And what they are doing with the System? I don't think they just make windows genuine. If they don't patch HAL, they must do something with the HAL and that something is done with the application or service present in the system, hence the software modd.
I see you need to check how the loader works (because it is not the way you think) Why to patch hal? Loader is not a crack sebus
I don't know and I do not care about loaders. My question to you is: Do you think when someone installs loader that nothing is changed in the system? If your answer is yes, then I can only say that you are not the best person for this discussion. And to repeat again: Complete rubbish.
Of course something is changed, the loader of the OS (hence the name maybe?) If you do not care, then do not spread false info, as some members might take it as truth, especially with you status sebus
And what is my status? Don't post rubbish and try to cover that with more rubbish. BIOS modding is not software mod, because it doesn't use any application that installs anything or changes anything in the system. Prove me wrong or shut the Hell up.
Sebus, where is your proof? I am waiting to see your explanation, because you wrote that I am a liar. I don't care about infractions, because this is a question of honor which you don't have, but I do.
Thanks guys for your input ... Wow ... Guys, this has really turned into some thing here... All i know is there is a few ways of making (fake genuine) activations and legit activations ( again fake? ) but by different methods and im not a programmer by any means ( please correct me if im wrong which i think i may be somewhere along the line ). There is the loaders which bypasses the original M$ bootloader that would do all the checks (post boot) and yes it changes some thing but not the original installation ( adds some type of boot strap / boot.ini line ) so that the M$ boot is not used and passes pre-boot requisitions ? and if you can use the relevant key strokes on boot you can bypass the loader and it will still boot into original version but with the limit of 30 days ( minus how many days you have used the loader for ) i think that means it will ask you to activate if past 30 ? But the boot loader will bypass this. Then you have the kms activation where the operating system thinks it has activated with M$ as the kms answerd the question " is this key valid = yes = genuine" where as M$ will say key can only be used once. ( i dont know the full info or if that is 100% right , its just an understanding i think i have of all this ?) Hope you guys can straighten my info out for me and any others..... just tying to help if it is helping ? thanks MDL for making available all that is worthy. And thanks to all the replys
Hi man, All i have used is the keygen and it worked 2nd time for me using the insructions there with it. good luck
I guess I missed that ZWT KMS would work for Server (I've used it for Office). I have the "TIMEBASED_EVAL channel" flavor of R2. I have read that it will activate with either a VL or retail key. Would this mean that ZWT KMS would work with it, or must I do something else first to "convert" to straight VL? I can't seem to find a thread on people talking about this in relation to Server.
Thanks, but I'm afraid I don't know what you mean exactly. Perhaps you mean use slmgr to change the built-in key first, to a VL one, so that I'm on VL channel? Then use ZWT KMS?
@bjf2000 : Best Tip ever --- tried to activate the normal way with the emulator ... everytime got this DNS-Error on Enterprise w2k8 r2 VL ... Your Tip and VAMT 2.0 Tool did the trick ... Bug in 1.53 Thank you very much !!!