Global Warming: Your opinion ....

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by R29k, Jun 14, 2011.


Is Global Warming man made or a natural cycle ?

  1. Yes, it is man made

  2. Undecided

  3. No, I think there is another reason for it

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  1. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yep, those who claim they are safe and then boom... How many more do you need before you wise up?!?

    So, I agree with you: the wise amongst us have doubts about it, whereas you... oh, well...
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  2. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Boom? Nuclear power stations don't boom. They are glorified steam engines. You excite the metals and they make the water hot. At most you melt the structure because of failure.
    How many people do you think have died because of nuclear power over the years because I assure you it's MUCH higher per capita in all other power generation industries.
  3. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Right, somebody better inform people around Chernobyl they can go home...

    That the fish around Fukushima is fine, that the Irish Sea is not contaminated, that crustaceans there are perfectly healthy, that the bird droppings are not irradiated.........

    With such porous, Swiss cheese memory what can one expect?!?

    This year, eh? How about just today? In the last hour? If none - it's safe!! WOW! Some "logic" that is...

    Oh, and don't - whatever you do - DON'T think ahead about all those spent rods and our inability to preserve them safely for like 50.000 years... It's just "right now"! that matters...
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  4. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    You dont have to keep proveing that your a very confused moron .

    @ You put your foot in your mouth again ...... Again ...... Undenyable proof ---- >

    >Oh, and don't - whatever you do - DON'T think ahead about all those spent rods and our inability to preserve them safely for like 50.000 years... It's just "right now"! that matters...

    They're already there !?!? ......... and the only way to get rid of some of it is to use it to make green nuclear energy .
  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Moron!!!! They'll be ever more of them - and one accident is enough, you tw@t!!!!
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  6. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    Finally someone with sense. Sadly it's all wasted on @gorski he has the mindset of a politician, pick a position and bs till people see your side or not.
    The fatality stats were included in an article i posted. But here is one more link

    The boom bit was hilarious though it shows deep seated bias :p on Pinky's part.
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #1727 gorski, Jul 18, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2022
    Yeah, right, silly me, the Chernobyl disaster was eco-friendly, nothing really happened, right?!? No one died. There were no subsequent problems at all, right?

    Well, with such spirited scientists picking and choosing which facts they will acknowledge as existing - who needs dogmatic believers...

    Because of the fact the meltdown did not happen - that means it will never happen, right? Wow! Brave.....
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  8. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    @gorski based on your illogical logic, if we should stop nuclear we should also stop flying, driving, train riding etc. Since those also include disasters and deaths. Flying is the safest mode of travel but tell that to people when there is a major air disaster. The FACT is @gorski , nuclear is the safest method of energy production based on quantity of electricity to fatalities, irrelevant of however you want to spin it! So deal with it and cut out the bs, it's just lame!
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  9. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    >There were no subsequent problems at all, right?

    Gorski were you born in 1987 ? ;)
  10. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, somebody's logic is fcuk all to do with "logic" or with minimal informedness, that's for sure...

    A flight crashing and a nuclear meltdown on the same plane, right? Wow!

    But again, a quarter of Americans "think" the Earth is flat, so thereyago...

    Or we do it as per individual experience? Here, I saw on Croat telly that the Adriatic sea is sooo warm it's "unpleasant", i.e. it's 28/29'C (no, this is not written to Americans, they couldn't really figure it out...) and I dashed into the Adriatic today...:eek: Boy was I unpleasantly surprised:oops: - the global warming is nowhere to be found! Bonkers!:rolleyes::D
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  11. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    You do know that more far more people die from the solar power industry than the nuclear power industry right? In fact so few people have died from nuclear power that we have a very accurate count on them. Last I heard it was something like 212 total. As far as nuclear disasters there are ways to deal with them, provided your government is competent and doesn't just abandon the territory. Most competent territories, like Japan, remove the topsoil. Basically you locate all the radioactive material and bury it. It's really not the huge problem that alarmists suggest. I also don't know why they insist on building them above ground. I personally would build them underground and just have the steam stacks above ground. IDK, there might be a reason they don't do that. Perhaps it's cost prohibitive to reinforce the ground to prevent against earthquake damage. It just seems to me that if you buried it from the beginning, it would solve the problem of meltdown disasters as they are already buried.

    But beyond that, nuclear is the cleanest and healthiest power source there is. It beats windmills, solar panels, solar farms, wave farms, everything. The best part is that you don't need to build battery or capacitor stations to store the power for when the renewable power isn't producing, so it's far more productive by far. It also has zero emissions. IMO only a fool would discount nuclear power and focus on very inefficient and dirty renewable forms.
  12. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Errmmm, nope, you heard it all in some redneck pub or something similar...

