hi, i have iamahun's 19041.1 ltsc n eval installed and activated. windows update finds 2021-12, but system can' t install it. after restart there is error at 98%, then revert back ps. solution: add latest lcu from recovery
Q: How is Microsoft-Windows-WNCEdition composed of? A: System and System language. Q: How many languages does Microsoft-Windows-WNCEdition and Update support? A: 38. Q: How many features does Microsoft-Windows-WNCEdition have? A: 2. Code: ------------------------------------ | -------- Feature Name | State ------------------------------------ | -------- Printing-XPSServices-Features | Disabled Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features | Enabled Q: What updates does Microsoft-Windows-WNCEdition support? A: install.wim: SSU and CU. winre.wim: SSU and SafeOS. winpe index:1: SSU and CU. winpe index 2: SSU and CU.
To customize Windows, two things are important: 1. The initial build mum, and its language mum if necesary. 2. The CU mum, and its language mum if necessary. e.g. 25398.1 Client. It supports only en-US Pro. zwl29107 always provides language updates in customized CUs. But when zwl29107 does not support updates, users fail to update by themselves, all for missing language updates. e.g. No Start. No WinX menu.
Code: 1. Move Microsoft-Windows-Server-Features-Package out of Windows\servicing\Packages 2. Rename Microsoft-Windows-Server-Features-Package06 to Microsoft-Windows-Server-Features-Package 3. Extract new Microsoft-Windows-Server-Features-Package 4. Rename Extracted update.mum back to Microsoft-Windows-Server-Features-Package06
Can u please post your script? Or say more about how u get base package list for, lets say windows 11 ltsc ? I checked what dism doing while removing package / capability and basically there is nothing removed from hard drive. I dont know much about packages / fods trying to understand some things. Made a tool that remove all things that manifest contains like(registry/files/services/sheduled task etc) and im trying to somehow connect it with package removal
I have question about these example packages: C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-SenseClient-FoD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~pl-PL~10.0.26100.1.mum C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-SenseClient-FoD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1.mum All Manifests for those i could find is: $SenseClient =@( "amd64_microsoft-windows-s..oyment-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.26100.1_pl-pl_1b214ff787d7d401.manifest", "amd64_microsoft-windows-senseclient-deployment_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.26100.1_none_193a5a74934f87c6.manifest", "amd64_windows-senseclient-mdm_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.26100.1_none_291b7793209cfed2.manifest", "amd64_windows-senseclient-service.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.26100.1_pl-pl_b13f932df25397fd.manifest", "amd64_windows-senseclient-service_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.26100.1_none_a518656df7c165fb.manifest" ) But i did it manually there is no info about it in mum files. Anyone knows how it works?
Spoiler: dir2cab.cmd Code: @echo off md C:\cab if "%~1"=="" goto :eof set "sourceFolder=%~1" set "cabFolder=%~dp0" set "cabFolder=%cabFolder:~0,-1%" set "cabName=%~n1.cab" call :mkCab "%sourceFolder%" "%cabFolder%" "%cabName%" pause exit :mkCab setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion pushd "C:\cab" (echo .Option Explicit echo .Set SourceDir="%~1" echo .Set DiskDirectoryTemplate="%~2" echo .Set CabinetNameTemplate="%~3" echo .Set MaxDiskSize=0 echo .Set MaxCabinetSize=0 echo .Set MaxDiskFileCount=0 echo .Set CabinetFileCountThreshold=0 echo .Set FolderFileCountThreshold=0 echo .Set FolderSizeThreshold=0 echo .Set UniqueFiles=OFF echo .Set RptFileName=nul echo .Set InfFileName=nul echo .Set Cabinet=ON echo .Set Compress=ON echo .Set CompressionType=LZX echo .Set CompressionMemory=21)>directives.ddf for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('chcp') do set /a oemcp=%%~ni chcp 1252>nul for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /a-d "%~1" 2^>nul') do ( >>directives.ddf echo "%%i" ) for /d /r "%~1" %%i in (*) do ( set "subdir=%%i" >>directives.ddf echo .Set SourceDir="!subdir!" >>directives.ddf echo .Set DestinationDir="!subdir:%~1\=!" for /f "delims=" %%j in ('dir /b /a-d "!subdir!" 2^>nul') do ( >>directives.ddf echo "%%j" ) ) chcp %oemcp%>nul makecab /f directives.ddf del directives.ddf popd endlocal goto :eof 1. Place dir2cab.cmd on C:\ 2. Drag and drop folder on to C:\dir2cab.cmd [Credit] abbodi1406
You can search help from MSMG. Neutral package Microsoft-Windows-SenseClient-FoD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1 and Language package Microsoft-Windows-SenseClient-FoD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~pl-PL~10.0.26100.1 cannot be combined\mixed. Or it will make you confused. To read a package, these main things: 1. Package mum 2. Sub-Package mum(s) if available 3. Deployment Manifest 4. Manifest(s) Condition(s) vary. Read carefully. And ask when you don't know exactly. About tools... Lots. You have to search and collect and compare by your own effort. Keep the ones you know how to use. Delete the ones you don't know how to use. Or you can keep them, and study when you are ready to get further. Anyway, step by step. Don't be greedy. Rome is not made in one day. Here are some members and their scripts\ways you can follow\use: Abbodi1406 MSMG gailium119 zhanglin zwl29107