I still cannot confirm your findings, as I'm signed in just fine (see screenshot). I assume, perhaps, maybe, you could try installing the xBox Beta App. This may resolve your problem.
Would this be available on the Windows Features on Demand? I will check it out. Need to download first.
What are the exact files? If I were to include this into post 1, I'd like to keep it as an "option" and also pull it from Windows Enterprise to match the store files (which would keep it compatible for Pro, Enterprise, and Server).
Just remember to run the Power Shell code as Administrator. I've been doing so from the start and kept forgetting to tell other people to do so. I wrongfully assumed folks would know better. lol
That's exactly what I'll do. I will, however, keep 2 version; 1 with xBox and 1 without. No need for folks to download a larger file if they never plan on using it. (Still waiting on confirmation though)
dhjon's script has a bunch of wrong lines %SYSTEMROOT% = the windows directory so trying to do something to %SYSTEMROOT%\Program Files\WindowsApps is = to do something C:\Windows\Program Files\WindowsApps Change %SYSTEMROOT%\Program Files\WindowsApps to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\WindowsApps or (better) %ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps
Thanks, it was really early in the A.M. It did work, but those lines need to be fixed, and I will test again today.
I'm not amazed by your mistake. A distraction ever happens to everyone. I'm amazed that no one noticed that although the cmd prompt returns a bunch of errors about that.
Damn it. I just finished uploading everything. Wait... Hold on a second... How can this have worked for other people if this was wrong, to begin with? (Can people not say it's working it you've not tested it yourself. Thanks)