Sorry for the late response...I wasn't able to access my computer for a good part of the day... 1) I used the archives extracted from the iso posted earlier in this thread. I believe they are exactly the same as lucidus's archive. 2) Yes 3) Yes(without the -DependencyPackagePath parameter) 4) Yes it did. I haven't used it for other appx packages though(since i figured it wasn't needed since all of the dependencies were installed with the store install command) 5) I used the appx files from the iso. They installed without a problem using the same method. 6) Haven't tested the app installing, however I am sure it works since the Store did autoupdate itself first.
Of course: 1) Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbundle Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.xml Dependencies: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 2) Microsoft.XboxApp_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbundle Microsoft.XboxApp_8wekyb3d8bbwe.xml Dependencies: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00, Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.3, Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.3 3) Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbundle Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_8wekyb3d8bbwe.xml Dependencies: Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00, Microsoft.NET.Native.Framework.1.3, Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.1.3 I am using the en-US Windows, however my region is not set to the US. I have it set to my country and it was able to switch the apps to my local language(the store was installed in english, but it soon switched to my language). I haven't observed any specific language files, however i was able to see that there were languages(115 in total) mentioned in the AppManifest.xml of the installed app. I found these languages present in the Microsoft.XboxApp and Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider, while the rest of them(including the store that switched languages) had only en-US and en-GB mentioned.
Great, so since the Store and StorePurchaseApp (and I assume the DesktopAppInstaller and XBox stuff too) are available as appxbundles, that means they should work for all supported languages. Again better than sharing the folders for a single language version IMO. appxbundles FTW!
It installs fine on server, however when I try to install any app it says "something happened on our end". I just love these new error messages, no code, event viewer doesn't give up any details that matter either. Hooray for ambiguity! Anyway thanks for the work!
You don't. It's on their end and I have the same problem with 4 apps (out of the other 300 that installed without issue). Either they're having issues with their store (on their end) OR the developer for the app you want has limited their app to home / pro builds OR the developer has pulled the app from the store, but it's still displaying in your owned listed. Neither can you fix. edit: There is also a new requirement listed within the store. Some apps will not work with anniversary update or need the anniversary update (and newer). Visit your app in the store and check the requirement.
Not to sound combative, or contradictory but I can't install *any* app on server. Not that it's a big deal, I don't like most of them anyway. I'm almost certain groove music would be on the list of workable apps, as well as any of the other microsoft made apps. Just trying to help that's all. I prefer my desktop programs to apps almost 99% of the time. I say *any* because the store itself updates no problem.
Sorry, you're having an issue on your end. As I cannot confirm this issue (it's not affecting me ) and it seems to be working on multiple computers; I would not know how to resolve your issues.
Hi I am not able to install the 'without x-box automated script.... and yes I have Admin rights.... and yes I start it via right click 'run as admin' and it still says cannot due to non admin privileges. Might be a LTSB thing? Please help! **main aim is to install Quantum Break on my LTSB 2016 x64**
Hello all, I have installed windows 10 Enterprise ltsb, German Language. First i switch to English language, than i start the "store_without_xbox" "StoreRunMe" with Admin rights. before it finished something going "red".....and now Store was installed. Can some one help me please, to install the store. I am not the crack like you Thanks.
I did cooperate with generic suggestions here, and I didn't check the script myself. Anyway I rebooted from server to LTSB and the store did install nicely except for the mentioned "red" line. Not sure if there is something wrong in the script or the error was because I launched the script from a long path (the desktop)
EDIT: Got it working. I had to completely delete everything in WindowsApps folder and re run the command file. As well I can also confirm that the "store with xbox" is definately the one you want if you want to play any games from the Windows Store (even if you don't have an Xbox) as the one without the Xbox stuff did not work with Forza Motorsport Apex.