Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Steven Donziger

    "BREAKING: Exxon and other oil giants are now claiming that suing them over lies about climate change violates their Free Speech rights. A planet-destroying industry turns the Constitution on its head to protect its profits."

    A "worthy" addition to "The Corporation" movie's new edition, one is forced to say... Probably wiser to make a "V. 2" movie, due to such a flood of blindingly obvious evidence... Sociopaths, the lot of them!
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  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    The rich and the climate.jpg
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  3. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  4. zen45

    zen45 MDL Addicted

    Feb 25, 2010
    isnt global warming going to happen no matter what we do ? isnt it a normal cycle of the planet earth ? the planet goes thru an ice age then warms up wasn't there vegetation growing on both poles at one time? man may be accelerating the temperature some what but he isn't the cause of it ! we should be thinking about how will we survive with these changes, where will our food come from where can we live in that environment when it gets hot what will be our energy source ?
  5. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Please dont derail this thread withj childish rubish . The biosphere is dieing and humanity has only a theoretical theoretical chance of survival . Thats the science . Theres no room or time for stupid climate change denyal arguments that have already been lost over and over again .
  6. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Can you point to one or two articles where those denial arguments are crushed merciless?
  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
  8. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Go educate yourself . I'm not responsible for your ' education ' or ' intelligence ' or ' honesty ' ;)

    The facts are clear and the only ' dispute ' is wether the weather is changing because of the governments and their capitalist masters ...... or not .
  9. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    That's pretty much what this thread is about. Is it natural or man made. The biggest issue for me is deforestation, which is being caused by humans. The other issues like sea level rise for me are irrelevant. Humans need to adapt, the sea level was a lot higher ages before and it will happen again. You can't build a city at the low water level and when it rises you claim the world is ending etc? The world isn't ending you are just bad at choosing your location.
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  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    @R29k - that video is unashamedly and rather obviously "bought and sold" by the nuclear and fossil fuel industry. It's obsolete and obscene in regurgitating the old and idiotic prejudices and nasty lies re. the various technology, while evading the serious issues re. nuclear or fossil fuel power generation...

    It doesn't even mention other ways of storing energy produced during the day and/or windy days which do not need batteries (in water or large cranes, for instance), not to mention water power, like tide etc.

    Seriously, this is rather an embarrassingly lying video made by the nasty industry against their younger and cheaper competitor, which isn't subsidised (like they massively are!!!), while being way cleaner...
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  11. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    If the profesionaly blind here would stop and think for a moment .

    YOUR the victim here ........... your posting. commnercial adverts for hippy s**t .......... hippy s**t that the working classes cant aford .

    The hippys sabotaged us and sold us to the russian empire when they agreed to end green nuclear energy ...... and because of that we're now up to our necks in s**t .......... and it can only get worse ......... the russian nazis are now blackmailing us ........... and useing the millons of euros that we pay every day to murder ukranians .
  12. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    #1673 R29k, May 10, 2022
    Last edited: May 10, 2022
    You sound like CNN and Fox they take opposing sides and everything on the opposing side is bad.
    Let's get a couple things clear
    1) There is nothing wrong with nuclear power. Chances are you are being powered by it right now. So stop demonizing it due to ignorance.

    2) the video mentioned coal being complete crap. If it was blindly supporting the narrative you're talking about then you would hear the "clean coal" nonsense.

    3) solar panels are highly inefficient They incur a huge carbon cost in production and a mess when they need to be dumped. Go look it up. Don't get me started on batteries.

    I have nothing against alternative power i like it. I prefer electric cars over the gas guzzling alternative. But sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the flaws in the production is silly at best and dangerous at worst.
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  13. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
  14. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1676 gorski, May 14, 2022
    Last edited: May 14, 2022
    Before all else: I really do not appreciate this kind of condescending tone... Esp. given the fact I wrote a lot about it and one can see in this very thread addressing such... ahem... misconceptions...

    Yes, let me clear up a few points on the topic for you... :rolleyes: Since you asked... :p nicely... :rolleyes: :D

    My standpoint is a mystery to you!!! "Critical" is absolutely necessary! It's basic stuff for scientists. I don't give a damn who is talking - I am interested in what is being said!

    What you are talking about is Scientism. And you sound very, very close to it, on this topic!!! This utterly uncritical stance towards nuke power is - mindboggling, to say the least!!!

    0) You sound - on this topic!!! - like a nuke poster-boy, thoroughly brainwashed... but OK... I mean, if you wanna eat irradiated fish and crustaceans - OK.,.. But I do NOT!!!

    I also do not want to add more Fukushimas, Three Mile Islands and Chernobyls to our arsenal of... little mishaps that could cost us really dearly!!!

    My family, I am convinced, suffered unduly thanx to Chernobyl but you are going to try to pull a fast one of "no safety issues", are you?!?

    Trains full of nuclear waste kept running under my window without anyone knowing - but that's OK, is it?!?

    Decommissioning of nuke power stations is extremely costly and we all have to pay for it. None of those costs are ever included in the electricity price - but "there's nothing wrong with it", eh?!?

