I know that Rufus somehow gets ride of that issue, but I have very few USB sticks and I usually have many uses for one of them. For example, for one of my sticks, I use it to install Windows and Linux OSes as well as to carry files to and fro my workplace. I fear that I might lose it and have to buy more. Whatever. Long story short, I want a permanent solution to eliminating the Microsoft account problem checking to the latest version of Windows 11, so is there a tool that can filter out the account check, preferably making a newer image from it in the process like the Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT v2.2 tool? Thanks for the help, and apologies if this is not the right forum.
Only Home (SL) "requires" online accounts, here are all scenarios for 2262x: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...t-on-win-11-home-sl.84109/page-3#post-1737930 (at the first few posts of the thread are more build scenarios shown).
You also can on the question for your account, type in random email address. It will give an error and you can make local account.
Not working for Windows 11 Home (SL) Editions, AFAIK. But even then, with having access to the almighty command line (SHIFT+F10) and knowing a bit of computer kung-fu, all can be circumvented.
Yes, like this. Disable the Internet connection before starting setup, e.g., by disconnecting the LAN cable or disabling Wi-Fi. Windows will display a "Let's connect you to a network" or similar screen. ... On the screen, use Shift-F10 to open a command prompt window. Type OOBE\BYPASSNRO and hit the Enter-key. The other option is this; Enter [email protected] as the email address and click Next when Windows 11 setup prompts you to log into your Microsoft account. ... Enter any text you want in the password field and click Sign in. ... Click Next. ... Enter the username you want to use.
Shift+F10: OOBE\BYPASSNRO that's is actually a system32\oobe\bypassnro.cmd script, that sets a reg key and restarts - since cmd opens in system32, that's the shortest form to type it you don't have to mess with the connection when using this, it makes the I don't have internet option visible afterwards and ofc, if you're online, entering user: a password: a (or [email protected] test) usually works to bypass MSA
The easiest script-less options are mentioned here too: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...t-on-win-11-home-sl.84109/page-3#post-1737930
OK, where in the media do I put the autounattend.xml file in? EDIT: I just read that it must be on the root of the setup folder. Does that mean that it must be where the setup.exe file is since that is the root of the media? EDIT: OK, testing done, I now have the answer file do its thing.