Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. jeggg

    jeggg MDL Member

    Dec 30, 2016
    ..etc etc..

    Seriously...look at the OP post #1 in this thread..actually it is the very first post..topic is > "Global Warming: Your opinion ...." < That is the Topic of this thread , ..seriously please keep on topic thank you so much :)
  2. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    You have not grasped that basics of capitalism. It needs GROWTH, where it comes from does not matter.

    Why do you think everyone is looking to raise inflation?
    The Japanese f.e. are printing money by the truckload, DAILY! And all that happens is that the nations debt keeps growing. The solution that will come? Simple... abolish cash... then, all the debt of the planet will be nothing but digits in a computer, and there will be total surveillance, because every purchase you will make will be rorded, when and where you ever are...
    Watch out for the tiny little notices in your newspapers on that subject.. you will be surprised how many there are already.

    The problem is that the governments of capitalist states rely on the banking system as it is, because the debt they owe needs to be hidden in some computers, or the whole game implodes. So they (and we!) now have 0% interest, bills need to be paid, and savings get transferred. As Buffett said: We are winning the war between rich and poor.

    Substantilly raising taxes, f.e. by increasing tax revenue for the five biggies in silicon valley would be a start, but as long as no US government gets around to abolish s**t like Delaware, the mess gets only passed on from one government to the next....

    Don't wait for better news...
  3. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    There is no answer. Germany is changing from ground up.....

    What would be needed is getting out of NATO, out if the EU and out of the Euro. Then starting these three projects again in a sensible way. You would need able politicians for that, which there aren't any, because there are no sensible voters to vote for them.
    Germany is a country run by thousands of lobbyists, who actually share offices inside the parliament building and right there write the laws, that the elected representatives of the people then pass. If anyone's conscience prevents him from voting "Yes", then there goes their place on the party's list for the next election, which means: there goes their pension. Being faced with the present fact, that nothing can actually be turned around anyway? What would you do?
    (If you wondered when reading about it, why the Italians avoid an urgently needed election, they "people's representatrives" even admit, that they refuse to do the necessary, because otherwise they will lose their pensions unless they sit in parliament until at least September.)

    Oh.. before I forget... Germany, thanks to that brilliant Merkel also has the small problem of already having a million mostly muslim refugees, that the majority of germans dislike, and another million is waiting in Africa and the middle east for the snow to melt, to also get in where more money is to be had for free, than in their homeland with work. This state of things of course exists thanks to the economic and militrary politics of the US, and the unflinching support of these crimes by, amongst others: Germany.

    If you use all the army transport planes, it would take 25 years, fulltime, to fly the registered and unregistered ones back where they came from, which no one knows where that might be in the first place. Fake papers are easy to obtain, the mass migration is a huge business! Or no papers at all will also do the trick.

    Germany will undergo some basic changes in the next ten years. Way beyond anything that can be controlled.
  4. wazzock

    wazzock MDL Senior Member

    Oct 22, 2016
    Off topic.
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Right wing derailment... :rolleyes: As per usual... :D :D :D
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  6. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    TM = More like trolling with wild abandonment
    Actually, economy has everything to do with the global warming, the use of fossil fuels required for nations to produce goods, if we were to totally stop all global warming with what we currently have for energy, most economies would stop too. As we stand currently for our commercial technologies for energy, we need a careful balance for our ecology and our economy

    At least until MJ fixes this mess
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  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #787 Mr.X, Jan 6, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    America's cutting edge technology environmentally friendly

    This is a major breakthrough for god bless america... and perhaps the entire world:

  8. jayblok

    jayblok MDL Guru

    Dec 26, 2010
  9. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Joe C: It's already being done. And not in the USA, because any American who takes up the charge against fossil fuel and oil will either be killed or ridiculed into oblivion.

    And let's not forget: Nikola Tesla died in ridicule and poverty, feeding the pigeons outside his window.

    I place no stock in this world. And that includes all the trappings and trinkets that it offers.

    Some more things to "whet your whistle"


    The second link is the most plausable approach. That's the approach I would take.

    There you have it. I have given the world the key to solving the Global Warming / pollution issue. And all of you are the first to bear witness. And in 10 years or so, when someone releases it to the world, you'll all be able to say
    "Hey! Didn't the MDL Crazy Lady say this before she left this world?"

