Hi I just installed the Win 10 LTSC Store from 2020.04. I primarily installed because i want to use the xbox pc pass thing. I cant seem to download the xbox pc pass app because it says that i dont have the requirements ( they want me to be on: win 10 version: 18362 and according to them i have version 17763) In reality i am using windows 10 LTSC 1809 and OS build 17763. So i guess i have to update my OS build? Is that even possible? Thanks!
I'm pretty annoyed. Did a reinstall of LTSC 2019 and learned that Nvidia drivers now require Windows store installation for the control panel to work.
@murphy78 you mean this one? does it pop up for you, even after the control panel is installed? becasue I do not see that message anymore after the control panel installs itself. here is a picture of a clean LTSC 2019 installation and nvidia drivers DCH 445.98: like I said, no microsoft store needed -andy-
Yes, that's exactly what I meant. It installs the app, but it won't run so it nags you. I don't know exactly which pre-requisites it requires, but I know that it worked fine after I installed the store via the collection generously provided in this thread. Are you saying that if you simply run it once by finding the shortcut then it will stop nagging you? Can it even run without installing pre-requisites?
I am not aware of any pre-requisites that are needed for the control panel to install/work. I just did a clean LTSC 2019 installation, installed VC runtimes package from abbodi, directx9, new edge and chipset + nvidia DCH drivers (everything done offline). then I connected the installation to the internet and that "nvidia control panel is not found" message appeared. I clicked the message and not even a single minute later the nvidia control panel was installed. it was running in the systray and right click on the desktop had the option to launch it. -andy-
Well there must be pre-requisites from the store infrastructure because I had the popup constantly until I installed the store. The control panel then worked instantly. I didn't even need to reboot or anything. It was just functioning exactly like it was supposed to after the store was installed. It suddenly appeared on the desktop right click menu. I'm having a hard time believing that making a shortcut to a store app will open it when they specifically require pre-requisites to function. Now it could be as simple as having the store vcredists or it might need the full store installed with the associated pre-requisites. Like I said, the popup was very often. It happened at least every time I rebooted. Maybe more often. Edit*: I tested again and it didn't start the control panel until I started the Windows store, so you might be onto something about needing to actually run a program. I didn't remember starting the store last time but I might have