@nodnar: Thank you for that reply. I waited to see what You would say, since it's your thread. There will always be people who think that everything is a conspiracy, everything the government does is illegal, and the government is out to get them. Sad to say, that's what psychiatric help is for. And only an arrogant fool assumes that He / She knows somebody intimately, based on a few replies to a post. IMHO, his posts will eventually force the closing / locking of this thread. It's sad to say, but there are many Americans who feel that their political opinion is critically important to the rest of the world. It's not. Not at all. To many Non-Americans, US politics is like a bad soap opera. A select few droning and whining on about the same issues day after day. They do it to the point that people push them away. They alienate themselves, spend way too much time alone, and ultimately become so embittered with their precious nugget of truth that the remainder of their lives are spent in misery. These same people whine about being alone all the time. My Wife / Girlfriend / friends deserted Me because ___________ (Insert your rationale here) There are certain truths that, when known, cause your psyche more harm than good. I am wise enough to recognize that fact. This windmill is -not- worth tilling. Peace... :MJ
@ m.j; thanks, there is so much truth in what you say. you say arrogance, i was tempted to say megalomania.. i just would not care to wear brown here.. And it crossed my mind that there would be no harm at all if the thread is closed. it is pointless to explain to some contributors that the us is not the world.. i just wonder what makes them tick.
I sense that someone in this thread is a hillbilly from Texas who wants to secede simply because their bigoted ego says so. They then decide to troll a thread by playing psychologist, when in fact they are the ones that need to see a psychologist.
@nodnar: It's hyper self-importance created by an over-inflated ego. That, coupled with mild paranoia, creates the delusional state of the conspiracy theorist. (Now who's being a psychologist. ) @R29k: I'm beginning to suspect that myself. :MJ
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but sometimes you need to remove some of the parts so as not to taint the whole.
@xXBlackWidowXx: the reference made by R29k has -NOTHING- to do with racism or bigotry. It was a -Specific- statement aimed at a -specific- member. Please do not read into it or assume that it is a blanket statement aimed at you, texas, or any other US member other than its' intended recipient. Peace... :MJ
On a side note, don't you find a state that wants to secede, and pushes the agenda even more when a black man becomes president, to be quite racist ? The problem I find is that people don't want to call a spade a spade !
h tt p://blogs.reuters.com/jamesrgaines/2014/09/19/one-in-four-americans-want-their-state-to-secede-from-the-u-s-but-why/ h tt p:// www .presstv.com/Detail/2015/02/23/398896/States-seceding-from-US-Ron-Paul
The 2 party system that you are referring to is an illusion. It's two sides of the same coin that is funded by big pharma and corporations. You can see that with both parties allowing obama to become an king with TPA & TPP. Search Wikileaks for TPP (and actually read the documents) and you'll notice that there is much more in there than some "trade partnership", including, environment, pro-slavery, gun control, pharmaceuticals and on and on. They are preparing for a global government. They are going to control every aspect of your life.
The original racists, the KKK was created by Democrats. Go do your homework instead of blindly following the government propaganda. From Wikipedia: The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply "the Klan", includes three distinct movements in the United States. The first sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South during the Reconstruction Era............. ......it sought to restore white supremacy by threats and violence, including murder, against black and white Republicans. The truth is that less than 2% of people in the south below the Mason/Dixon line were racist and actually owned slaves. The civil war was about freedoms, not slaves and race.
We all know they are two sides of the same coin. The difference is that one is being blatantly disrespectful to the ordinary working man with their 47% statements and their billionaires that run around saying that the working class don't pay enough taxes and should pay more. While the billion dollar corporations should not have taxes since they are "job creators etc". While the corporations patriotism to the USA is to move their head offices overseas to hide from taxes. The fact is that the majority of people are working class and any one with any commonsense will see it one way.
You are bringing up something that started in the 1800s , what year are we in now ? Are you also going to be comparing Lincoln to Mitt Romney ? They are from the same party but different eras and different ideologies. Lincoln would be completely ashamed of this current lot of Republicans.
MYTH - Abraham Lincoln was the Great Emancipator. FACT - While Lincoln has went down in history as the Great Emancipator, many would not care to hear his real thoughts on people of color. Martyred President Abraham Lincoln was fervently making plans to send all freed slaves to the jungles of Central America once the war was over. Knowing that African society would never allow the slaves to return back to Africa, Lincoln also did not want the slaves in the US. He thought the jungles of Central America would be the best solution and conducive to the freed slaves best interest. The only thing that kept this from happening, was his assassination.
@BlackWidow: Very interesting... But what does this have to do with the OPs' question? It might be best to close this thread after all... :MJ
Gimmie a break, as far off as threads go off in this entire site, it would be hypocritical of a mod to close this thread because one question leads to another and so on. It is a discussion after all, not every single post will directly relate to the OP. If you think otherwise then read through the Windows 10 threads. Simply the OP question is "has our world changed, after snowden?" Well yes, and it has changed by waking up more of the sheeple that continue to take the blue pill and believe everything that their government tells them. That includes the lies that have been told about former and current prominent figures in government and history. I can tell that even though that you say that you have served in the armed forces in whatever capacity, your eyes are not open to the fact that wars are for nothing but profit for government officials and the corporations that they serve. Until this is undone you will be a sheeple, with the government taking over every aspect of your life one piece at a time. That is what Snowden has shown us, and he is not the first but he has exposed the bulk of what has been leaked about how the US government is watching and spying on everyone on the planet and slowly taking away the freedoms that you fought for. Take for example that vaccines and prescription drugs kill more people each year than all other forms of death combined, yet California has said that vaccines for schoolchildren is mandatory, and now they are going after adults too. Where has the freedom of choice gone? It has gone to big pharma choosing for you, and when it kills you or gives you a life long disabilities you can no longer sue the company that made the vaccine. Don't believe me? Read the TPP. It's on Wikileaks. Then there is the Confederate Battle Flag. That is just a big distraction. In fact there were black, Asian, white, and Mexicans that fought WITH the southern states in the confederate army. The confederate battle flag was no more than that. It was a battle flag to differentiate the south soldiers from the north ones. That is the truth, look it up. No one had a problem with it until obama seen that picture of that stupid kid that went and shot up a church. Do you know what was happening at the exact same time that obama made his statement on TV about that incident? Congress was ramming through fast track authority for obama and his "trade treaties" (That are completely unconstitutional in every way). So while the US government continues to dismantle the Constitution one piece at a time remember the oath that you took to get into the armed forces: "I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." and remember that support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic comes before obeying the orders of the POTUS. It was written that way for a reason.