Hard to tell the difference between good heart people and those who just want to win

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by timesurfer, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #21 timesurfer, Jan 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2012
    Yen is one hot babe :eek:

    I think this is where the concept of god or all life comes into play where each thing is always interdependent yet independent of each other thing or at least interconnected. Seems not beyond reason that that a mother could be loving herself and her child at the same "time". There might be a greater love than just per person but the purely logical mind dismisses any connection that is unprovable yet how boring it is to live at the pace or limits of what is provable :p

    Also the idea of one-way love is quite linear and I do not subscribe

    Like Redroad suggests many times we can be lacking love at one moment in time but have love cause someone is praying for us. Someone who realizes the evil game to isolate and ostracise a person because of many reasons yet these who pray are more clever and intuitive and keep praying and loving god even when they are at the face of the most evils like the indigenous genocide still overlooked by the general public

    You got to have some powerful love to sustain it when your people are slaughtered and invalidated violently

    God favors the merciful *The Quran* meaning mercy is the highest level not that "god" wouldn't love the wicked. The wicked need the most love of all. However some say that if you give the wicked love or "truth" they become more wicked so be careful ;)
  2. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    To Mr Acrsn;
    I strongly disagree, because, I think people who do not get satisfaction/happiness by helping others, do not help at all. Or, do you think people who help others, even if their helping does not make them happy, or even if it doesn't give them "good-feeling" of some sort?

    As I said earlier, this issue of an action's selfishness or unselfishness depends, not on whether or not you want to perform it, but on why you want to perform it. By what criteria you decided/ignored to perform it? To achieve what goal? When you face these sort of questions, you also need to think, what would happen to you if you decide "not" to help others? Does that make you (relatively) uncomfortable then? just think about it.
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  3. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Its very nice to have a conversation with you sir and you're always welcome to my country (India)

    “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Albert Einstein
    I agree with the quote , imagination is definitely more important than knowledge because imagination is also the ability to see something which is not in reality in front of our eyes... the ability to to imagine urges us to achieve it... knowledge is the byproduct and in some ways the medium to achieve the imagined or desired results. had not imagination played its vital role.. no scientist could have invented or created several things, we're using now!

    Yes you're right and I agree.
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  4. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    “afflictions are classed as peripheral mental factors and are not themselves any of the six main minds [eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mental consciousnesses]. however, when any of the afflicting mental factors becomes manifest, a main mind [a mental consciousness] comes under its influence, goes wherever the affliction leads it, and 'accumulates' a bad action.

    there are a great many different kinds of afflictions, but the chief of them are desire, hatred, pride, wrong view and so forth. of these, desire and hatred are chief. because of an initial attachment to oneself, hatred arises when something undesirable occurs. further, through being attached to oneself the pride that holds one to be superior arises, and similarly when one has no knowledge of something, a wrong view that holds the object of this knowledge to be non-existent arises.

    how do self-attachment and so forth arise in such great force? because of beginningless conditioning, the mind tightly holds to 'i, i' even in dreams, and through the power of this conception, self-attachment and so forth occur. this false conception of 'i' arises because of one's lack of knowledge concerning the mode of existence of things. the fact that all objects are empty of inherent existence is obscured and one conceives things to exist inherently; the strong conception of 'i' derives from this. therefore, the conception that phenomena inherently exist is the afflicting ignorance that is the ultimate root of all afflictions.”
    Dalai Lama XIV

    I see the red bit from a couple people at MDL :biggrin5:
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  5. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Desire is/may be the root cause of everything according to Bhgawat Geeta "From attachment desire is born, from desire anger is born and out of anger confusion arises and through confusion memory wander, from loss of memory the intelligence is destroyed; from the destruction of intelligence a man is lost."
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  6. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    Lost--> Revelation --> expansion --> Enlightenment :aerobueke:
  7. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Desire comes from purely being locked into the conciousness of being physical. When one is identifying with the eternal spririt of one's self there is no need to desire because all is available and there is nothing to be attached to since there is only the never ending self which is the creator of anything and never needs anything thus never would identify with wanting since there are no limits in the spritual part of our being

    This is very hard to attain when one believes they are only temporal
  8. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    You've written some complicated yet very interesting words in this post and I would like you to define those words please.
    What is consciousness and is there any spirit in our body sir?
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  9. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Please don't bring god in to this discussion 'cos whose existence or non-existence hasn't yet been proven.;)

