OK, so pretty soon I'll have 4 ex-wives and an "ex-administrator". At least I won't have to send any alimony payments. I can live with this. see signature...
The weird thing is, I actually like the 10 start menu... I've unpinned all of the tiles because I don't care for the tile aesthetic, and I'm left with a quite usable single column start menu--instead of adding a second column, they've put all the needed functionality into a right-click start-menu context menu (a la' 8.x). Only thing I noticed was that the default start menu text is too small...setting up scaling size and fonts doesn't affect the start-menu text size, but there's another setting (in Display, I believe) that allows you to quadruple (it looks like) the start menu font as well as the log-in screen fonts--that makes it plenty large enough. Still, unless I missed it, the start menu needs more customization options to allow for font-size changes in particular...
Since the All Apps view acts like the one from start screen it's a horrible mess after installing my needed programs. At least they should offer the option to sort folders before apps. Still it lacks the right-side fly-out functionality for Sys Panel and Management i prefer. So far it's a condensed Start Screen with slighly advanced functionality but not even near a functional start menu. It even lacks a direct LogOff function.
You're wrong, just in part. Violence solves many things but in the long run, in the great scheme of things. Nonetheless, due we, all human species, are sensible beings, we don't want violence in any form or mean. It is destructive, please watch other members attitude toward you, don't respond with anger and violence in your words... just saying.
Can we get back to Way to Disable Keylogger please, say-no-to-data-mining needs his own general discussion thread, to air all his opinions.
The book 1984 has contributed to the paranoia in the country. I do not consider 1984 a prime book for this discussion. I down right hate the books of that time period and lump them with Ayn Rand in being down right terrible. Yes, I did purposefully avoid those books because let me think it was the middle of the cold war and everyone thought they were going to die. Thus the bleak attitude of the time period. The patriot act was passed by president bush. That is all I have to say. What I said was that you need to know what your doing to the Windows 10 TP with the script before installing it. The problem is that we are doing packet tracing on the Windows 10 TP. I'd like to think everyone can do this however we need to fish out what is being done all the time on the OS and whats user actions. If you can do the Wireshark testing along with the IP logging for each IP going back n forth between the Windows 10 TP and the MS servers. Then by all means go ahead. We are still evolving the script in order to fit the problem.
take it to court, find a lawyer and be the first to go after MS on data mining in Windows 10 Toilet Paper. Who knows, maybe you will get famous and rich all at the same time. As far as "attacks" go online, I have always found it rather odd that someone can pull a "tone" from a bunch of text. Especially when there are literally 10 or more people of different languages participating in any one thread, each with their own known way of producing a sentence. Japanese for example can be very blunt, but by no means are most of them intentionally trying to be. I personally think it comes down to the people who think that they are being attacked are just a bit overly sensitive and read far too much into any text they may read.
Hey when we say Windows 10 Toilet Paper it brings to mind Windows Embedded POSready. Windows Embedded Piece Of s**t ready.
Ok you want to make it political. I'll make it political. Joe Mccarthy was the worse politician in history. There I said it and it wasn't even that hard. Now for the rationalization of why he was the worse politician in history. McCarthy brought in an age of fear at the cost of rationality and facts. He started a witch hunt that engulfed the entire nation without any merit. This was the ultimate low point for the entire country as groups are people were stereotyped and summarily slandered. It was a time where I could point a finger at any person here and call them a communist and people would believe me without any backing. People started no longer attacked the politics they simply attacked the person aka ad hominen. Ad Hominem – Literally against the man. Attacking the person and not the actual argument. Ya I have no problem pouring a bucket of ice water on your supposed ideals. Your ideals are flawed and they represent an extreme in this country which is despicable. The representation of the extreme over moderation and rationality.