So will regular MAS 1.4 still work for *en-us_windows_11_business_editions_updated_nov_2021_x64_dvd_0bf06ee2.iso adc51e461c76213b28fa4de670eeea9a0bcf2dbbb72122ace4a5c67899af8adf Or do I need one of the newer tools, just asking because I'd rather stick with something safe than a new unknown tool.
It will still work for everything except for the latest development builds (and it doesn't support LTSC 2021/IoT 2021 out of the box). WMIC will most probably not be removed from the current Windows 11 branch.
Install Windows 11 on local account. 1. When you get to the Connect to the Internet window. 2. Connect to a homespot ( Your Smartphone ) and click next 3.You must then normally fill in your account. Now switch off homespot on your Smartphone and afterwards click on ARROW LEFT ABOVE . 4. Here you can enter your local account without any problems
latest insider build, will not install unless Inter connection is active I let him 2 minuets and closed Internet connection. but still annoying
That's since 22557 (started already with 22543) Solution:
The old batch file method still works: Code: @echo off :setacc set /p XLACC="Local account name: " if $%XLACC%==$ goto setacc net.exe user "%XLACC%" /add if errorlevel=1 goto setacc net.exe localgroup Administrators "%XLACC%" /add reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE" /va /f reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /f /v AutoLogonSID reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /f /v DefaultUserName net.exe user defaultuser0 /delete shutdown.exe -l :Eof
Let's agree these entered the internet folklore, and that it does not hurt if it's there. You are gonna laugh, but I got people busting my balls either way - for not including them like Rufus, VirtualBox and the whole internet does. And may I remind you I don't really care about these, I know for a fact in certain situations LabConfig gets ignored, hence why I'm deploying this 100% bypass in MediaCreationTool.bat: Code: $b = [io.file]::ReadAllBytes($winsetup); $h = [BitConverter]::ToString($b) -replace '-' $s = [BitConverter]::ToString([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('Module_Init_HWRequirements')) -replace '-' $i = ($h.IndexOf($s)/2); $r = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('Module_Init_GatherDiskInfo'); $l = $r.Length if ($i -gt 1) {for ($k=0;$k -lt $l;$k++) {$b[$i+$k] = $r[$k]}; [io.file]::WriteAllBytes($winsetup,$b)}; [GC]::Collect()
Microsoft's attitude is that only "Professionals" or "Enterprises" could possibly want to run a computer not connected to the internet.