Well paid "slave". After reading (some) of the "documented" info about the "microsoft keylogger" on this thread, I am very curious of your opinion on the subject --> hxxp://neowin.net/news/googles-audio-listening-software-has-been-installed-on-computers-without-permission I bet you will all come and tell me that's B.S. because google said isn't true.
Thanks for this guide, some people like privacy, the PRISM program and other Government spying programs are still functioning like the Snowden leaks confirmed.
there so many users use this OS and know nothing about this Microsoft making too many one-side steps lately
they been loggin what we do for the last 10 years. If its not MS it's the ISP... big bank wins.. So if MS wants data, it can afford to get it from the isp.. the posts I read about why this and why that crashes it what they care about. its given to get feedback and I plan on trying it out myself. I have been with this forum for some time, and have learned a lot but some people sshouldn't be here if they are so worried what MS may see!!!
I'll just wrap things up for you all There is NO such thing as a keylogger. Gabe Aul had said at one point way back when that it wasn't real Now...where was I oh ya... Thread closed
Well, it's not a keylogger, but we were working on ways to disable the telemetry and stuff in preparation for RTM for privacy reasons.
What's the verdict, do they offer an opt-out in the 10240 release. Is it respected by the system or does it turn itself back on. What about corporate users, anyone find the group policy or domain method to disable it everywhere.
I see, you mean you cannot turn it off using the GUI.... I wonder if we track down the registry key this setting affects, will applying that to PRO or HOME cause the desired effect.
I was going to look, but haven't the time yet. Id like to install ENT and can see what changes in the REG when that is set to OFF, then we would have an idea where to look with pro/home.
Nah, don't go to all that trouble. Only need to open/find the correct ADMX file in the windows folder. It'll list the registry key and possible values. C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions
Code: grep -r "Telemetry" . ./AppCompat.admx: <policy name="AppCompatTurnOffApplicationImpactTelemetry" class="Machine" displayName="$(string.AppCompatTurnOffApplicationImpactTelemetry)" explainText="$(string.AppCompat_TurnOffApplicationImpactTelemetry_Help)" key="Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\AppCompat" valueName="AITEnable"> ./DataCollection.admx: <policy name="AllowTelemetry" class="Machine" displayName="$(string.AllowTelemetry)" explainText="$(string.AllowTelemetry_Explain)" presentation="$(presentation.AllowTelemetry)" key="Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection"> ./DataCollection.admx: <enum id="AllowTelemetry" valueName="AllowTelemetry" required="true"> ./DataCollection.admx: <item displayName="$(string.AllowTelemetry_0)"> ./DataCollection.admx: <item displayName="$(string.AllowTelemetry_1)"> ./DataCollection.admx: <item displayName="$(string.AllowTelemetry_2)"> ./DataCollection.admx: <item displayName="$(string.AllowTelemetry_3)"> ./de-DE/AppCompat.adml: <string id="AppCompat_TurnOffApplicationImpactTelemetry_Help">Die Richtlinieneinstellung steuert den Zustand der Anwendungstelemetrie-Komponente im System. ./de-DE/AppCompat.adml: <string id="AppCompatTurnOffApplicationImpactTelemetry">Anwendungstelemetrie deaktivieren</string> ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <string id="AllowTelemetry">Telemetrie zulassen</string> ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <string id="AllowTelemetry_0">0 â?" Aus [Nur Enterprise]</string> ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <string id="AllowTelemetry_1">1 â?" Einfach</string> ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <string id="AllowTelemetry_2">2 â?" Erweitert</string> ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <string id="AllowTelemetry_3">3 â?" Vollständig</string> ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <string id="AllowTelemetry_Explain">Diese Richtlinieneinstellung legt den Umfang der an Microsoft gemeldeten Diagnose- und Nutzungsdaten fest. Der Wert 0 gibt an, dass keine Telemetriedaten von Betriebssystemkomponenten an Microsoft gesendet werden. Die Einstellung des Werts 0 ist nur auf Enterprise- und Servercomputer anwendbar. Wenn der Wert 0 für andere Geräte festgelegt wird, entspricht dies der Auswahl des Werts 1. Beim Wert 1 wird nur eine beschränkte oder grundlegende Menge von Diagnose- und Nutzungsdaten gesendet. Durch das Festlegen der Werte 0 oder 1 verschlechtert sich teilweise die Benutzererfahrung auf dem Gerät. Beim Wert 2 werden erweiterte Diagnose- und Nutzungsdaten gesendet. Beim Wert 3 werden die gleichen Daten wie beim Wert 2 plus zusätzliche Diagnosedaten gesendet, z. B. der Systemzustand zum Zeitpunkt des Hängenbleibens oder Absturzes sowie die Dateien und der Inhalt, durch die das Problem möglicherweise verursacht wurde. ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <presentation id="AllowTelemetry"> ./de-DE/DataCollection.adml: <dropdownList refId="AllowTelemetry" noSort="true" defaultItem="1"></dropdownList> ./inetres.admx: <policy name="SiteDiscoveryEnableWMI" class="Both" displayName="$(string.SiteDiscoveryEnableWMI)" explainText="$(string.IE_Explain_SiteDiscoveryEnableWMI)" key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\WMITelemetry" valueName="Active"> ./inetres.admx: <policy name="SiteDiscoveryEnableXML" class="Both" displayName="$(string.SiteDiscoveryEnableXML)" explainText="$(string.IE_Explain_SiteDiscoveryEnableXML)" presentation="$(presentation.SiteDiscoveryEnableXML)" key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\WMITelemetry"> ./inetres.admx: <policy name="SiteDiscoveryZoneAllowList" class="Both" displayName="$(string.SiteDiscoveryZoneAllowList)" explainText="$(string.IE_Explain_SiteDiscoveryZoneAllowList)" presentation="$(presentation.SiteDiscoveryZoneAllowList)" key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\WMITelemetry"> ./inetres.admx: <policy name="SiteDiscoveryDomainAllowList" class="Both" displayName="$(string.SiteDiscoveryDomainAllowList)" explainText="$(string.IE_Explain_SiteDiscoveryDomainAllowList)" presentation="$(presentation.SiteDiscoveryDomainAllowList)" key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\WMITelemetry"> Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection] "AllowTelemetry"=dword:00000000
Spoiler I would have guessed 0 and 1, (on and off) but not settings 2 and 3. So what are the other telemetry levels ? My german decoder ring can only figure out a few of those words from the ADML.