For instance: Trump is an upstart who got his money from his father and continued making more by bribing politicians and not paying taxes, even after he lost hundreds of millions, protected by the USofA state!!! And he didn't become a proletarian ==> Capitalism became an abomination!
I'm not talking about poverty I'm talking about blaming rich people for everything. It's the politicians that are @$#__ up most of the stuff!!! If they did their job then the rich couldn't exploit the system and billions wouldn't get wasted on nonsense, it would actually go where it's needed. Most countries have enough money to bring all or if not most of the population out of poverty. Why isn't it being done?
Sorry, wrong: under the current system it is their job to do as their bosses say! Who are their bosses? Those that fill their re-election coffers... Legalised corruption!
The rich = The farmers The government = The farmers shepherd . The people that tax us and stear us in the direction their rich masters want . The courts / police / army = The farmers sheep dog The population = The farmers sheep / livestock
See? Now you know the farmers are re-accommodating their livestock now that numbers are too high and technology is going to replace human workforce on many sectors. Vaccines=marking/reducing all obsolete sheep.
We are doomed! f**ked over by Capitalism, unfair but square. When we finally collectively understand this is self-destructive - it'll be way too late for way too many and not just us, Humans, but all manner of other species and possibly life as such on this planet!!! We need a serious Green/Left Revolution, a non-violent variety, so we can set up a society based in Reason, not greed and domination, resulting in this wanton destruction of the only environment we have!!! Unless we urgently create a rational relationship with Mother Nature - we are doomed!!! Jonathan N Fuller "The scientists demanded 45% cuts by 2030. COP26 will deliver an increase in emissions of 13.7%. Here's the relevant section of the COP declaration:"
Yes .........COP-OUT26 ........ the culprits / mass murderes in the capitalist climate cacktastrophy met and did some green washing .......... and as expected .......... they did nothing to stop it .......... and everything stays the same . Thanks for that ........ can you please post a link ? ...... i'd like to spread it around a bit . If we want to survive we have to take our own responsibility and fire poly-trickers and if the refuse to go ......... remove them .
Dunno... I have been talking about the ecocide we are responsible at least for the last 10000 years but OK....
just like paris, glasgow turned out to be more bla bla propaganda. those brainless consumers need to stop buying `made in china`stuff, and `made by alibaba` stuff, and pay a bit more for it, and stop clicking on propaganda by the Lügenpresse, i think. i am 70 yo now; and it will last my time, i suppose, so i am not over worried.. après nous le déluge.
It's more like "those brainless politicians in the pockets of their billionaire ever greedy and also brainless and soulless sociopathic bosses"...
Oooh really now you admit the politicians are at fault!! Make up your mind pinky. This is like the guy and girl, he can say how about it, it's up to her to say no!
Trans-cat praises himself for being allegedly "consistent", for being correct on any statement he does. Clearly he's the girl in this case...
Learn to think, FFS!!! I said brainless politicians!!!! Not all politicians are brainless and spineless and serving the billionaires!!! Jeez, is that so difficult?!? Have both of you recently fallen from Mars or something?!?