hi , i want to ask you if it's possible to connect the bios to the lpt with little wires without desoldering it from the mobo .
Just read p.3. in my guide. It's impossible, interface working with errors. And if you can solder 8 wires to little chip then it's not more difficulty to desolder it. !! And about guide, DON't use too long DATA wires between LPT and microchip. I soldered resistors to chip, then about 15cm wires resistors to LPT.
in this case i cant apply this method , i dont have any practice in soldering . Thanks for answering but still waiting for a "soft" recovery method .
Thanks Archimedz for the guide, you have been more helpful than emachine. I'm gonna try it this weekend, will report back to forum if it works for me also. Heat gun is best to do this job, i have remove surface mount chips this way in the past also. Stay tuned.....
Thanks for the guide Archimadz!! Just have a few noob questions before i try it. Are condensators the same as capacitors? And when i figure out what it is do i connect it pin 8 and pin 4 with the right polarity, or have i completely gotten this wrong? Thanks again!!
Yes, but as I say you can try without it's. Capacitor needed to clear noise of impulse power supply. You can try to use any 3V cell battery, it must to work! pin 1 has little dot on chip package, pin 4 GND (-), pin 3,7,8 connected to 3,3 Volt (+) On electrolytic capacitors GNT (-) has marked with stripes (or something like this)
Well i dunno if all chip bios are the same but mine says cFeon F80-75hcp K9(B OR 8)A12A (small characters)Im sure its --B-- K9BA12A F003E0A CONNECTed and getting error, im thinking this chip isnt supported or im doing something wrong. can you plz confirm if its the same chip?
I've repaired one em350 over the weekend using this tutorial. Thanks Archimedz The most difficult part was to take out the keyboard . Chip was Winbond W25Q80 200mil soic 8, removed from the MB with a hot air gun and after programming soldered back to the MB also with a hot air gun. PS wire length is critical for good communication. BR
ok FROM mexico EMACHINES EM350 REPAIRED, AND F**k emachines!!!!! LPT1 bios recovery successfull ty ARCHIMEDZ you save my life now recover some information .CHIP was cFeon F80-75hcp PROOF PICS: BTW i got error cuz gnd pin was desoldered My bad when i reconnect the other PC ill attach the LPT PORT with bios AND netbook working PICS TY AGAIN saved me to spend 200 dollars
it's easy , after removing the screws under the case , lift up the left upper corner of the keyboard , then do the same on the right side and upper side , then remove gently keyboard keeping attenction to his connector , now remove remaining screws and is gone !
No success I am not lucky this time. i successfully programmed the chip with the interface but when put all net book parts together it still did not boot. it was silent dead with no power light and no fan spin.
o_o that happened to me cuz the chip was soldered bad to MOBO check it , pins orientation and soldering
Don't forget that Acer/eMachines might accept this as a warranty fix. They did for me (Australia, 5 months old). I just reported the symptoms and did not mention the attempted update to 1.09. It was on 1.08 already. It took them about 10 days and I got my old NetBook back with a new motherboard installed. It came with 1.06 which I updated to 1.08 using my own BIOS mod for Windows 7 OEM. This was a proven BIOS which I'd been using for several weeks so no risk. Good service, but then it was their own fault for offering the download publicly so I don't feel too guilty. My opinion? Wait for a few weeks before using a BIOS update next time.......!! After all, there was no good reason for using it to be honest......