part, However back in the late 70's and early 80's I took several cross country flights and for he most part you could see the ground from 30K feet. I took a similar flight in 2006 and all you could see was clouds beneath you. Kinda like watching the froth form on a pot of water coming to a boil... Only much more slowly. Of course the younger generations have no previous knowledge to base their observations upon. Is there such a thing as "dry heat" anymore ? Once upon a time there was, in the south western US.
I live in Texas, and I can tell you that there is definitely still dry heat. About once every 5 years we have a "wet year", just so happens that this year was a wet one. It is called a "La Nina" year. That is when the temperatures are generally cooler and we get more precipitation. Normally it is 114F and dry.
Yes increased moisture in the atmosphere. What is interesting is whether the increased moisture in the form of cloud cover would actually reduce the amount of sunlight hitting the Earth's surface and cause a temperature drop. I think it will be in extremes, the areas which have less moisture will have increased temperatures and the areas with more moisture will see cooler temperatures.
CO2 is measured in parts per million (ppm). That's like pissing in an Olympic sized swimming pool and expecting catastrophic effects.
Depends on the molecules and what is being damaged. For instance, ozone has been hit multiply worse by the replacements for CFCs, which turned out to be infinitely more stable and hence created many more chains of reactions of the same but worse sort... Similar with endocrine disruptor replacements in plastics, for instance - our "clever" scientists sometimes do not test properly but bestow their genius on everybody immediately... and the new ones are also worse than the original ones... Hence, we should err on the side of caution!!! BIG TIME!!!
Warmest Dec on record but I think this is just another world cycle. We have had the ice age killing of the Wolly Mamoths. Did the world heat up and suddenly get cold or maybe something blocked off the sun. Don't know if it is man made although we have poloution on a big scale so possibly. God said fire not flood next time ..well well well ..
The so-called scientists are dumber than a brick, failing to realize that everything works in cycles, thus after global ice age comes global warming and this goes on and on. The cosmic cycle that planet earth is part of doesn't give a rat's ass about some dumb hillbillies with massive ego issues that think they can influence that at the stage they are now. "If you want to understand the Universe think in terms of light, frequency and vibration" said Nikola Tesla, but the hillbillies ignored it, " 'cause we know better".
To be a scientist one has to have considerably more intelligence, diligence, concentration, focus (and a few other traits) than you or me... But not all of them have conscience, spine, understanding of their societal responsibilities...
Thankfully this woman IS a Climatologist and is speaking up against the "Group Think" and corruption. Big business has hijacked the environmental movement, therefor those (like myself) who care about the planet get labeled deniers for not buying into big businesses' Climate-Change agenda. If only more like her would have the guts to speak up ...
Yeah, yeah, don't err on the side of caution, especially not Americans, who put up the absolutely enormous, champion quantity of weather and nature influencing sh@#*7e into not only the atmosphere but our "habitat" as such (literally everywhere we go, Space included!), even though they have a small % of world's population... Don't ever do anything at all, don't sacrifice anything, just keep on pumpin'... Especially now, that others have started catching up with the USofA... Swell! That will help. THAT kinda "leadership"... Oh, don't ever look at the science itself, just dismiss it all out of hand, proclaim innocence, it's all down to the Sun and only ever look at the "policy influencing" stuff... Now, we all know what really matters here!!! And it ain't science! What a #&*#@!!!
My dear gorsky, the whole human society lacks that...thus the human race is doomed to repeat history and destroy itself. But, no Earth will renew itself, so will humanity...again and again repeating the tragic circus until the humanity will realize it's part of the system, not something outside of it. Then and only then, humanity it will redeem itself and the planet at the same time. Back back to the topic: global warming is just another ca$h-cow for the rich to get richer, just like war on cancer, war on drugs, war on poverty, war on famine, war on peace - oh, wait, that didn't come out right, did it? The beautiful human society "fights" so many "wars" that it has lost its own humanity in the process.
One thing here stinks really, really badly, it bites the eyes: pretending this has nothing to do with us means loads $£€ for the rich because it means business as usual, so Amuuuricans can continue as if nothings' the matter, in their untaxed, humongous seriously thirsty, petrol guzzling monster "vehicles", building whole big cities in the desert and whatnot, using over a third of Earth population's energy consumption. That is the seriously sad path we would continue in that case. The "green business" has started becoming big business relatively recently and it's nowhere near the established big business. However, it's not like we have a great choice there! Well, not without a Revolution, the serious, most profound change in all spheres of society/politics/economy, including us, Humans, all the way even to our most intimate sphere, the nature of desire as such. And how bloody likely is that, any time soon?!? Some philosophers think that the question of all questions in Modernity is the question of production, distribution and usage of energy. Hence, nowadays all the wars stink to high Heavens of that, regardless of "excuses" and inane "rationalisations"... We need the solar revolution pronto, as an interim measure, before Revolution starts in earnest...