climate change, globle warming can we do anything about it no ! it has been going on since the creation of of planet earth ! what we are doing is poluting the planet with our garbage ! can we do somthing about that yes ! can we make the air cleaner yes !
We certainly can do 'something' about the global warming - the part we are responsible for!!! From the invention of agriculture, to industrial revolution, our ever growing numbers, use of various fossil fuels and onwards!!! Research reveals potential of an overlooked climate change solution.
> Research reveals potential of an overlooked climate change solution. Blasphemy !!! EVERYONE knows that our only chance of survival is the saviour GODs son our lord jesus christ and that the capitalist climate cacktastrophy is caused by the poor , black people , jews , communists , homosexuals and women .
https://www.printedelectronicsworld...copper-to-break-solar-panel-efficiency-record Swapping Silver for Copper to Break Solar Panel Efficiency Record SunDrive Solar, a company co-founded in 2015 by Bachelor of Engineering graduate and PhD candidate Vince Allen, last week received certification from the Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH) that their commercially-sized silicon solar cell had achieved a 25.54% efficiency. This efficiency surpassed the previous world record of 25.26%, held by LONGi Solar, the world's leading manufacturer of mono-crystalline solar modules. Silicon is currently the dominant solar cell technology, and this technology comprised 95 per cent of all solar modules installed in 2020. What makes the SunDrive achievement even more remarkable is that they use copper to pull the electrical current from the cells rather than silver, which is the industry standard. Copper is around 100 times cheaper as a raw material than silver, and much more widely available, meaning the cost of solar modules could plummet if the technology is developed further. For further information see the IDTechEx report on Energy Harvesting Microwatt to Gigawatt: Opportunities 2020-2040. SunDrive's other co-founder was UNSW Business School graduate David Hu, while UNSW Engineering graduates Dr Jack Colwell, Dr Daniel Chen and Liangyuan Guo are also heavily involved in the company and helped achieve this world record. Liangyuan Guo was a member of the 'Mini Solar' Vertically Integrated Project run by UNSW Engineering's ChallENG program, providing an early success for this pilot program. Game-changer for the industry UNSW Professor Alison Lennon, from the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, mentored many of the team and is now a SunDrive advisor. And she says the success of such a small startup shows what can be achieved by UNSW students. "This is an amazing story of how PhD research at UNSW can be translated into a startup. A lot of the knowledge that Vince is using now at SunDrive, he learned here at UNSW and while working on the industry projects we run. Vince and the team have actually gone out and taken it to the world. This really is a 'David versus Goliath' story in the solar panel industry, and it has caught the interest of the Chinese photovoltaic industry. A lot of people, including myself, have spent many years trying to demonstrate that copper is an economically viable and sustainable alternative to silver. We've never been totally able to convince the industry, but that's what Sundrive have done with this world record," she adds. "I think this could be a real game-changer for the industry. There will be a lot of interest in how it has been achieved. No-one would ever have thought these guys would be able to break this world record, especially since the Goliaths of the industry have thrown so much money at this problem and not achieved this result." Professor Lennon says "I know the costs associated with metalisation and it is a real problem for PV. If manufacturers can now use this technology to produce power at a much lower cost per watt, then that will be passed on to the consumer," she explains. "With increased efficiency from the cell, you also get more power for the same area of solar panel. So, for a homeowner with a fixed roof area, you can generate more power each day. As well as all of that, there is also a sustainability aspect. In order to limit global warning, we will need to install terawatts of solar panels. This will require a lot of metal. Silver is a limited resource and as it becomes more and more scarce, its price will go up so the cost of producing solar modules will rise as well. Mining silver from lower quality ores also produces more emissions, making the problem worse. Copper is much more available as a resource, it's cheaper and it's also easier to recycle. The metal from copper-plated solar modules will be easier to recover from old modules and therefore may be more easily recycled in the future. This helps enormously from a sustainability perspective." Source: University of New South Wales Top image: Pixabay
It's sarcasm pinky ! BBC News: Climate change: Stop smoke and mirrors, rich nations told. Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific.
"We need to change. And we need to change radically, we need to change fast," said EU vice-president Frans Timmermans. "And that's going to be bloody hard." Stop killing things Stop burning things Stop eating dead animals Stop driving private cars Get a bycycle Stop holiday flights / mass tourism Stop the eurovision song contest Stop cruise ships Stop the rich being greedy Stop producing throw away goods Plant loads and loads of cannabis The problem is the rich and powerfull . They will never pay their debts or get a job .......... and .......... how are we going to get countrys to agree on limits and to stick to them = How are we going to enforce it ? = WAR Whats the ONLY technology we have that could stop global warming ? A nuclear winter ?
WE understand ? .......... to stop the climate cacktastrophy we have to stop buying , selling and throwing away cheep and nasty plastic throw away products that fall apart after a short time but are not recycleable . BUT .......... BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT !!!! The whole of the power of capitalism and poly-trickers = CA$H ............ comes from that = selling cheep and nasty plastic throw away products that fall apart after a short time but are not recycleable ........... TO MORONS = YOU The dilema for poly-trickers and their capitalist masters is = How to keep themselves in power and OUR cash in their pockets ? Either force the situation as it is with them in power = WE LOOSE OR For the first time in human history the rich and powerfull have to stop lieing to us , stop cheating us , stop ripping us off and stop killing the planet . = Get a real job and pay their debts .
Without very, very hefty taxation of the ultra-rich, it would be hard to make any significant changes. The ultra-rich are not paying their true debt to humanity/society It is an insane model that allows for the massive enrichment of individuals (the very few). It should be more than obvious by now that the ultra-rich, even if they are persons of merit (which we should question, given the fact of their shameless self-enrichment), are primarily harvesting merit of others and allotting this to themselves. They are vampiric/parasitic on the system and others, despite the fact they can be great innovators (or otherwise ambitious sociopaths). We thought we got rid of the feudal age, but things just take on different forms and the same human corruptibility again establishes itself. The greatest tool the ultra-rich have to sustain their status is putting the average person in survival mode, wherein their higher mental faculties get compromised and they function more on a plane of fight/flight. Encumbered by their immediate cares, they can't mobilize to change anything.
Stop demonizing the rich. Many got rich cause the normal folk are out wasting their hard earned money on junk, like$1000 cellphones every year, no one forced you to spend ! The rich are being enabled by the government's that are getting paid off. The ones you put into power! This is a human problem the inequality you see in the economy. Take any of these poorer people that are demonizing the rich and give them Bezos wealth and see what happens! I'm sure the majority will do worse. The point is fix the stupid system not the people exploiting the system! It's human nature to look for the easy way out. Which ironically is why the system will stay broken.
Dear Margret Thatcher , Yes you're right ........ poor and starving people are to balme for poverty .......... because they dont get a job !!!! ......... and we shouldnt give them any cash anyway because they'll spend it !!! Heil johnson