    Peace and Joy.
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  10. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    That's very nice MJ, but here right now the only changes that I am aware of on a large commercial scale of energy use are: running nat gas instead of coal, wind turbines (ugly one's at that) and cars (other transportation) with better fuel ratings. We are still gobbling up fossil fuel resources (excluding wind turbines)
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  11. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Joe C: As long as they're able to do what they want, they will. If you rubbed their faces in free energy like a puppy, they'd still crap on the rug.

    The stark reality of Capitalism. And -that's- why I won't build it.

    Not that I can't. I just won't.
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  12. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    Just because are not capable of grasping connections, does not mean something is OT...

    Go and watch Fox News, they always stay on topic....
  13. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    Global warming does not exist.
    IF climate change, which exists, is man made, then it has been allowed by politics.
    Not everything is wrong, just because you fail to understand it, you do not like our discussion? Go to another one...
  14. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015
    You see how it goes here?

    Some complain its off topic, you right: "economy has everything to do with the global warming".
    And, your idea that in the biggest culprit countries, the US and China, politicians who run on "we need a careful balance for our ecology and our economy", would be allowed to become Presidents, is a bit naiv, right?

    So the question remains, what dop WE do about climate change...

    An honest answer? You live in Miami... move!
  15. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

    How much can we actually do to stop people from doing the things that they do if they refuse to stop. Can we force them with taxes and legislation? We can try, but the onus is on us to do the necessary policing to prevent them from breaking the laws and sidestepping the taxes.

    Then, corruption rears its' ugly head in the form of bribes and payoffs. Why? Because of Consumerism. Keeping up with the joneses. Having the best of the best as a phallic extension.
    The poor see this and want the spoils of the wealthy. That's how black markets are formed, along with organized crime.

    The poor people who see this and struggle for a better life emigrate to other countries and bring the best and the worst of their respective cultures.

    And what does this have to do with climate change? Everything.

    @ThomasMann: When you say the same truth over and over again, only to feel that it falls on deaf ears, or worse yet, you're ridiculed by those who see things differently than you,
    It's so easy to become embittered and disgusted with humanity in general, not to mention with a single country who appears to hold the same culprits and who does and says the same thing over and over again.

    Not everybody has the courage and the wear-with-all to throw everything away and restart their lives in another place. Even if it is a paradise.

    Even if the change will be beneficial in the long run.

    That's where compassion comes in. Understanding that for some of us, we're locked into the horrors of our own lives. And no matter what we do, we have no choice.

    Take what I say with a grain of salt. Lash out at me with a vitriolic reply filled with acerbic wit and condescention.

    But it doesn't change the truth, or reality. It only erodes your psyche.

    @Joe C: Some day, I just might build that electrolytic plasma reactor. Who can say. It's not high on my to-do list. And if I do, I will give it to the world. for free.

    TBH, I don't think that the world is ready for that kind of change. Humans will only find something else to squabble over.
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  16. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    „How much can we actually do to stop people from doing the things that they do if they refuse to stop. Can we force them with taxes and legislation? We can try, but the onus is on us to do the necessary policing to prevent them from breaking the laws and sidestepping the taxes.”

    There is a lot serious bad news about this…
    “The necessary policing” will have to be done by the Obamas and Trumps? Can you stop laughing yourself about this idea?

    Such measures will always cost money, and it will be YOUR money, and the country that starts will lose longest. In fact, it will lose money as long as it needs to realize that only a tiny minority of the 200 something countries on the planet will follow its lead, and then it will finally return to the polluting politics from the past.

    “Not everybody has the courage and the wear-with-all to throw everything away and restart their lives in another place. Even if it is a paradise.”

    Of course not… but as you know, I am not at all interested in excuses. You do not want to leave for whatever reason? Fine, but then live with the consequences.
    This discussion is similar to the one in Germany at the end of the 1920s. Masses of people left the country, when threatened with the nearing prospect of a Hitler coming to power. You can read the diaries of Lionel Feininger oder even non-Jews like Thomas Mann amongst many others…
    6 Million Jews regretted deeply not to have left.

    I say: “Climate change is real and this is the only life you have.”
    It is YOUR responsibility to take care of your family or yourself.
    You are of course welcome to trust the Trumps or Hilarys of the world.

    “Take what I say with a grain of salt. Lash out at me with a vitriolic reply filled with acerbic wit and condescention.
    But it doesn't change the truth, or reality. It only erodes your psyche.”

