Hi there, friend. One question, how can we remove Microsoft Edge in a rebuild? I've been looking a bit and there are manifests that mark the installation of Microsoft Edge. I think you can remove these manifests and perhaps also remove what is integrated into Edge.wim (the typical Edge, EdgeCore, Update, Webview folders) Packages: Microsoft-Windows-MicrosoftEdgeBrowser MicrosoftEdge-Autologger
So you mean it's impossible to apply 23H2 Enablement package? If yes, I can still stick 22H2. By the way, is there Windows 11 Enterprise G reconstructions? (including Insider Builds reconstructing, because Windows Insider Build not working on Enterprise G and if possible LTSC insider preview reconstruction too.)
Yes, we have discussed here on the topic of Windows 10/11 EnterpriseG even in UUPDump there are its build packages but EnterpriseG is limited to only EN-US and ZH-CN language I have not dared to do this rebuild because the language is one of them, an internal limitation, which although it can be modified in the end with any update will cause a problem. It can only be built and updated if the language is not changed to something other than en-us and zh-cn.
Hmm, how can I get script that have reconstruction of Enterprise G? Is there in this forums/article? I'm ok that I can't use other languages such as Korean. because I am ok with english. (I am not chinese but Korean, but I understand chinese) Because there was have in github (by xLSX285) but links are dead.
At the moment, Windows 10 Enterprise G is in Windows 11, and no one has dared to rebuild it. Located in the index (Page 2 of this Thread)
Well, it should not affect updates since PA19 compression doesn't need deltas, so Windows will simply replace it with the next update including the registries that are created by this manifest. 26100.863 was the first update that came with a new version of this file, so previous rollups have nothing to do with it. Newer ones will replace it.
My best way is remove Windows Defeneder and Sysprep (remove User-installed Appxs or provision Appx), capture image