>Not all politicians are brainless and spineless and serving the billionaires!!! They take part in ...... and profit from ...... a totaly corupt and bankrupt system that makes the majority of people to slaves ....... and has sentanced the biosphere to death . ALL of them are profesional mass murderers . Same same with people that vote . They voted for the people that caused , watched , profited from and didnt do anything about the climate cacktastrophy ......... they ' legitimised ' elections by taking part in them . IF the morons wouldnt vote the poly-tricker criminals would have no backing
>Nonsense, brainless cynical nonsense! = You vote ...... and voted for the culprits in the climate cacktastrophy Poly-trickers claim to be our leaders ......... allthough in a democracy there are no leaders and politicians are suposed to be our representatives and not as now dictators ............ who have taken the money for the job .......... and watched the climate cacktastrophy happen . profited from it and, didnt and dont do anything about it . We just had the second international conference where the culprits met and talked s**t for days in circles .......... and ....... as usual didnt do anything at all except make speaches , hold press conferences ........ stufed their pockets full of our cash ...... and made empty promises ........ that they will do something = Their job ...... sometime in the future ............ and voters like you believe them ............. AGAIN ........... and your to egoistic to admit your wrong
Are you for real, politics is a money game now. You want to get elected it depends on who raises the most campaign funds! And how do they do that?! It isn't you arbitrarily determining who is brainless and not! You've lost your way Pinky , you're getting inconsistent. https://growensemble.com/influence-of-money-in-politics/
well, just to remain on the politically correct side; one has got to remark in this serious discussion that the girl is always right...
As I said: LEARN TO THINK!!!! As in "historical thinking"!!! What, Capitalism ate your brains completely?!? Was Capitalism here since the Big Bang? Or did we make it at some point?!? And if we did, i.e. this is our products - what, kitty ate your spine?!? Can't even allow yourself to think that - as the present system is destructive - it ought to be changed!!! AND PRONTO!!!! "Naaaah, matey, I can't, it's impossible, I am just a single person.... blah-blah-blah, ooohhh, poor me, pity me..." Get your thinking hats on, get off your knees and remember that without changing this bloody system Humanity won't survive! Not as a civilised society, it won't - if at all!! And no, if that ain't enough, there is no point in attempting to remind you that if we changed whole Epochs/systems of reproduction of life, we certainly can one single part of the present system, i.e. the system of funding political parties, FCOL!!! It's not like they always had money from corporate "beings" - it started recently!!! Take that away from them!!! Jesus Marx wept!!! https://reclaimdemocracy.org/who-are-citizens-united/
Everyone is prone to mistakes/errors/failures but some more so than others.... And X is compass-less, adrift, lost...
>Everyone is prone to mistakes/errors/failures but some more so than others.... You finaly got it !!!! .........well done !!! ........... admiting it was the first step ...... the next is at least trying to heal yourself and not just make infantile and vain mistakes because you dont understand ?
@ Mary Poppins and alibi sofa heros ...... including me Maybe some people can buy themselves a good conscience ........... by going on demos that have no effect .......... or sign petitions wich dont work ............... or voting against their own interests in elections ........... and / or talking hippy crap about personal responsibility and what we can all do .......... when at the moment theres NOTHING that we can personaly do that will make a difference . I wear my clothes untill the fall apart ...... and put a sweatshirt on so that noone sees the holes in my tshirt ...... my oldest tshirt is from 1981 . I saved so much water that the water company thought that i was stealing water and kept comming to my flat to check on me and replace the water meter . The social security doesnt trust me because my water bills are so low ....... and so are my heating bills ....... because i dont have the heating on in winter and sit with a hot water bottle under a blanket . Driven by guilty conscience . Because we've been trained to have a guilty conscience ........ i do those things ....... wich have very little to no effect . In circles in a culdesac . On this planet there are two driving forces , two controling forces ........... and ' strangely enough ' two profiting forces = Capitalists / ism and their government front men . They own the press ......... they have the guns ......... we arent allowed to demonstrate .............. so what can we do .......... realisticly ? We have the choice to grow up or to run away ........... and be a ' vegan ' ............ join green peace and be on a permanent middle class holiday ......... lure poor afrikans to their death in the sea to save them ........ OR grow the f**k up and start being realistic . Talking crap about what the individual can achieve when he doesnt use plastic bags is ego s**t . Excuses . Selbst betrug . Pissing against the wind for world freedom . This thread ......... shows whats wrong ......... = People talking personal ego crap ........... argueing .......... positionieren . People that wont sit down together and deal with the problem realisticly ........... wich cultivates the problem and makes the problem bigger . We havent got time for that . We havent got time to wait .
Global warming is a world lie, just like Covid19 Unfortunately, in our sad times, the level of education of the average person is rapidly declining. An ignorant population is easier to manage, but when the general level falls, the so-called chosen ones also begin to degrade. Those scientists who get grants to fight CO2, of course, claim that the greenhouse effect is caused by CO2 and that it is a threat to all mankind. And those scientists who do not count on these grants - claim a pseudo-scientific scam. "For years, former President of the U.S. Academy of Sciences Frederick Seitz (Seitz) has been pointing out that all theories of global warming and ozone holes are far-fetched and do not correspond to reality, that they are anti-scientific theories. Seventeen thousand American scientists have signed the petition. They agree with Zeitz and believe that the agreement* and the trends behind it are a genuine threat to humanity and a severe blow to its future." "Climategate" is a hacker discovery by some guys who hacked into the server of the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, CRU, and discovered a fascinating correspondence from the director of the Climatic Research Unit, CRU. It showed that the rationale for the Kyoto Protocol had been falsified about the climate for about 20 years. The sponsors of the anti-CO2 project, like the sponsors of the anti-nuclear project, are multinational corporations, particularly those that produce hydrocarbon fuels. Ps: You know that in winter the sun is at its closest distance from the earth, and in summer at its farthest. The question is why is it cold in winter? When the sun is closest to the earth and the opposite in summer? This question will be answered only by those people who think and are not zombo TV followers
hm. i tend to agree with you, and your self-appointed scientists, but the fact remains that the arctic ice is melting..
> Global warming is a world lie, just like Covid19 > Unfortunately, in our sad times, the level of education of the average person is rapidly declining. An ignorant population is easier to manage, but when the general level falls, the so-called chosen ones also begin to degrade. Thank you average person ..