    Loving herself and the child too is an extension of a mother’s happiness, a need and a source of happiness. One can not find a mother conceiving and giving birth to a baby does not become happy. It is her own need that make her to bear a child and that happiness is the driving force.
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  10. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #30 timesurfer, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
    Mechanically speaking we have a body of time and a body of space. The body of space without reference to the body of time is considered low consciousnesses since it does not recognize anything but the physical. Hence consciousness would be defined as being aware of more than the body of space which will lead into my response to you sid_16 who from you body of space is trying to censore me cause you aren't resonating with your eternal part or part of you that is God which your devices cannot prove or measure so you in your analyzer eliminate the "missing " variable God or Cosmic Time/Eternity which indeed has a mechanical nature to it but not in the linear fashion science holds dear

    No offense but misery has always loved company and if a certain person has only so much awareness then others must only have the same. And in the insecurities of our sciences with their lack of an unified field theory they themselves don't have the ultimate answer that you must indeed resonate with not analyze to get informed of greater things that as a planetary group we have amnesia of and till we acknowledge there are variables we are not including in our "observation" as an subjective observer like our humble indigenous have kept secret for us for generations. Ultimately in true complete science the subjective observer and the object perceived are one ;) But some/many will argue that point and block others from having what they cannot in their limited static perspective

    The soul is the ultimate measuring "device" and if one does not resonate with it one cannot free himself from the physical and thus free himself from the torture of desires. The torture of being just physical. Buddha's teaching at it's root :worthy:

    Couple things:

    I started this thread so it's intent to be open to interpretation is still standing

    Second we are not censoring our members here. We all together have information so we will allow all here to speak in light debate

    Third, it sounds like you haven't experienced unconditional love and are in your analyzer which is great to play with but ultimately comparison and contrast and analyzation when looking at bigger things makes you blind. Imagine reading a book with good information but it is missing the last 260 pages. You'll never get the BIG picture with so many pages missing. And our indigenous types have been invalidated enough with their having those missing pages but you have to extend yourself beyond your current limits to and leave your comfotability of your sciences lack of any unified field theory

    Finally there are things of an self-existing nature so one can be happy without reason or intent just F'n happy for no reason. This however is a non-linear perspective which is the only way to prepare one's self for understanding eternity or God. Perhaps the word God wouldn't be so threatening if it was not percieved outside one's self. But if that is true that God does not exist outside one's self then it is we that are, are cause and effect not some outside force that is unprovable to partial, temporary and ego-based current contemporary "science"

    Free your mind and free the body

    Heal the mind/soul heal the body

    These are my stories and I'm sticking to them :p...lol
  11. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    As you've mentioned in the later part of this post that the original question of this thread is remained unanswered and if you like for the sake of argument can we continue this off topic discussion ? So since you are a man of science, let's examine some scientific facts.

    As per classical physics light are electromagnetic waves of certain frequency range. According to quantum mechanics light has wave particle duality and wave becomes particle when observed by a conscious observer.

    Fine; but how does particle become light? We do not find any mechanism on our brain/body which can convert particle or wave to light. We only know that light of different colors is nothing but an experience or feeling created by the mind when photons are processed in the brain.

    Same goes for other senses too. Sound is an experience created by mind when pressure waves are processed by the brain. Taste, Smell and touch too are feelings or experiences and not physical entities.

    In short we can say that the universe as we understand by sensory perception is an experience created by our consciousness. What is out there is quite different; a colorless, odorless, tasteless, senseless, dark and silent entity called the universe. The sun is not a shining object. It sends out energy waves but the shine is a creation of the mind not of the sun. The heat of the sun also is another feeling created by the kinetic energy of electrons in our body.

    Therefore, one thing we can reasonably assume that the world that we perceive is a creation of our mind. We know approximately what is used for that creation but do not know how it is created. (We do not know what a mind is or what feelings are made of but we are very sure that only we have it. I find it strange.)

    If mind is the creator of the world as we perceive, it is obvious that memories are creations of the mind(I omitted the God part ) and not vice-versa as you suggest.

    Hence another perplexing fact emerges. Our body also is part of the external world. So body too must be a creation of the mind?? If mind creates body what creates mind? I find it very confusing. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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  12. exo-dan

    exo-dan MDL Senior Member

    Aug 22, 2009
    I just want to jump in and say that frauds usually end up giving themselves up without even realizing it-that is all
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  13. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Since, it's midnight in my country, I'll reply the rest tomorrow.
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  14. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #34 timesurfer, Jan 21, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
    Yea BS is only BS for a limited "duration" of time...lol


    But the prophecies of this "end" time are that the mind is creating right now, not just once and final

    Who creates the mind you say?

