You're more pro then i am I'm more of a lurker and have great respect for those with those skills Nicely done and sexy icon....keep up the great work.
After doing a fare bit of testing my project .exe the more I started to dislike starting the .exe and having it read from the clipboard. I couldn't control it as much as I would like to. I got better results with having the .exe read from a .txt file. I can control what is written to the file and how it is read from. So I tweaked the script a bit and I now have this.. Code: mshta vbscript:CreateObject("").Run("cmd /c chcp 65001 && echo | set /p x=""%1"" | clip | nircmd clipboard writefile C:\VeriHash\Image.txt | c:\VeriHash\VeriHash.exe",0)(window.close) Obviously written in the .reg file it looks like this Code: @="mshta vbscript:CreateObject(\"\").Run(\"cmd /c chcp 65001 && echo | set /p x=\"\"%1\"\" | clip | nircmd clipboard writefile C:\\VeriHash\\Image.txt | C:\\VeriHash\\VeriHash.exe\",0)(window.close)" It uses the third party .exe nircmd, which is living in Windows. First impressions are it is working well. More testing is needed though. I can imagine more tweaking in the future.