    We only have all that expensive energy because we want ever more efficient weapons of ginarmous destructive power and - you see nothing wrong with it?!? Jesus Marx wept!!!

    No one has ever managed to prove that storage of spent nuke fuel is really safe - long term (50.000 years safe!!!) without any impact - esp. given the areas where they put it...

    Namely, geologically they are NOT sure what possible s**t might hit such deposits, how that can react to potentially huge tectonic pressure and then maybe affect the water table and many more issues...

    But you arrogantly pretend as if you have the knowledge of the future, even though you are but a mere Human, limited and obviously uninformed...

    1) You are absolutely uniformed as to what company I use (if I can choose - always "green"), so stop being arrogant, given you're obviously not god...

    1a) And even if I did use it right now (through uninformedness or otherwise) WHAT IS WRONG WITH BEING CRITICALLY MINDED - re. anything, anything at all?!?

    1b) I mean, I live in a monarchy but I am against monarchy... You should inform yourself of what is known as democratic culture, where we are free to use our brains...

    1c) There is EVERYTHING POTENTIALLY and sometimes ACTUALLY WRONG with nuclear power and the fact you are not sufficiently informed makes no grounds to be so arrogantly aggressive on the topic...

    1d) I have been involved with a "de-nuke the world movement" for more than 2 decades, so perhaps you should actually listen to me...

    2) You have no idea what you are talking about here, that much is obvious...

    2a) My uncle worked almost all his life in one such power generation facility, he makes the most efficient turbines for bio-fuel in the world and SW for it and what I know from him alone and the environmental decline I saw in that area alone is enough to put anyone off such fuel... So, not gonna even bother about that... You can search online to inform yourself at least minimally critically...

    3) Indeed, they started as not very efficient but you should at least attempt to inform yourself as to the current state of affairs before you start talking dinosaur pro-fossil fuel poster-boy nonsense backed up by nothing at all...

    3a) Oh, haven't you noticed you have no arguments at all, regurgitating fossil fuel BS, just cursing in the general direction of...?!?

    No one minimally informed is doing that! But you do sound like you bought the fossil fuel industry "criticism" of the "renewables" lock, stock and barrel in an utterly uncritical manner, sadly....

    I wrote about the crucial problems and advancements, as in really huge improvements in batteries, storage of energy, recycling of batteries and so on...

    Subsidies of that dying industry are $1.9 trillion around the world - imagine that put to R&D and so on towards the renewables....

    No one would want in terms of energy in a very short period of time! And that scares the living daylights of that industry...

    P.S. Read back a bit before you tell me I don't know... whatever...
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  16. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    Your out of your depth and write self satisfyed brain dead egoistic crap ............ over and over again . Your arguening with yourself in circles and dont answer even basic questions .
  17. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    This pretty much says it all!
    @gorski you spend a couple days cooking up this spin on reality, really? I said in another thread that you have lost your way and you certainly have proven it. I'll give you case and point. The bit I said about CNN and Fox, you have missed it entirely!!!
    You want to mention chernobyl et al you fail to mention that Chernobyl is run by the same lunatics that are murdering each other right now. You fail to mention that Fukushima was hit by a an earthquake and tsunami and japan is in the ring of fire? Why didn't the world stop using fuel when the exxon valdez oil spill happened?
    The coal bit??? Do you even understand anything I said ... ? What does your uncle working at wherever have to do with anything I said? Read the statement and understand before you respond please!
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  18. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Just going to put this here for anyone interested.

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  19. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1680 gorski, May 15, 2022
    Last edited: May 15, 2022
    Indeed, about him...

    No, not really, I was absent generally, driving my family around etc. But don't let that stop you thinking you're the centre of the Universe... The reasons given would have been the same 1 minute after you posting it or 1 week, the logic is the same... Not that you understand it, I see - to you this is personal somehow... Jesus Marx wept...

    Funny, I could have sworn this is what you did with what you wrote in THAT post - but OK, don't let that stop you on your self-propelling nonsensical accusation ride based on nothing, hence we see no proof of this absurd claim of yours...

    Possible, no one is perfect, not even me... :p :D :p

    That should tell you not to judge the whole world by yourself but OK, I am wasting my time, aren't I...??? Btw, YOU FAIL to mention the 3 mile island and Fukushima from the same lot, on the other side (and there were many more nasty situations) but OK...

    But that shouldn't be thought about when building them and claiming there is nothing wrong with nuke power? Or securely putting away the spent rods? No? Oh, well, you just shot your argument to pieces...

    Because people like you keep spouting THEIR nonsense...

    No, the other way round! You should connect my thesis (drive to renewables) against the nukes and fossil fuel of any kind... and maybe you'll figure out NOT to merely regurgitate Exxon, BP etc. BS...

    I must notice how carefully you AVOIDED ALL THE MAJOR ARGUMENTS THAT THE REST OF THE ENLIGHTENED WORLD HAS PUT FORWARD against the nuke power and nuke weaponry etc. Suit yourself. Just don't try to pontificate on the matter to me, since you have no idea about these ideas....
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