    Better question. Who's mind is the creator of the universe?

    Is the mind of all life the mind of God? Do we have that same mind?

    I also noticed we we're going off topic but with an undetermined topic left open to interpretation I don't belive we can go too far to the right or left IMHO

    Please use words like perplexing more

    A plethora of perplexing words would be appreciated :D...lol

    Ha ha I win then

    Just kidding I'll talk to you tomorrow

    Take care sid_16

  15. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    Any reason or an example sir.

    What is that thought process then?

    Sir, I cited you so many examples that each and every action can be described as “Selfish”..and Selfishness itself is not bad. It is something else which makes it bad or good.

    Can you please cite me any example (as I reiterated in my previous posts as well) of any action done as a Self-less act and nothing received or anticipated in return.?
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  16. sid_16

    sid_16 MDL Giveaway Organiser

    Oct 15, 2011
    #36 sid_16, Jan 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
    There is 'no' work or act you do and you receive 'nothing' !
    Can one imagine that doing some kinda acts one receives "nothing"?

    There is nothing as such "Unconditional" about Love.
    Two important points about "Unconditional Love".
    1: Love without any expectation.
    2: Love without expecting anything out of you (receiver of love).

    Another point I would make here is....expectation from the receiver of love is immaterial
    ...the point should be one who loves "unconditionally" gets "nothing" !

    Let us analyses:
    what may be the expectations: some material gains (money, power, luxury..and the likes..) or some abstract gains (happiness, pleasure and the likes..)!

    Again, material gain is not the "end", rather it is the intermediate means to fetch abstract gains (happiness and pleasure) finally.

    Hence the final expectation must be "happiness".

    Now see, Can there be a person who loves ("unconditionally") and does not receive "happiness"?...The answer must be NO.

    Then how can we talk of Unconditional Love which is altogether absent or which is non-existent!

    Another off topic discussion sir and if you permit me to say something about the conditional or unconditional love then I would like to ask here to define 'love' first then we'll go further at conditional/unconditional love. What is love, how can you distinguish the difference between loving a sister and a girlfriend or the difference between loving a car/dog or loving the beloved wife?:biggrin5:
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  17. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    Sid what is the purpose of this exercise you are engaging in? You have contradicted yourself several times here. I could point them out to you but I believe a more meaningful exercise for all concerned would be for you to seek them out in this thread and post them as a sign of good faith with others here so a more fruitful discourse may emerge.

    I am concerned for you. You went to sleep last night with this thread on your mind and you awoke with it on your mind. It has become an obsession. I will leave you to decide whether that is of benefit to your well being.

    Your obsession with winning the debate is blinding you from seeing your good heart.

    My good heart reaches out to you.:empathy3: There is only love Sid nothing else.
  18. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Unconditional love = Love given without any desire to receive back or free love

    This is whether or not you receive back, the "original intent" was to give freely not for reward whether reward existed or not

    Maybe Sid forgot to take his medication :shisha:

    Just kidding Sid like everyone here at MDL your free to your opinion

    We just try to use our collective information as building blocks to higher communication and understandings but some us are using our feelings to do this and some are in their analyzer so we can ultimately agree to disagree :p

    That is a good topic thought regarding cosmic origins and such "original intent"

    We are given mostly painful memories on average in history but not always pain

    I think history is about planet earth being a food source for certain higher beings

    Perhaps it was not always so that higher beings fed off the pain or fear

    Perhaps the higher being in us will change the food source to that of feeding off of the pleasure of earth not it's pain

    Hence pleasure will be the common denominator and freedom not slavery and suffering
  19. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    A load on nonsense in the last couple posts, apparently people don't know the meaning of unconditional.
    Unconditional love has to do with circumstance it has nothing to do with freedom or expectations.
    An example of unconditional love is as follows.
    Suppose you have a mother whose child has been charged and convicted of murder in the first degree.
    In general people would shun such a person. However the mother may still love her child no matter what
    they have done. That is unconditional, to those who don't know what unconditional means here is a definition:
    unconditional[ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl]adj1. without conditions or limitations; total unconditional surrender
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  20. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #40 redroad, Jan 22, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2012
    I was imagining you saying the words of your post with a proper accent made me smile :biggrin5: especially "A load on nonsense in the last couple posts" Love you man