Well I do know the ashtrays are gone. I did hear about $800 hammers and what not, but that was from some douche conservative talk show host, so that, if true, probably has many sound reasons he did not discuss. I think the government needs to get more involved. Push companies, and contribute funding for this stuff. It is all good. More government money spent equals more jobs. And that's a fact.
Climate Change to Opioids: Presidential Candidates Answer 20 Science Questions Call it a presidential game of 20 questions: The 2016 U.S. presidential candidates recently answered a slew of questions about science-related issues, offering a glimpse of their stances on everything from vaccinations to climate change to the country's growing opioid problem. ScienceDebate, a coalition of 56 leading U.S. nonpartisan organizations representing more than 10 million scientists and engineers, called on the candidates to give their stance on top science, engineering, technology, health and environmental questions facing the country... more
The Antarctic mystery of mountaintop plankton Since 1984, researchers have been arguing about what to make of tiny ocean plankton shells sitting atop the Transantarctic Mountains. That is obviously not a place plankton would call home, so how did they get there? And what might their presence tell us about Antarctica’s past?... more
Since carbon emissions are part of environmental damage, then only the point that it's natural should not matter.
It is people like you which has put our country into the position which it is. First of all it is NOT "government money". It is the peoples money. While theoretically if that money was well managed you would be correct, with all the corruption only a miniscule amount actually makes it back into the people's pockets, or to where it came from in one form or another. The rest goes into the overpaid politicians and lawyer's pockets... A prime example is when the Clintons left office and were "dead broke". ( I wish I was that "dead broke". )
It should be noted, though, that various groups, including intelligence agencies and insurance organizations, argue that the effects of global warming will lead to major problems during the next few decades.
https://www.theguardian.com/global-...-under-our-feet?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_LinkedIn - how about that?!? Combined with: http://archaeology.about.com/od/tterms/qt/Three-Sisters.htm http://www.reneesgarden.com/articles/3sisters.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Sisters_(agriculture)
Let me add: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/20/roads-car-use-health-driving https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/sep/06/meat-production-veganism-deforestation Lierre Keith’s book http://library.uniteddiversity.coop/Food/The_Vegetarian_Myth.pdf Interview: http://matadornetwork.com/bnt/why-vegetarianism-will-not-save-the-world/
http://thehill.com/policy/technology/241508-spy-head-had-absolutely-forgotten-about-nsa-program [h=1]Attorney: Spy chief had 'forgotten' about NSA program when he misled Congress[/h]
I was expecting science organizations. Still, shall we take some examples from the list you provided? Amnesty International: "What has climate change got to do with human rights?" https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2015/12/climate-change-human-rights/ World Council of Churches: "Care for creation and climate justice" https://www.oikoumene.org/en/what-we-do/climate-change Refugees International: "Confronting the Impacts of Climate Change" http://www.refugeesinternational.org/blog/2016/5/3/climate You should probably look for a new list.
The catch is that the organizations you do trust are coming up with the same assessments as those you don't. Several of them even refer to combinations of factors, as shown in the rest of your post. For example, you argue that extreme weather conditions took place without global warming. And yet several of the organizations you trust are not as dismissive, arguing that not only are these conditions amplified by global warming, they make other problems, such as lack of food, worse. Guess what? The organizations you don't trust are giving similar arguments. If you read the reports of the organizations you trust carefully, you will see that their stance is the opposite of yours. They don't dismiss global warming because there are more serious problems. Rather, these problems are worsened because of global warming. In fact, some of them even argue that global warming has an amplifying effect on human rights conditions, as it leads to more human migration, hunger, etc.
The poll should have had Natural Cycle as a choice. It's not called Global Warming any more but has to be changed to Climate Change, I wonder why. What I've long learned is to watch your wallet, the pro-government globalist are constantly scheming to separate you from your money and this Climate Change alarm is just another one of their schemes. The sun is entering a maunder minimum and I think we're at the beginning of a mini ice age.
Global warming is real and it's man made. It started with the Industrial Revolution and has been accelerating ever since. If we don't do something real soon, we'll end up like Venus with runaway greenhouse gas heating and our blue planet will be DEAD.
˄˄ I hope Donald Trump finally grasps the above elementary message, as he seems to have difficulty with it.