    I am simply stating, admittedly unpleasant, facts.
    Have you ever been to a zen-session? Do you know why they use a zen-stick to hit you with? You do not want to live in the real world and with facts? No problem, it is your life! Look around yourself, what do you see most of? People complaining…. Always it is others, the capitalists, the politicians, the stupid voters fault….
    And, you make not like this, but it is not your psyche that will erode, it might just be your conditioning that makes you see yourself as victim, that is helpless against the powers of “evil”.
  17. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    #797 Michaela Joy, Jan 8, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
    It doesn't really matter to me. And I don't let it affect my psyche, or the quality of my life.
    It doesn't affect my money at all. Retired seniors live practically tax free. What I do is try to befriend the individuals who came here to make better lives for themselves and their children, leading by example. If you plant weeds, you'll have to eat weeds.

    “Not everybody has the courage and the wear-with-all to throw everything away and restart their lives in another place. Even if it is a paradise.”
    No. You mistake a compassionless hard line stance for wisdom. A wisdom that most do not want or need. This world has evolved past people like yourself. And that's the crux of what bothers you.

    Your way of thinking is literally obsolete. And the fact that you have to live in a place where people have to put up with your nasty attitude and mindset for the sake of survival only casts my beliefs in cement.

    As far as these imaginary consequences of which you speak? Very few of us feel these. Only those who have nothing to hold on to and whose lives are devoid of love.

    True love. something I suspect you do not understand and never will.

    Hitler rose to power for one simple reason; the people wanted the Jews out of Germany.
    Just like the Aussies and the Aborigones. Just like the Afrikaan dutch and the Africans.
    Just like the settlers and the Native Americans. (All you know-it-alls stay out of it. We were -ALL- nomads at one time or another)
    European settlers who came here to escape "tyranny", only to re-enact it here.

    The key word is greed. The riches of the lands that were given to the natives hold great wealth.

    Now That I can agree with. -BUT- I'm not about to allow a child to suffer just because His or Her father was a piece of crap and abandoned their mother. And I will -NOT- allow a senior to suffer, just because a huge pharmaceutical company has a quota that needs to be filled.

    So we work together. As a community. Something that is diametrically opposed to the concept of individualism.

    If you think that, then you are more delusional than I thought.

    “Take what I say with a grain of salt. Lash out at me with a vitriolic reply filled with acerbic wit and condescention.
    But it doesn't change the truth, or reality. It only erodes your psyche.”

    You are -NOT- stating the facts. You are coloring the facts with your own miserable life experiences.
    Even an old soft hearted fool like me, who wears rose-colored glasses can see that.

    No I haven't.

    Have you ever held someones hand as they left this world?

    Now -THAT-s reality.

    Have you ever held a newborn infant in your arms? The alpha of life. Such innocence and beauty.
    Does that fill you with hope? or do you believe that this creature will grow up to become everything that you hate in this world.

    See my last statement.

    I think I understand what you're trying to say. And If I'm right, you're trying to say that we need to change what we can, and not blame our own stations in life on the actions of the wealthy (or of nameless-faceless individuals who live their lives hurting others.)

    I am not,and -NEVER- have been a victim. My kind does - NOT- complain. We may, from time to time, express dismay at the apparent hopelessness of things. But tomorrow, we will rise and do our best to set an example, and to be good people, helping one another and understanding that not everybody is as strong or as gifted as we are.

    (Yeah I know all about the word vergiften. :D )

    Never assume. You make an ass out of U and Me.
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  18. Global warming is natural but the natural rate is less, man is changing the rate at which it is occurring(increasing).
  19. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    global warming hmm just went outside its colder then usual, at least colder then the last few years more snow more freezing temps . jet stream dropped down and is bringing freezing temps lower then usual ! snow in the mountains is deeper then usual California is getting more rain and snow then usual , you know it hard to prove its getting warmer to a person freezing their butt off ! and I know in 5-10 years it will be warm again because the earth cycles thru warm and cold temps and will keep doing it until they bury me . who knows the world the world might end when I die I know it will for me lol. I remember when they said the world would run out of oil in my life time what happened with that ? I'm over 70 now so they better run out pretty quick lol . science is a wonderful thing but some times they exaggerate things a little and start a little " the sky is falling thing" :g: so take every thing with a grain of salt walk out side and look around are things changing that much ?
  20. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Zen45: I'm convinced that Mother Nature is going through menopause...
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