Code: <string id="AllowTelemetry">Allow Telemetry</string> <string id="AllowTelemetry_0">0 - Off [Enterprise Only]</string> <string id="AllowTelemetry_1">1 - Basic</string> <string id="AllowTelemetry_2">2 - Enhanced</string> <string id="AllowTelemetry_3">3 - Full</string> <string id="AllowTelemetry_Explain">This policy setting determines the amount of diagnostic and usage data reported to Microsoft. A value of 0 indicates that no telemetry data from OS components is sent to Microsoft. Setting a value of 0 is applicable to enterprise and server devices only. Setting a value of 0 for other devices is equivalent to choosing a value of 1. A value of 1 sends only a limited, or basic, amount of diagnostic and usage data. Note that setting values of 0 or 1 will degrade certain experiences on the device. A value of 2 sends enhanced diagnostic and usage data. A value of 3 sends the same data as a value of 2, plus additional diagnostics data, such as the system state at the time of a hang or crash, and the files and content that may have caused the problem.
that's what I thought, it's re-enabled, there must be another place too and most likely a task to delete.
There are 3 'shady' tasks: Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser (\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience), Consolidator (\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program) and DmClient (\Microsoft\Windows\Feedback\Siuf), others look familiar.
Disabled both ProgramDataUpdater and Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser, nothing changes in Settings/Privacy/Feedback & diagnostics.
We are quite beyond that level of stuff my friend. This is basic feedback that MS gets in order to patch issues (presumed).
So what else to do, disable Consolidator task? Or all of them (Consolidator, KernelCeip and UsbCeip tasks)?
it's simple. We figure out how it's disabled in Enterprise and try to figure out how to do it in Pro/Core
could be easy, turn in on and dump sc query >D:\services-telemetry-on.txt and after turning it of and reboot sc query >D:\services-telemetry-off.txt after that compare both files.
When I was writing the automation for disabling the telemetry and such. In my mind there really was no need to dive into the kernel level stuff because the services handle the feedback that MS gets.
Unfortunately, MS has a habit of leaving things running even while disabled. I didn't see any tasks in taskschd.msc that stood out. I mean there's the obvious CEIP, but nothing that screams : "I'm going to reset things when you reboot."