Duly noted, R29k. Given this kept happening when eugenics was advocated - you can understand me being a wee bit peeved by this absence of reactions to anyone else except the "Lefty"...
Big Think: Swedish scientist advocates eating humans to combat climate change. https://bigthink.com/the-present/swedish-scientist-eating-humans-climate-change/
Freethink: Molten salt reactors could save nuclear power. https://www.freethink.com/environment/molten-salt-reactor-52913
It took from the very beginning of humanity until the first part of the 19th century for the global population to reach 1 billion people. It only took from the first part of the 19th century until now for the global population to reach 8 billion people. At that increasingly rate of growth, it's projected that by 2050, the global population will reach 10 billion people. Because of that, global warming will continue to increase, which will contribute to sea levels rising and rivers and lakes drying up. I don't mean to sound like "Mr. Doom And Gloom", but I personally believe that much of humanity will be extinct by the end of the 21st century.
No humanity will get to a point where the resources can't support the population and then mass starvation and death will happen. Then the population will get to an equilibrium with resources and it will be fine again. The people who will survive will be in the richest countries. So expect decimation in the 3rd world. Humans cannot put the planet in an irreparable state if they only live on this planet. Humans are not immutable. The lifespan of humans is also insignificant compared to the planet.
I agree with you. The population will become unsustainable and there won't be enough water to sustain crops and livestock. This I'm not sure about.
The average person just wants a place to live and food to eat. Why would you call them pests? Yes humans in groups are generally idiots that do stupid things, which is reflected in corporations, politics etc. But that's just a policy issue.
well; working for 25 years as a security man in the depths of amsterdam did very little to endear them to me, to be perfectly honest; they are completely selfish,greedy, callous, they breed like rabbits, they lack natural ennemies -except themselves, of course- and there are way too many of them. ( a bit like your australian rabbits..) and they turn anything they touch into s**t.
>The average person just wants a place to live and food to eat. Why would you call them pests? Rats and moskitos to ? The average person has nothing to say or decide , they are defensless victims of profesional parasites with guns ........... . Their ' lives ' are steared from birth to death ............ by capitalists and their poly-trickers and press .
So I guess based on what you and nodnar say the world is just populated with criminals? Are you and nodnar criminals too? How would you classify yourselves? Do you feel like you're pests to the planet?
Did lions cause the climate catastrophy ? Are lions useing more resources than the planet can replace ?