My, my, aggressively proud of your stupidity, eh? Oh, well, you really are not capable of understanding a single issue here! Gullible as fook!
Tesla offered the green energy solution to the world almost a century ago, but...JP Morgan & co. locked it or destroyed it. Anyway... knowledge is power and power corrupts, how is mankind going to redeem itself?
If knowledge liberates, why hasn't humanity eradicated disease & poverty? If knowledge liberates, why hasn't the space being colonized? If knowledge liberates, where is the freedom? Americans had the "Boston tea party", but they still pay taxes now. Some Americans today even consider that not paying taxes is an act of treason against USA. Everyone knows that the income tax is illegal, but everyone pays it without any problems. gorski, mice will never rise up against the cat, but the mice will teach the fear against the cat...always. French people had the revolution and look where it got them...nowhere. So, I ask you, what revolution? The only revolution that will bring freedom to humanity is a revolution in consciousness, but that's not going to happen because humanity is like a blind man who holds on very tight to his white stick, when all he has to do his eyes to see the light and gain freedom. FREEDOM? For the people on this planet? long as the gut is growling it will never happen. I remember a communist anecdote that fits perfectly to humanity. Stalin gave a goose to every leader of the countries inside the iron curtain and told them they will meet in a year. After the year has passed they all meet up bringing their own goose with them. All the leaders had fatten up their goose and kept it in a golden cage, only Stalin had his own goose free, but skinny, waiting patiently by his side. Stalin told them to release the geese and they did: all the geese started waking around the room and making big noise, just Stalin's goose followed Stalin obedient. "Let this be a lesson for you. If you want to control your people you use hunger and poverty. If you give the people everything and keep them surrounded by golden walls, they will always seek freedom" said Stalin. The same thing is now applied on world scale. Humanity must take the red pill.
Oh, dear... If a newborn is (potentially) a perfect Human being, why doesn't it get born fully grown, capable and without any flaws?!? My word, man... Genius! Humanity's struggle for mutual recognition is long and arduous, seriously painful and rather difficult, to the point of lots of blood spilled, wars, revolutions and reactionary movements and whatnot. Your question is at a level of an impetuous child, I must say... "Hmpf, if it's not 10000% like you say (and here you rather conveniently forget any and all improvements during our History), so it's all 'stoopid'!!!" The same goes for all your "criticisms"... Btw, the blue pill is the best, by far, of all the pills we have...
One more thing, to try to educate you minimally "Everyone" sadly does not know (starting from you, obviously) that paying taxes (or not) is what makes society civilised (or not)! Solidarity principles have not been built into our Modern society until recently (pensions in old age, UK's NHS, for instance, free education for all, security safety net when unemployed [most frequently due to no fault of their own] all cost and not everybody is willing to pay for it, sadly) and after a lot of struggle, sometimes paid in a lot of blood! It takes time and organised effort of free Mankind to achieve these goals. And there are no guarantees, when freedom is involved! Steps backwards are always on the cards! Ergo, if this doesn't enlighten you, nothing will!
Oh, OK. Forget about this conversation. Please read a thousand times your own signature, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll understand my words. Your speech contradicts your signature, just so you know. P.S. It seems that you can't tell the difference between golden shackles and freedom. Shackles will always be shackles, regardless the material they are made of.
No, your posts contradict your intentions but you don't know it... yet... Running away, btw, won't help you in any way... P.S. I have studied these issues (at a very high level - you know, where you are tested by the best in the profession) for over 34 years now (longer if I count the high-school years... ). I suppose, I most likely qualify to be your teacher. But teachers can't teach anyone who happens to be full of themselves, so they can't possibly hear anyone but themselves...
My dear gorski, there's nothing to study. We don't need philosophy in this matter, but pragmatism, which unfortunately is used by the few on the many for the benefit of the few. The few just laugh at your studies, 'cause they now the many will stop at that level and don't have the guts to take it further. Again, a blind man will always fear the light for the simple fact the light is for him the unknown.
And therein lies the problem. Its like people who suffer from a mental illness. Say you find yourself in the midst of a crisis, and your coping mechanisms are failing you and you find yourself suffering anxiety, maybe even panic attacks. Off to the docs crying, freaking out thinking your losing your mind. Guess what? Your not, your very reaction is an indicator to the doc your perfectly normal, your just having some problems with stress which can be resolved with the right help. But when your found, with no reasonable explanation, masturbating in public wearing a ballerinas tutu with a rubber glove stretched over your head ...the next thing wondering why your siting in a psychiatric unit complaining that you shouldn't be there ... Think about it ...
Dear gorski, we're talking about totally different things. You talk about a chimera, while I talk about reality - stuff that happens around you, while you like it or not. Tell that to the guy that has 3 mortgages, 2 jobs just to be able to satisfy 2 basic human needs: food and shelter. It's very nice to philosophize from a leather armchair while filthy rich, but that's not so easy while you live in a cardboard box next to a dumpster and feed with scraps. Jim Carey said: "I'd like everyone to be rich to see that's not the answer", but I say that's just the beginning. P.S. Buddha realized the what's the path to Enlightenment only after he eat the bowl of rice, not before.
"user" - learn the language (and hence to write) properly and maybe we can have a debate... I can't make head or tails out of that rhapsodic jumble you posted... Socrate, please don't try to teach me what "reality" is and what is "utopia". I can only give you an autograph on the issues... It would also be great if you wouldn't presume s**te stuff about me in order to "try" to deal with my arguments, the beginning of which you do not grasp, I'm afraid, thanx...
A Tibetan saying goes like this: if one dreams it will remain just that, but if two dream the same thing it is reality. Dear gorski, I don't care who you are as a person, I'm addressing to the words I see on the screen and those words are...neither reality nor utopia. Philosophy is discussion in the dinning room holding in your hand a glass of "O Muse de Bordeaux" from 1920.
Indeed, some people are prisoners of their material wealth. Marx was such a victim, without realizing it. I "like" these "preachers" who don't live what they "preach". This poor bastard was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so he didn't had to "progress through struggle", but he "preached" that. I would take all these preachers and give them a shovel, a bottle of water, a piece of bread and put their lazy fat asses to work. Then they would reconsider all their "sermons". P.S. Indeed, it's easy to write crap, that others will cite as "philosophy" after 10-20 years, from behind a mahogany desk, smoking cigars, having butlers and maidens serving the "philosopher" and indulging his every...moan. P.S2. I heard that Donald Trump said that if he'll be the next US president, he'll give all his money to the eradicate poverty from the North American continent and everybody will drive a 2016 Cadillac Escalade.
Debate you? No chance of that EVER happening. You just don't listen - period. No matter what evidence is shown to you. Your idea of debate or reply are insults from what I've seen thus far.
The sad part is that those fat lazy asses that use this planet as their own back yard, laugh at "the struggling people" and pay a few idiots to write crap and then advertise and publish those idiots as "the new philosophy & science" and the sheep....buys it.
MDL needs to create a forum for all those poor cigar smoking, sherry swilling, elitist snobs. "Ever feel like a steer beginning to question your wisdom in accepting that free train ride to Kansas City?"