    I suggest you start with this: - if we can't even deal with minimal safety and accuracy with these, then we're doomed... - despite the continued denial from governments (video) and world leaders. As we have entered the sixth mass extinction, there are constant reports of record breaking heat waves, fires, droughts, melting glaciers, increasingly powerful storms and hurricanes, wavy jet streams, and sea level rise which could inundate nuclear facilities in just decades.

    Let’s Face it, “Nuclear Safety” is an Oxymoron.
    Despite the advantages of nuclear power discussed above, nuclear power is fraught with many significant and notorious disadvantages that it has never and will never likely overcome. This includes:
    • Substantial safety and security risks.
    • An unsolved waste disposal problem.
    • Ongoing containment issues.
    • Increased threat of accidents.
    • Increased probability of use in terrorism.
    • Constant leaks resulting in low level radiation (LLR) in the environment.
    • Disasters.
    • Huge water requirements.
    • Bio-accumulation.
    • Medical risks.
    • Still contributes to CO2 emissions.
    • Land use and habitat destruction.
    • Unprofitable plants that are impossible to maintain in changing climate.
    Nuclear energy also produces substantial economic challenges, and carries significant risks. It is also a myth that it is low carbon. Also because the industry has failed to find a ‘solution’ to the waste issue society can never truly cost even one unit of nuclear energy. The cost per megawatt hour (Mwh) is actually much, much more considering the waste is around essentially forever.

    Additionally accidents, leaks, and the nearly complete inability for humans to contain this power have a long and dark track record that includes the Three Mile Island Accident, Chernobyl, The Dome, Novaya Zemlya, Kosmos 1818, The Hanford, Fukushima Daiichi, and many other large scale disasters that are still playing out.

    In fact, some have called the accident at Japan’s Fukushima Daichii a potential extinction level event. While other experts, like Andrew Glikson, PhD are discussing the “Plutocene Era.” It is also well-known that according to Dr. Peter Ward, PhD (video) and others we likely have 3-9 feet of sea level rise (SLR) already baked in with climate lag which does not bode well for the some 85% of nuclear facilities now lining our sea coasts. With increasing and intensifying tropical storms this concern is a serious threat. Nuclear facilities located on the coasts (and there are about 150 of them) should be decommissioned as soon as possible given events like what just happened to the Bahamas in Dorian. Yet, nuclear industry supporters argue that it’s completely safe and not to worry. They also claim that decommissioning can wait and/or will be too expensive.

    Ultimately, mankind has repeatedly failed to fully control or contain nuclear power... - many, many more victims unaccounted given death was not insantenuous and absolutely directly attributable - but don't let that stop you, you're on a roll... - and never ever even think about people whose crops were irradiated in other countries (like my own family), who later developed cancers etc. - NEVER think of anyone like that, why should you, given your family was not affected... mmmmyeeesss...

    This one mentions a bit of that:

    One more for good measure, just to see how sorely inadequate and biased, shallow and hollow are "counts" like yours:
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  13. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    You stupid person . You started out talking ignorant crap in circles .......... and now your saying what others have said and you disputed over and over again . The problems dont come from the nuclear power they came because politicians didnt do their job , and also allowed their capitalist masters to build cheepo nucleasr power stations , with not enough security and in the wrong places .

    Your now sugesting that we ignore future generations and their health and needs and just ignore the nuclear waster that your capitalist and politician friends and masters have dumped on us instead of useing it to make more power and therby reduce the amount of nuclear waste and the dangers that come from it .

    The longer that mentaly confused and absolutely ignorant people like you keep spamming the net full of looser s**t , backward crap and ignorance ........... the more people will die ;)
  14. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    It's sad really. I've seen it so often before. Rich billionaires buy up media corporations and all of the "News" outlets. They brainwash the population and use it on every front, including against all of the scientific advancements that keep countries independent so that they can increase trade with other countries like China. Approximately 70-80% of all of the Lithium Ion batteries, Windmill generators, solar panels, and all other green energy stuff is made in China. It is made with fossil fuels and designed to fail after a short time. Almost none of it gets recycled. It often leeches into the ground with metals contaminating the ground water. The power they generate and store is extremely inefficient compared to even coal power plants, let alone nuclear. Yet nobody is offering coal as the end solution to power issues. We all recognize that green house gasses are probably not a good idea to be pumping into the atmosphere forever. We want a sensible solution. Something that doesn't ruin our own countries like it is doing to Germany. They have upped their renewables to over 50 percent and since they stopped buying gas from Russia, they have started needing to ration gas and they're starting to fire up the old coal plants again. It turns out that having delusions of saving the planet with renewables won't keep you alive when winter comes, and Germany knows it.

