NO, the script does not remove this app. The build style is official on Windows 11 24H2 (26100.1) EnterpriseS with only "Microsoft.SecHealthUI" installed(obviously shows this in mounted offline install.wim), so the script is maintained.
Sure: 1st pause WU 2nd manually install KB5043954-x64-NDP481 (without this 1st below cab will not install) Reboot 3rd manually install from extracted Windows11.0-KB5039329-x64 4th enabled VBS Code: Reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\DeviceGuard" /v "EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f 5th merge Reboot Unpause WU.
Forgot sometime in the process above I installed this hotpatch.esd to Azure. Not sure it did any good but here you go.
how do i merge ? Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ARCHotpatchAttached_State": { "HKey": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "FullPath": "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Azure Connected Machine Agent\\Windows\\Licenses\\Features\\Hotpatch", "ValueName": "Subscription", "RegValueType": "REG_DWORD" },
I had same notepad problem today. It is more clear for me after i see manifest/code. I was thinking any notepad Fod can be integrated to any build but the code explains which can be integrated to which. Pro has notepad-system / enterprises has notepad. After i convert i saw notepad-system-wow64 package in enterprises build (Should not be there for manifest explanation) but not amd64 one. I could not removed with dism. But i solved with adding notepad packages and after command dism /Cleanup-wim /restorehealth. command removed that. So the right way is to remove notepad packages from source install.wim before convertion and add after convertion. Also shelloemdefaultassociation packages different on both builds. He does not do anything about them but he could successfully update his build so there is no problem.
No. When you start untouched professional install.wim remove notepad-system fod packages. Use this wim for conversion. After conversion add notepad-fod packages. Maybe you do not need to do anything. Just continue same. Dism Cleanup-wim command may solve the issue. If there is no notepad packages with get-packages command. Add your script to integrate notepad-fod packages, at last. Also i had problems with installing mediaplayer language packs. I do not know reason. Had two times at server conversions and client conversions. My last uupdump install.wim did not do problem. I do not know the reason. Just for info.
We have not asked does your result iso has working notepad or not. Right click new text file? Working open with notepad? Have you compared all packages and language packs with original enterprises? If no problem you have nothing to do.