Hahaha did you actually read that comically large font propaganda that you linked? I've got to wonder, how many of you are only against nuclear power because you've been brainwashed to dislike it and just have no clue what you're talking about.
1960 - World population 3 Billion people. Atmospheric CO2 = 315 ppm 2022 - World Population nearly 8 Billion people.- A rise of 166%. Atmospheric CO2 = 419 ppm - a rise of 33%. Nearly all the globe is now dominated by human activity - vast farms, towns, cities all fuelled with fossil fuels burnt with Oxygen - Fossil Fuels are fossilised carbon from plants and animals which are buried and formed over many milions of years and this immense mass of carbon was locked away under the Earth. People are now burning vast amounts of this in a few hundred years. From Ice cores, we know the average CO2 rate going back thousands of years was 280ppm during cycles caused by the rotation of the earth. At 419ppm in 2022, it's substantally above any of these cyclical peaks of about 300ppm going back thousands of years. The scientists say this amount of CO2 is raising the Earths temperture via very easy to demostrate models of the heat trapping effect of CO2 which you can demostrate in a CO2 and air filled box with a lightbulb and themometer. Incredible changes are coing over the next decade. India will have LETHAL 'wet bulb' (you cannot sweat and cool down due to humidity) roiling heatwaves over its North by 2030.And, by 2050 millions will find large areas of Northern India unliveaible. So in the next 30 years we will see profound changes. The solution to go CO2 free and drop fossil fuels, has to have Nuclear as part of the answer as other sources of power like Solar and Wind are intermittant. The amount of nuclear waste for all of the UK's Nuclear reactors to date will fit inside 3 sports stadium's. We can easily bury it for millions of years. There are natural active underground nuclear reactors like the one in Gambia which have been around for BILLIONS of years without contaminating the enviroment. With modern nuclear techonolgy the amount of nuclear waste is forecast to be tiny - a single sports stadium worth over 60 years for the UK. Most of the waste is low level radioactive. Only a small amount (spent fuel rods) is highly radioactive.
Nowadays the most brainwashed people seem to come from Anglo-American world, sadly... It's maddening - the allegedly "free world" but in huge numbers...
Go back a few posts and you will see a lot of facts, whereby you will see this is just not correct, on so many levels....
Comes from ignorance... which is growing globally. We have fascist dicks everywhere: Trump, Putin, Berlusconi, Salvini, Bolsonaro, Erdoan, Orbán, just to mention few of them... And the herd of ignorant sheep follow them blindly. Facts are secondary annoyances for them...
Indeed, no country is imune!!! But the public education systems of USofA and UK are the worst (see OECD and Rowntree Reports on social immobility and you'll see what I mean)... Smurf, what you are doing is easy, anyone can do it, look: "f*** off, you brainless fascism enabler!" And where does that leave us? You are still arrogant, ignorant and biased...
More brainwashed ignorance. Fascism is state worship + nativism. It is inherently left-wing. This is why you can have fascism co-exist with communism in countries like Israel, China, North Korea, Vietnam, etc.
Read the first post and stop regurgitating nonsense. One graph for you, this is not worth anything more. Yes the world is overpopulated, but there are natural ways this gets curbed. Pandemics, and esource shortages being the main ones. Seems to me people need to start going out and sharing condoms rather than buying electric suv's. Now the hilarious part of this post is @gorski upvoting it after he opposed the same nuclear power support in other posts. what a beauty he is like a possum hanging upside down in a tree and trying to poop.
The question isn't whether co2 adds to warming of the planet or not. All greenhouse gases do. I'm not sure the "Scientists" have fully studied the re-uptake values of greenhouse gases, but that's besides the point. The question is what the prescription should be, if any. Left-leaning people seem to think that we should increase taxes indefinitely and spend our way out of this problem. Far right libertarians seem to think we should do nothing. If you offer a sensible alternative like nuclear, you seem to piss everyone off.
Whatever your point of view. This is not a political issue. The ratio of the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere to human net CO2 emissions is the best answer. But different greenhouse gas emissions need to be compared separately, not just CO2.
Of course it's a political issue. How you respond to this issue depends entirely on your political alignment. If you told me your preferred solution, I could tell you how you lean politically.
Taxation to drive consumption and correct bad habits works pretty well. Is not matter of leftism, is matter of common sense, and experience. Here 40+ years ago, when was decided to move from diesel fuel to methane to heat buildings, simply the tax over diesel were raised, and ones on methane were lowered. In matter of 5 years or so the whole Italy was on natural gas, with benefit for the economy, and with way better air quality in larger towns. Sure there were teething problems with mountain areas left with no gas and more expensive diesel, but that was corrected over time. The same thing was done multiple time in many EU nations to encourage/discourage diesel v.s. gasoline or LPG engines v.s. gasoline. It's pretty simple, it works. Just do the same in the US. Just raise the fuel price, and people will think twice before buying a pointless gas guzzler SUV Just raise the price of electricity and people will think twice before keeping their homes/offices at 17°C (or will invest in solar panels)
Yep that has pretty much been my experience dealing with leftists every time. They claim to want to help people and save the planet, but it's always about wanting to control everyone and make their enemies miserable. Every time you increase leftist policies you create unemployment or inflation and thus raise the misery index which mostly affects the poor and working class. Lowering taxes and government spending tends to lower both joblessness and unemployment.
I hope to address this by advancing science technology. I'll try to do something about it myself. I know, it's not simple. But human beings need to face it together, not just need to spend money to solve it, I think the development of technology can effectively change the current situation.