    As far as scientific stuff. There is endless propaganda that governments acquire over the years. They fund left-wing science all day every day. They never fund anything to disprove it, thus breaking the scientific process and making any "Science" they have done worthless. Peer review is integral to the scientific process. If you never have anyone trying to disprove your hypothesis, then you don't have a scientific process - you only have propaganda. That is the major problem with government funded "Science". The reason why you never get any right-wing funding to disprove left-wing assertions is because right-wingers don't believe in wasteful spending. I'm not going to get more into the politics of this, but it's essential to the core of this problem and how we have arrived here with one side hating nuclear energy and the other not understanding why.
  15. case-sensitive

    case-sensitive MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2013
    #1735 case-sensitive, Jul 21, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
    I agree with most of what you say .

    Germany made a msitake closing nuclear power stations and allowing themselves to be victims of a monopoly . ......... but ......... now we have the best government and politicians that we've ever had . Up untill now it was a circus , a free party for social parasites and social climbers to get fame and fortune . Now we have greens in power ........... and they've woken up . Now that they're in power they're haveing to face the problems we have rationaly .......... without party book / manifesto and with out hippys talking looser s**t .

    The greens have become realists and are looking for the best solution for all of us .

    Germany has a massive advantage over other countrys = Its a new state , with a new constitution / legal system ........... wich remembers the mistakes of the past and is trying to pay their debt to the world and make sure it doesnt happen again . The first time in human history that a government trys to do the right thing .

    Talking about left and right doesnt help because ........ left and right dont exist .......... its not about that any more .......... its about right and wrong ......... about responsibility and doing the right thing .

    BUT :) ......... if we do want to talk about traditional views ....... presented to us by right wing media , politicians and capital .......... in their interests ............. Who controled the politics that allowed badly built , unsafe power stations to be built ? Who profited from them ? ............. Capital ? ........ wich is right .......... or the society we live in ? Who payed for the power stations and who made a profit from them ? Capital or sociaty ?

    Who doesnt like and denys control ........ and standards ........... capital / the right ........... and who fights for social standards and equal rights for all ? Socialists ? Thats one of the main reasons that europe doesnt want to join the US and wants to remain independant . Because we dont want to be victims of right wing capital and corperations and their lack of control and standards . .

    The problems we have were caused by the right and they profited from it .......... and they are the only ones that can / could do something about it .
  16. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Someone had to say in plain full English and you, crappy cranky creepy grumpy old man, did it. Yay.
  17. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    The right vs left paradigm has shifted a lot since 30-40 years ago. Back then we had boomercons running everything and they had a lot of institutional power in every aspect of society. All of the corporations pandered to right-wing cultural sensibilities. They tried to buy right-wing votes. They were honestly pretty corrupted by the corporate money. They would approve a lot of things they shouldn't have because of backroom deals and pork slapped onto legislation spending bills. This has largely inverted so that the more the population wants to vote for a right-wing politician, the less corporations try to give them money with few exceptions. Occasionally you will have corporations funding superpacs to try to get right-wingers into office for the express purpose of furthering their goals by providing a juxtaposing example. Something like 95% of all corporate employee donations are going to left-wing causes and candidates now.

    There's an entirely different level of greed and morality involved now. These corporate employees are largely irreligious and are trying to fill the void with left-wing politics and social movements. They're also trying to stay profitable by selling out to China for the most part. Where the corrupt boomercons of the past would sellout to corporations in their own country, the new corruption is to sell out to a foreign country - especially on their country's energy sector. Plus it has the added effect of running your economy into the ground, but that's a bit off topic so I'll leave it at that.
  18. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  19. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    You really don't know what to do when people aren't brainwashed boomers do you? Just insults and strawmen.
    Your renewable agenda is bad and ruins countries. It's not a good solution. Nuclear is.
    I don't know who is denying climate change, but it isn't me. But just because the Earth is warming a degree or two over the next century,
    that doesn't mean that we need to completely ruin our economies by exporting our energy sector to China.

    Besides, everyone is all up in arms about Russia invading a country right now. It looks like China is about to invade Taiwan.
    What happens when they do that and everyone's entire economy and energy sector is dependent on them? We just let them?
    What stops them from continuing to invade country after country if they get away with it? I'm sure there are many territories they would like to acquire.
  20. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    For the confused pink panther

    @gorski answer the question she asks at the end. How is it possible to worry about global warming and not be pro nuclear?
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