[GUIDE] [DISCUSSION] Windows Editions Reconstructions

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by TesterMachineOS, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. Skylined

    Skylined MDL Senior Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    I think starter is useless.
    You can accomplish - a lite as you want it to be with LTSC
    Just my opinion
  2. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    #182 Ace2, Sep 20, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2024
    Starter 26100.1 OS installed used daily, excellent running speed, has no issues handling any computer tasks i throw at it.

    Only build in Wim is Starter, no other edition is supported, C:\Windows\servicing\Packages only supports Starter.

    Built with 26100 Edition Package by zwl29107, that were corrected by me.


    P.s WindowsApps setup as EnterpriseG & Defender disabled with Defender Control v2.1 & Settings cleanup with OOSU10.
  3. liliactr

    liliactr MDL Addicted

    Sep 3, 2009
  4. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    Please share details on why it's perfect & how we can learn from this build ?
  5. kibkalo

    kibkalo MDL Expert

    Sep 8, 2009
    Would you show the corrected package and/or script to do wim?
    What about updates? Custom only?
  6. liliactr

    liliactr MDL Addicted

    Sep 3, 2009
    #189 liliactr, Sep 21, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
    I am sure it is edited. I have not investigated real vista, windows 7 starter editions but i do not think microsoft will let users to upgrade to all its editions and build a starter edition with all editions packs in it. If anybody investigated windows 7 starter edition can tell us microsoft lets upgrade to all windows editions or not? I have not seen microsoft used ram disk x: drive.

    This edition build in perfect way that who ever did it has very expert knowledge and know what he do.

    In your photo all date values are 2015. This iso has 2023
  7. iamaHUN

    iamaHUN MDL Member

    Jun 6, 2018
    #190 iamaHUN, Sep 21, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
    As I mentioned it is from the original ISO that Microsoft released in 2015, and it already had that package.

    Just check %SystemRoot%\servicing\Editions\EditionMatrix.xml literally in any system, even in yours. With the exception of Vista (which doesn't work this way) you'll find the answer to this question.

    Starter is defined even in 24H2, and these are (or let's say were instead) the available editions to upgrade to:

    It's another story that we don't have the original files to reconstruct it. That's why some of us uses and modes previous versions of Starter to rebuild it.

    In Windows 10 1511 (or build 10586) these are the available editions through upgrade from Starter:

    The other thing is that we have nothing to do with Microsoft-Windows-Prerelease-Client-Package, it's only for telemetry. Didn't you mix it up with Microsoft-Windows-PrereleaseEdition from Windows 8 Consumer Preview era?

    The installer or user stages/installs (we can call it whatever we want) Microsoft-Windows-AnyEdition, which installs
    Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package, which installs
    Microsoft-Windows-Prelease-Client-Package, which installs
    Microsoft-Windows-DiagTrack-Internal-Package, which install
    Microsoft-Windows-DiagTrack-Internal-Deployment (it's a manifest), which installs
    Microsoft-Windows-DiagTrack-Internal (it's another manifest), which installs
    diagtrack_wininternal.dll to System32 and a DWORD called MSFTInternal with value 1 to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Diagnostics\DiagTrack
  8. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
  9. liliactr

    liliactr MDL Addicted

    Sep 3, 2009
    #192 liliactr, Sep 21, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
    Edition matrix can have it. It is just an xml file and it can be edited. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/upgradematrix-xml-fix-tool-very-beta.88518/
    It does not means install.wim has packages in it that upgrade matrix mentioned. Windows 7 starter has all the packages that it can upgrade in it? I do not know i have not looked.

    Also this install.wim does not have language-features packages like basic/ocr/speech/handwriting

    As you shared screenshots original iso has that packages at date 2015
  10. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    I don't understand how this Wim is perfect, just because it is made with unstaged method, & there are default packages missing.
  11. liliactr

    liliactr MDL Addicted

    Sep 3, 2009
    Again i say it that it is just my opinion. My opinion is shapes with the builds i have investigated/isos i have ever downloaded and tested/sxs files shared in here and their capabilites. I can not share what i think? You asked why it think so and i answered. If you have better build share and we can check that too. Who ever build it is
  12. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    #195 Ace2, Sep 21, 2024
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
    Your opinion is wrong... this Wim is a mess missing default packages & missing WindowsApps.

    P.s Please stop posting misleading information.

    i have clearly explained why....
  13. liliactr

    liliactr MDL Addicted

    Sep 3, 2009
    Windows apps can be added easly. If it is mess also you can prove why it is as i proved why i think so. Feel free to explain why it is mess.
  14. pp03

    pp03 MDL Addicted

    Apr 12, 2014
    hi, is it possible to fix ltsc 2021 eval activation?
  15. iamaHUN

    iamaHUN MDL Member

    Jun 6, 2018
    Upgrade matrix is another thing. It defines the upgrade possibilities between versions (e.g. from 10240 to 17763 etc.). Of course it has some edition restrictions as well, but it's used for in-place upgrade only, not to simply change edition on an existing installation. I didn't told that if EditionMatrix.xml has Starter then we will have the required assemblies too, nobody did. It just shows that if we WOULD HAVE Starter then we WOULD BE ABLE to upgrade from it to other editions that are available in the system.

    Sessions.xml is the proof that once the system HAD Starter. Unfortunately for us it had been removed when the system image got upgraded to any other edition, unlike in Windows 7, where you can find Starter in system files even after upgrade. This is how we don't need any source file to do the trick, just switch from HomeBasic to Starter and done. Windows 7 only deletes the files of removed editions when it boots up at the first time after the action.

    So basically EditionMatrix.xml says that yes, you can upgrade from Starter to many more editions, and Sessions.xml says it is already done. Why? Because you are using Home or Pro or LTSC or any other SKU that IS ALREADY UPGRADED from Starter by Microsoft itself. Just check it in Sessions.xml.

    Even if you can't have Starter it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Since Windows 8 it's only a technical SKU that is not meant to be released publicly in any form to be used by anyone.

    Btw my thoughts on Starter:
    There's only one usage of it that makes sense. If you want to configure something in the system and/or you want to make an updated multi-edition (probably all-in-one) image. With Starter you have to do it once. Make a copy of it, mount it, upgrade to a higher edition and save it. And so on with the other editions. Finally you can merge all your configured and updated .wim files into one. But Microsoft doesn't do this either (I don't know why), otherwise updates would support Starter edition as well. That's why you have to edit update.mum of every package if you want to install them on Starter.
  16. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    It's not broken, & this is wrong thread for your request an activation thread would better.
  17. TesterMachineOS

    TesterMachineOS MDL Addicted

    Apr 20, 2021